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10 month old not sleeping through the night Page 9 of 22

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Just updating, Kody has a fever today. It started last night, about 2 days after he was in nursery at church, so I'm guessing a bug. I have not medicated him for it, just riding it out.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Hopefully the Nux-v can be repeated to help him through this as well, only if necessary of course.
Evocationer 9 years ago
OK. What would indicate it's needed?
I noticed today that he has a molar just starting to break through the gums, so I wonder if the fever is from that. Although, it's 103.6 F, so rather high for a teething-related fever...although, who knows? It could be. He slept pretty badly last night.
alaskamom 9 years ago
His sleep is the main indicator. Repeat the dose straight away.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I did give the repeat dose last night. He slept better afterward, although he still has the fever. He did wake in the middle of the night and threw up just a little, but then was ok after that. It's interesting, because big brother threw up a couple times, then was OK too. But didn't get a fever. Almost makes me wonder if Ethan threw up from psychological influence from Kody? It was just strange how it was at the same time and just that once incident for Ethan, and I know he is emotionally sensitive, so maybe he's physically sensitive to other people's physical ailments? Anyway Kody still has a fever, but seems to be OK more or less. A little whiny. But playing and eating and all that.
alaskamom 9 years ago
So update end of day today.
He fought his nap pretty hard all morning, until he crashed at noon. He took a longer-ish nap, about 2 1/2 or 3 hours, although he woke every hour and had to be soothed back to sleep.
Seems like I've been noticing lately, and more so today and yesterday, that he has been doing a lot of coughing and then swallowing hard. Or burping and then swallowing hard. He also has been bothered more by gassiness when I'm trying to get him to sleep. He seems to need to pass gas and gets wiggly and grunts and it keeps him awake sometimes, like it's uncomfortable. He still has a low fever, not as high as yesterday but still there. He's been clingy somewhat, fussy a little and upset more easily by little things.
alaskamom 9 years ago
I gave Kody another dose of his remedy last night. He went to sleep pretty easily, but woke up every hour, and around 10:30pm he woke up crying and just seemed like he was in pain. I was having a hard time getting him to settle, he just kept wiggling and moaning and crying. I gave him a drop of the remedy, and about 10 minutes later he did go back to sleep.
I've noticed his skin seems to be breaking out just a bit on his torso, front and back, with tiny red bumps that look like tiny blisters. His tongue looks a bit more coated than usual as well. Just a thin whitish coating, not like thrush or anything.
alaskamom 9 years ago
He had a pretty rotten night's sleep last night.
alaskamom 9 years ago
I've been giving Ibuprofen last night and tonight. His molar is still working on erupting, and he's been waking up almost every hour crying at night. With the Ibuprofen, he has been sleeping much better, still waking occasionally, but not nearly as often.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Waiting for further instructions.
alaskamom 9 years ago
When was the last time he was given a dose of Nux-v?
Evocationer 9 years ago
on 6-14, 5 days ago.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Keep using it while he is teething. You may need to use it several times in the night. You should also get hold of 200c because it seems like 30c may not be strong enough for him.
Evocationer 9 years ago
OK, I will definitely get that then. I didn't know it was ok to give several times a day. I will give him another dose before bed.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Alaskamom: Please avoid giving Ibuprufen. It is a banned drug.
Please consider giving Cham 30 to your child, it is a specific for the condition your child is in
Zady101 9 years ago
Zady, it is not banned in the USA. What country is it banned in? Desperate times call for desperate measures.
And Chamomile has no effect on my child. Believe me, I have tried it. Thanks for the idea, though.
[message edited by alaskamom on Fri, 20 Jun 2014 21:20:48 BST]
alaskamom 9 years ago
Alaskamom: Regarding Ibuprufen, your choice. Period.

Regarding Chamomilla not having any effect on your kid, can you please elaborate more...
Zady101 9 years ago
We have actually tried Chamomilla quite a bit earlier in the treatment. I agree it looked suitable but it did not pan out as effective for very long.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Thanks evocationer for your response! I am only responding for the sake of child here, otherwise I would not.

I feel you should have changed the delivery mechanism if Chamomilla had stopped working. Right now, cham is called for and cham will work. You can also consider calc carb or combine calc phos and Ferrum phos in 6X potency but still Cham looks the best bet and covers current symptoms in totality. I feel it should be tried in 12C.
Zady101 9 years ago
I don't want to combine remedies, this goes against my method of practice. I don't feel confident that changing potencies for Chamomilla downwards will make any difference. I have treated many children in practice over the years and they generally do much better in the 200c-1M range due to their naturally high vitality. Calc is always a fall-back choice for any child but again I am not sure it suits the peculiarity of this case. However, I admit to having trouble solving the case, so I could not say for sure at this stage it would not help.

Because Nux-v has helped at 30c, I would be much more inclined to try 200c before changing remedies though.
[message edited by Evocationer on Fri, 20 Jun 2014 23:32:45 BST]
Evocationer 9 years ago
Nux works pretty much on most of the things but the peculiarities here do not call for it. A calc carb would be a better bet than Nux, so you can consider it later.

I am also against combining potencies but do combine cell salts.
Zady101 9 years ago
Evocationer, just giving an update. I gave three doses altogether of the remedy last night. He slept pretty restlessly. Today he is sporting a profusely runny nose (Dad just got sick with the same thing a couple days ago), lots of sneezes, and a little tiny bit fussy. Pretty good mood overall though, considering.
I made his remedy up fresh, because I was worried I may have contaminated the dropper, so I re-boiled everything and mixed it up fresh. Gave one drop this afternoon of the fresh and so far, nothing else. He is in bed for the night, at a nice, decent bedtime, so I'm happy about that.
alaskamom 9 years ago
PS I forgot to mention he has been avoiding solid foods again. He probably ate only a mouthful or two for the whole day today, and just nursed the rest of the time. This has
been going on for several days. That molar that's coming through is taking it's sweet time. Still just has a couple of points on the edges through, but not the center.
alaskamom 9 years ago
To Zady101, I'm still curious what country has banned use of Ibuprofen. I can't seem to find anything on that on the internet.
alaskamom 9 years ago
The reason I have given it here, apart from the fact that originally it was my differential with Chamomilla in the repertory along with Cina, is because of all the drugs he has been given, and the drug he continues to get through breast milk via his mother. It may not be the simillimum, I agree, but I felt it could be useful to help reset his system from drugging.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I'm wondering if he has an ear infection. He has been digging at his ears, even tonight in his sleep he has his finger in his ear. I've been giving him his remedy every day. Every single time he cuts a tooth, he gets an ear infection. It's driving me nuts. What am I supposed to do?
alaskamom 9 years ago

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