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10 month old not sleeping through the night Page 14 of 22

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Fast aggravation is good, just wait now and see what happens.
Evocationer 9 years ago
OK, good to know.
alaskamom 9 years ago
So far he has been better about falling asleep. For naptime, and for bedtime, he didn't fight it. He just laid there and nursed until he fell asleep. I was kind of shocked for bedtime, because the night before he didn't go to bed until 9:30pm, and he tends to follow the same pattern whether he is exhausted or not---he will not go to sleep until it's the same time as the previous night. He had been getting later and later, and then, tonight, 6:30 he was asleep! Shock. Anyway, we'll see how tonight goes!
alaskamom 9 years ago
Ok good so far. I am trying not to get too excited about it as it is early days - it is the stability of the change that really matters.

Still, it is very promising.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I know, I'm trying not to get too excited too! So far not really much improvement on the actual nighttime sleep. But it is promising about the going to sleep part.
He is still a bit teary during the day--overreacting, it seems like, to little upsets.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Well you have 200c as well which we can use if we get stuck, but I would like to try and adjust the dose on 30c as much as possible before doing that.
Evocationer 9 years ago
alaskamom 9 years ago
Ooh, I'm getting a little excited. His sleep last night was much improved. He woke maybe 3 times, but that was much less than before. I even moved him from one side of the bed to the other, and normally that would wake him up. He didn't wake for the first time until about 4 hours into his sleep. Normally it's 1-2 hours in that he wakes. Also, yesterday evening he at a LOT of dinner; he just kept eating and eating when normally he eats very sparingly. So that was improved too.
alaskamom 9 years ago
All good signs. Still too soon to be judging it though, but definitely think we are on the right track this time.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I know, I shouldn't get too excited yet. But it is encouraging.
alaskamom 9 years ago
So yesterday, Kody had a lot of BM's and got a bit of a rash.
He also did not want to go to bed (we did have company over though), and stayed up until 9pm at which point he zonked out. He didn't wake up too much, about like the night before, but woke up early (6am) and didn't want to go back to sleep. He did take a 2 1/2 hour nap today.
So I'm guessing we wait a bit more right?
alaskamom 9 years ago
Definitely wait. Sounds like he is returning to a more natural state for a child his age. The rash is a good sign too so don't suppress it with anything!
Evocationer 9 years ago
All right, good to know! Glad to hear it! I haven't given anything to suppress the rash, and it's good to know that's a positive sign.
Oh, and he just went to bed for the night, 6:30pm. Went right to sleep without any fuss.
[message edited by alaskamom on Sun, 10 Aug 2014 02:58:19 BST]
alaskamom 9 years ago
Now we are starting to see the pattern of improvement.
Evocationer 9 years ago
alaskamom 9 years ago
So I'm wondering about redosing. Last night he woke up 3 times before I came to bed at 11pm. Then another 3 times or so the rest of the night. He didn't get restless like he normally does in the wee hours of the morning.
Tonight he seems to be fighting sleep a bit. But his appetite has been fairly good today, so in some ways he's still some better than before, and in other ways he's sliding back into where he was before. What do you think?
alaskamom 9 years ago
Last night was a little worse than the night before. Waking often crying, vs before he was waking up less often, and when he did wake, he wasn't crying, he was just calling 'mama mama'. He also fought going to sleep yesterday evening until he finally was so exhausted that he fell asleep within about 5 minutes of laying down and starting to nurse.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Appetite has been a bit off today. He had a good nap though this afternoon and his mood is ok.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Repeat the dose, but only use 1 drop instead of 2.
Evocationer 9 years ago
All right. Done.
alaskamom 9 years ago
I'm so amazed at this remedy. I don't think he had an aggravation at all last night. He slept really well, only waking a few times, and even woke up with a dry diaper! I can't remember the last time that happened. Normally I have to add a couple of cloth diapers to his regular paper diaper to keep him dry by morning, and even then sometimes he soaks through all of that. I can only figure it's a combination of not nursing all night, and something with the remedy helping his kidneys and/or bladder. Woohoo!
alaskamom 9 years ago
That is great! We are at 6 days now - still too early to be able to judge cure. I will feel more confident around the 2 week mark.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Ah, good to know. So far it seems like this is the best it's been so far. So I will do a 'provisional' happy dance until we know for sure. ;)
alaskamom 9 years ago
So, night before last he did well except for being awake for about an hour from 3am to 4am. He didn't get up and play, just sort of tossed and turned and tried to fall back asleep for an hour.
Last night was really rotten. He woke up a lot more often than even his normal wakeups. I want to say maybe 12 times or more. Most of those wakeups, he was crying and crying like he'd had a bad dream, or was hurting or something. Then I'd nurse him and he'd calm down and go back to sleep.
alaskamom 9 years ago
It could be an aggravation - it is only 2 days after the last dose, so if it is a relapse that isn't such a good sign. If it is an aggravation then that should wear off. If it is a relapse, you will need to repeat the remedy, which you can do during the night if things are bad. It may also be necessary to move up to 200c soon, which actually would be quite normal for a child anyway. 200c is a very typical potency required for children.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Good to know. So I'll just see how it goes tonight and redose later if necessary.
alaskamom 9 years ago

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