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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Nawaz,
You stated, 'Please take one dose of Causticum 200C today'. Do you want me to take it daily or take it today and then every 4th day?

Also, do you want mom to just continue everything she's taking at same doses?
She will add the Arnica as it finally arrived today.

Amber's remedies came today and she's already taken her 1st dose...will let you know how it goes.

You're awesome..thanks again!
reece241730 last decade
Dear Rachel, Please take it today any time and then every 4th day. This is an effort to get rid of your itching soon.

By the way, how is the itching right now?

Please describe your energy level at the moment. What I mean is your vital force that gets you going, is it very low, low, medium, high, very high or what?

Remember, causticumers are good people, they worry for other, they cry and contribute.

Please let your mom continue with the current remedies as suggested. I am pleased to know as you said 'Mom says that she feels better than she has felt in a long time.' and above all no pus at this times is coming.

Again, please remember, your mom's case is very complex that will require our hardwork, intelligence, patience and timely actions.

Good luck to Amber, I would like to request feedback at least every 3rd day.

Thanks for the nice words and you are more than welcome.

A lot of prayers for you, your mom, and the family.

May God bless you all.

nawazkhan last decade
I took the dose about 4:30 today and the itching seems to have lessened some. As far as my energy level it is low at the moment..but since Sunday night late I have not slept much at all. Madison got sick early Monday morning then Emma's started late Monday night. So I was up both nights with them and then I did not sleep but about 2-3 hours last night due to the itching. So I'm just kinda of wore out from all that. Maybe after tonight I will feel better. I will let you know in a day or two if there seems to be a change.

Will also update on everyone else then as well.

reece241730 last decade
Hello Nawaz,

I've been thinking...in the spring time of this year when having allergy test, my doc also checked my hormone levels. He said they were not where they should be..to low I guess because he gave me a presciption for a cream that had to be compounded at the pharmacy. I used it for several months with no positive change..I only seemed more moody. When at my annual appt at the Gynocologist earlier this fall she recommended that I stop the cream, which I did. I can't think what it was called or the dosage but I could find out...do you think I might need something for the hormones as well? I feel like I'm being such a nuisence but you are so kind in wanting to help. I thought why not try and fix it all :) :) I also wear glassed -2.75 both eyes. I always had good eye sight until around age 20 in which my job then kept my at the computer all day. I've wore glasses since and they have gradually gotten worse over the years. I'm not a fan of surgery...so I never considered the lasik surgery which they have told me I'd be a perfect canidate.

If this is all too much please tell me so...you've already helped so much with mom that I'll always be grateful.

Thank You,
reece241730 last decade
Dear Nawaz,

Thanks for the reply..

today I have ordered

Sulphur 200C and
Natrum Sulph 6X.

qty 3 each 80 pallett.
fortjames last decade
Dear Rachel, Please relax. It is never all too much. Homeopathy treats the whole person, not just one disease. Therefore, all of your issues, symptoms and past history must be addressed to arrive at a correct remedy.

How is your itching now?

Please continue with the current remedy as suggested and let me work on your case as a whole.

Believe me, I have no problem to receive additional information. It is really helpful.
It is just your kind feelings. Please remember, we all have a lot of problems. You are not alone.

Many many prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz,

How are you? I am better than earlier. I have not taken second prescription as I could not arrange them for now. I will arrange them soon.
You suggested me :-

1. Natrum Sulph 6X, 4 tablets under your tongue, 3 times daily, for 15 days.

2. Calc Sulph 12X, 4 pellets under tongue, 2 times daily, for at least 10 days.

3. Calendula Officinalis 6X, 4 pellets under tongue, 2 times daily, for 10 days.

4. Sulphur 200C, 4 pellets under your tongue, take at least 45 minutes before breakfast (empty stomach), only one weekly dose, for 3 weeks.

5. Ledum Pal. 30C, 4 pellets under tongue, 3 times daily, for 10 days.

Kindly let me know :-
(1). What are the liquid equivalents of 3x, 6x, 12x as I am getting most of medicines in liquid form (Reckweg 49% or 99% etc).
(2). Instead of Calendula Officinalis 6X can I take liquid 'Calendula Officinalis Q Mother tincture'
(3). What is difference between 30c, 200c or 3x,6x, 12x?

My pain is very less now, but I am worried since I have diagnosed of a 2 inch deep fistula last week. Is it possible to heal it through Homeopaty? I have full faith in this therapy but long duration of this disease has made me skeptical :(.

God Bless You
pankajnirwan103 last decade
Hey PankajNirwan, I am fine. Thanks.

Well, continue with the old remedies until your new ones arrive.

Ans. to your Q's.
1. There is no liquid equivalent. You are just getting the same remedy in liquid form not in the pills form.

2. No, you can not use Calendula Officinalis Q Mother tincture.

3. These are what we call potencies (various powers of the remedies).

4. You are asking 'My pain is very less now, but I am worried since I have diagnosed of a 2 inch deep fistula last week. Is it possible to heal it through Homeopaty?'

Yes, it is possible to heal it through homeopathy. But, you must do all right that is required with patience, hardwork, intelligence and sacrifices.

Now, you have no blood coming, am I right?

You have stated '1. I am better than earlier. I have not taken second prescription as I could not arrange them for now. I will arrange them soon.
2. My pain is very less now'.

Considering the above, you have improved quite a bit, no blood, less pain and you are feeling better than earlier. But, now you are worried, skeptical and confused. It appears you have second thoughts, other opinions and to excercise other various options.

Please go ahead and do the best you can to cure anal fistula thru the best option available.

All I can do is to sincerely advise and help. In my opinion, surgery is the most wrong option as it might create more complications and the anal fistula(s) will come back again. There is no quick fix to this problem. One must be patient and respect this serious disease.

I am sorry, I wish I could have a fast solution for you.

Good Luck to you young man, I sincerely pray for your excellent health and happiness.

nawazkhan last decade
Thanks Nawaz for your reply,

I am not going for a surgery that is for sure. I have full faith in Homeopathy that is why I have been under this therapy for last 2 years.
I will be starting second prescription from Sunday onwards.

Thanks a lot,
God Bless you
pankajnirwan103 last decade
Hi FortJames, It was nice of you to place an order for the needed remedies.

Please continue with the current remedies you are taking.

Also, please always post your changing symptoms as these are very helpful to move forward.

Many Prayers.

nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz

Hope you are doing well.

Today is my 3rd day for Apis Mel 200 dosage.

Itching on body has reduced but is still there.

Burning session in groin area is not there. Itching in groin area and around anus has reduced but when it itches, it itches a lot.

I was able to get pallets for Mer Sol 200 and I am expecting Merc Sol 200 liquid in 3 days time.

Please advise if I need to change any dosage or medicine.

I also wanted to check about my niece who is around 10 years old. She suffers from itching all over her body and has some moderate scratches all over. She has few eczyema marks over her body.

Benedryl (anti histamine) does help in her itching as well. Is there some medicine she can take to help with this ?

Thanks for all your help.

AbFisRidden last decade
Hey AbFisRidden, Thanks, I am doing fine.

Have you started on Merc. Sol 200C pellets? If not, then, please do ASAP.

Regarding your niece, I need more information, please complete the following.

1. ID
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)

16. What exactly is happening?

17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
25. Current medicines you are taking?

26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)

36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

Many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz

For me the Apis Mel 200 and Merc Sol 200 (is it once a day or 3 times a day) dosage needs to continue for how long ?

I shall send in niece's info soon.

AbFisRidden last decade
Hi AbFisRidden, Merc Sol 200C, daily dose for 10 days.

Apis Mel 200C, if you have taken 3 doses, then, please stop?

How is your urine flow?

Good Luck.

nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz, I haven't noticed any noticeable change in urine flow or BP. Thanks
AbFisRidden last decade
Hey Amit, Good. BTW, what is the BP reading at the moment?

nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz, BP this morning is 135/93.

What medicine should I take for body itching ? Groin and anus area itching seem to have worsened over night.

Many Thanks for your help.

AbFisRidden last decade
Dear Amit, Did you take Merc Sol yesterday?

nawazkhan last decade
yes Nawan, one dose of Merc Sol 200 pallets. I will be taking another dose later today. Thanks
AbFisRidden last decade
Dear Amit, The temporary itching will go away. If not bearable, you may take a dose of Antimonium Crudum 200C as needed?

Please continue with the remedies as suggested.

A lot of prayers for your comfort and good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Dear Nawaz,
I have been reading this site for the past 2.5 years (on and off) and have followed wonderful Joe's protocol four different times to try to heal my anal fistula. However, it has unfortunately had little effect. I am writing now to ask you for some guidance, if you do not mind!

I have completed the information below that you have requested of others on this forum and hope it will help to identify some remedies for me. I have been pursuing homeopathy since I was diagnosed with the fistula (May 2008) after having a series of anal abscesses triggered by an attack where I was pushed to the ground (October 2007) landing on my coccyx heavily. An abscess formed over the next few days and was treated with antibiotics, came back again a few months later, more antibiotics then a few months later it returned and became a fistula.

I am currently seeing a homeopath (the 5th or 6th i have consulted over the past 2.5 years) and she has prescribed a combined remedy called 'war' which includes belladonna, hepar sulph, penicilin, gunpowder and a few others to help with the expelling of pus (as I have previously had to use a needle to expel the pus as the skin heals over very quickly on the outside). This 'war' remedy was helpful initially when I started taking it three times a day (I do not know what potency it is) 4 weeks ago and it is still helping to expel the pus which is profuse and constant(yellow/green in colour) but I am sometimes having to use a needle again. I have also been prescirbed Medorrhinum (20M) which I took one dose of 2 weeks ago and have to take another does next week. I have noticed no changes at all as yet. I am also taking Nux Vom 200c one dose twice a week to help with my bowels which are spasming an awful lot. This was despite taking Nat Phos 6x and keeping to a very healthy diet and lots of water, and probiotic drink twice a day etc. The stools were and are soft but it is very difficult to pass them due to the spasms - which I feel is tension most probably. The bowel also feels like it is not moving at all - really sluggish especially at the rectal end.

The further information is below:

1. ID Chispas
2. Age 36
3. Sex Female
4. Single
5. weight 8stone 3-4 lbs
6. Height 5' 6'
7. country UK
8. climate temperate
9. List of your complaints
Anal fistula sitting just above the anal sphincter about 3cm below the coccyx, directly below it but slightly to the right

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
May 2008
11. non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweet things and fatty things (sometimes, like butter and oil which I have lots of, omega 3,6 etc on my food ) but mainly sweet
13. Thirst - drink about 2.5-3 litres a day of water
14. Tongue - thin white coating all over with groove down the middle. taste - normal
15. Current BP - generally low blood pressure - healthy but low e.g. 110 over 70

16. What exactly is happening?
Constant formation of pus regardless of if anything in rectum or not, with constant expelling of pus either manually or sometimes on its own (since taking 'war'). Also took wet dose of Myr Seb 30c which had not effect on pus expelling by itself. Still had to use a needle.

17. How do you feel?
Drained and exhausted - like there is tap draining all my energy out of me. I do get pain with it but not like others report on this forum - mainly when sitting down for long time - even with cushions,rubber rings, and get a pressured feeling down the back of my right leg from sitting and sometimes when needing to have a bowel movement or just walking around - as the fistula sits slightly to the right. Also get inflammation in the anal sphincter on the left hand side (at the 'quarter to/past' position if it were a clock)and from the fistula opening down left to the anal sphincter - I think this may be where the tract or one of the tracts is.
18. How does this affect you? As above, tired and exhausted and often feeling dizzy when walking around outside, especially at night when very tired, so if suddenly move my head to look at something I will stagger a bit sometimes.

19. How does it feel like?
When I am sitting down it feels like there is gravel stuck in my bottom!

20. What comes to your mind?

21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
THe attack I mentioned above in October 2008 - where I was head butted in the face and fell to the ground landing on my coccyx. The attacker was someone just walking past me on the street and did not rob me just stood behind me whilst I sat there on the floor in shock, and he apologised in a very insincere voice and just walked off. I am a psychologist so I have done lots of work with myself and other colleagues to address the trauma of this event and feel there is minimal trauma emotionally- now more a case of the fact that it has left me ill for so long ever since. My current homeopath also gave me one dose of a trauma remedy - liquid form which i believe contained 10M arnica and hypericum, 2 weeks ago.

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
25. Current medicines you are taking?
Only homeopathic remedies as mentioned above. And multivitamins and vit c, B complex, Vit E and blue/green algae, and also Milk thistle herbal complex for my liver (prescribed by current homeopath)

26. Family Background Dad has glaucoma and very mild MS, mum - severe osteoporosis
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient
Doctor in Psychology
28. Nature of work, what do you do for living? Psychologist working in adult mental health

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food.
Like: Sweet food, fruit, bread, milky food, yoghurt etc.
Dislike raw onions, radish, garlic.
(Vegetarian but eat eggs occasionally and have dairy)

30. Name of foods which increase your problem .

Anything spicey, particularly ginger

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

I have a constant anxiety about weight, regularly exercising and monitoring what I eat in case I put weight on. I think this is linked to childhood teasing as teenager when I put some weight on. I think I also feel very unsafe a lot of the time about life etc so use the control around food and exercise as a safety net. I am underweight for my height and have not had any periods for the past 10 years. All my dreams are about travelling and never staying anywhere for a long time - e.g. staying at a hotel, hostel, or sharing with others in a student house or similar) - never have dreams about being in my own place and staying there.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
Not noticed any particular pattern

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body).
The fistula is sited above the anal sphincter about 3 cms below the coccyx. I think the tract is directly below the opening and maybe a second tract down to the left to the anala sphincter. The size of the fistula depth is about 1.5 cm (when I have to use a needle that is how much of the needle goes in - directly straight down into the opening - the opening is always there and so easy to put a needle in - seems to need the needle to encourage pus to come out or since taking 'war' remedy comes out with massage, or sometimes on its own, or as mentioned occasionally now with needle)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
Pus colour - yellow mainly and sometimes green. sometimes blood also.

That is a load of information for you Nawaz!

Thank you so so much for all your time and sincere thoughts for us all on this forum.

Just a quick note that I also took calc sulph (30c - not 12x) for 3 months last year 3-4 times a day prescribed by an indian homeopath whilst I was in India - this had not effect at all but I did also discover afterwards that I had typhoid the whole three months also!

My best wishes and many many thanks!

chispas last decade
Salam Nawaz,

I am out of

calcarea sulph 12x
ledum palustre 30C

now...though ordered last week the new medicine

Sulphur 200C and Natrum Sulph 6X.

however, today I have a lot of pain after BM that is worrying me now...also the sinus have come out again i can feel protruding bump ....lets hope it is temporary as I have put a lot of efforts in curing....maybe i started eating meat again...i should go back to being a vegetarian...

please advise
fortjames last decade
Dear Chispas, May The God Almighty bless you? You are indeed a brave, intelligent, pro-active and above all a fine lady. I would like to share your pain and suffering with the best of my abilities.

Please stop all medications, herbal and vitamins immediately. Also, please stop the needle for pus draining and any other external creams etc.

Believe me, you will be on the road to recovery soon that will require our hardwork, patience and full trust in our creator.

As we move forward, depending upon your changing symptoms, you will be needing various remedies.

Let's start with Thuja 1M, take half a glass of water, pour 4 drops of the remedy, stir it nicely with a spoon, then, take only one spoon, the first dose.

Again, take 1 spoon after 45 minutes from the same glass, the second dose.

Last dose from the same glass, please take after 45 minutes of the second dose.

That's it for the day, please no other medications at all for a couple of days. Please cut down on milk, milky products and yogurt for the time being.

Please communicate comprehensively as I have read your case in detail including all other posts.

You are going to need the following remedies soon.

1. Calc Sulph 12X
calc sulph was the correct remedy you took in India, but, unfortunately, the potency 30 was wrong as it tried to dry the pus instead of draining.

2. Natrum Sulph 6X
To take care of your liver and constipation issues.

3. Merc. Sol 200C
For your blood and pus mixed sometimes.

4. At a later stage of fistula when only water will be draining with no pain, pus, blood and other things, a weekly dose of Sulphur 200C will be needed at that time.

5. Calendula Officinalis Q, 10 drops in 1 ounce of warm water, wash the area after each BM, For External Use Only.

Good Luck and please never hesitate to ask any Q's.

A bundle of prayers for your happiness and good health soon.

nawazkhan last decade
Dear Fortjames, Please avoid heavy beef included meals, anger and a lot of sex as this produce more heat in your body and disturb anal fistula.

It seems you missed my following post requesting you to continue the current remedies for 3 more weeks.

're: anal fistula- fissure2010-11-17
Dear Fortjames, Let's continue with the current remedies for 3 more weeks.

Calcarea sulph 12X
Ledum Pal 30C

Plus, you need to order Sulphur 200C and Natrum Sulph 6X.

Therefore, please get, Calcarea sulph 12X and
Ledum Pal 30C as soon as possible.

Please keep in touch and always ask questions, if any.

I am sorry that this disease requires remedies and a lot of patience. I wish there was a quick fix.

Please relax and pray more for your cure.

I am praying for your good health everyday.

nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz

Today I received all the medicines per list provided by you except for Berberis Vulgaris 3X.

Right now prescription states -

(1) To take Merc Sol 200 Mercurius Solubilis 200C in the liquid form, 4 drops in 2 sips of water, once daily, for 10 days. (Till 11/29/10)

(2)To take Natrum Sulph 6X 4 tablets under your tongue, 3 times daily, for 15 days. (till 11/30/10)

(3)Berberis Vulgaris 3X, 4 pellets under your tongue, 3 times a day, for 10 days.

Should I look for Berberis Vulgaris 3X at some local store here ?

Body itch is somewhat less then yesterday but still there. Should I take Antimonium Crudum 200C ?

Is there some medicine I should take ?

As for niece, she is normal (in terms of thirst and other things requested in your information sheet) 10 year old kid but has this moderate skin itch and eczema problem for past few years. Please advise some medicine for her.

Thanks for all your help.

AbFisRidden last decade
Hey Amit, Did you have a nice weekend?

Please continue with the remedies as suggested.

Yes, please get Berberis Vulgaris 3X from the health store as soon as possible.

You may take Antimonium Crudum dose before going to sleep tonight. It will certainly help.

Again, please try to understand, I will have to look at the whole picture of your niece to suggest a correct remedy.

Many more prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.