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10 month old not sleeping through the night Page 5 of 22

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I can imagine that does make it more difficult. Let me know if there's any info I can provide that might help.

In case it's important at all, last night he woke up crying really hard, almost like a night terror where you just can't get them to settle. He didn't want to be comforted or held, he was fighting that. I noticed he still had a dry diaper after going to bed---this was probably 6 hours after he went to bed, which seemed unusual for him to hold it that long. I finally got him to nurse, and then after that he must have let loose because he wet his diaper all the way through to his clothes. He does tend to hold his bladder a long time in between peeing, and has done that since he was a newborn. With having some sort of slight kidney abnormalities this gives me a small amount of concern (also since kidney issues run in the family, from me). Just thought I'd pass it along just in case.
alaskamom last decade
He seems like he's developing an aversion to the bedtime routine now. I just keep getting him up again, because I can't get anywhere with him. Instead of just popping up and wanting to play, he's crying just at laying him down, and the more I try to persuade him, the harder he cries---arching backwards and pushing me away. He's been tired for two hours but refuses to sleep. I wish I could help him.
alaskamom last decade
Ok I can see an obvious remedy I missed in not doing a proper analysis at the beginning. I want you to get Arsenicum 200c and give him a single dose, just as you have with the others.
Evocationer last decade
OK! I will be heading out later today to get it. Does it matter what time of day I give it?
alaskamom last decade
No just give it to him asap.
Evocationer last decade
Got it. Giving now.
alaskamom last decade
So last night definitely was an improvement. He woke I think 4 times total, and was much less restless overall. Less easily woken up by me rolling over or moving in bed next to him. He did wake up and want to play for a half hour at 3am, but he did that yesterday too, so I assume it was just what his body was 'programmed' to do because of waking at that same time yesterday. He didn't sleep as late as I would have liked, when he is doing well he sleeps for 12 hours from start to finish (not including wakeups). He woke early today so only 10 hours from start to finish. Getting him to sleep last night was a bit tough, too. But this morning he went down for a nap about 2 hours after he woke up for the day, and is sleeping peacefully. He went down easily, which is different than it has been, especially with him going down for a nap much earlier than he normally would. Before, he'd show signs of being tired, but he'd fight it until his usual nap time. So yes, it's working!
alaskamom last decade
OK. I think we are about 24 hours past the initial dose of Arsenicum, and I noticed he felt hot, so I took his temperature and he has a fever of 103.3. He also has a slight runny nose, and it is clear. Is it possible this is related to the remedy, or is he likely just coming down with something? He seems all right, mood-wise, wanting to be held a little more than normal, and napping more frequently than usual. Could you advise what I should do in this case? I know if it is an illness it's best to let the fever run its course unless it gets too hot.
alaskamom last decade
That will almost certainly be a reaction to the remedy. A fever in a child after a remedy is usually an excellent sign. His body is now attempting to regain its balance. Try not to interfere at all - especially no painkillers!
Evocationer last decade
Wow so that's great news then. I didn't give any painkillers, although my husband wanted me to call the doctor's office and they recommended acetaminophen for bringing the fever down. From what I understand it's only dangerous if it gets up to 106 or 107 F (around 41 C).

I did feel compelled to bring the fever down a bit, to make my husband happy, so I gave him a cool bath with a few drops of Roman chamomile and a few drops of Lavender essential oils. Then rubbed him with coconut oil that had been steeped with fresh rosemary and mint. I hope none of those will affect his cure. My husband is very mainstream medicine-minded so he was pushing me to do something. He is sleeping again now.
alaskamom last decade
Do not bring the fever down with drugs. This will interfere with his attempt to make himself well, and doing this trains his body in the wrong way and can cause future problems as well.

I am not sure about the aromatics. Some homoeopaths claim they can antidote remedies. We will have to see. Hopefully they don't - my own experience with that has been inconsistent.

I know it is hard with a partner who doesn't fully support this approach. Not sure what to offer in terms of advice there - hopefully the results will sway him and the sleep the two of you end up getting now will be motivation enough for him to allow us the space to keep working on your son.
Evocationer last decade
At the moment my husband is driving long haul in a different state, so I think it will work out fine for me to let Kody's body do what it needs to do. My husband does support me, but when it comes to a fever he gets concerned with the baby being a little guy. But I think he will be flexible about it so long as he doesn't think his health or well-being is in jeopardy. Plus the doctor's office was not too worried about him, so that is on my side as well since I was able to tell my husband what they said and satisfy him that I made the call.
I won't do any more aromatics now that I know it's related to the remedy. Should I be concerned if the fever gets higher?
alaskamom last decade
Just let me know how things go. I see babies survive high fevers quite well. Orthodox medicine has things around backwards - fevers do not cause problems they solve them. It is certain underlying pathologies or infections that harm babies, not the fever which is produced to try and heal them.
Evocationer last decade
OK, I will definitely keep you posted. So far his fever is holding steady right around 103.3 F (39.6 C).
alaskamom last decade
He is in bed for the night, and I'm heading for bed too. He still has a fever, but it doesn't feel any hotter and he has been drinking lots of fluids today--mostly water. He has seemed to really want the water, so I'm please with that. He's making lots of wet diapers too, so I feel comfortable with how he's doing right now.
alaskamom last decade
About 4am here and it has been a very restless night for him. Still very hot to the touch.
alaskamom last decade
His fever is down a bit (101 F) but he is very cranky and not wanting to nap today. He is very tired. Still nursing well and drinking lots of fluids.
alaskamom last decade
I double-checked his temperature rectally, because the last time I took it was in his armpit and I didn't feel it was an accurate reading. His fever is still at 103.1 F. He is very cranky and wanting to be held all day. Still taking in fluids and urinating freely. Not interested in eating.
He still has a slight runny nose (clear), the thing is his brother does this morning, too. So it makes me wonder if they caught a bug? Or maybe a combination of an aggravation and a slight runny nose? Big brother doesn't have a fever or any other symptoms.
For Kody, I almost feel like he is acting like he used to when he was a smaller baby. Very hard to console and sometimes only slept when I carried him in the sling, which is what I'm having to do today.

I'm a little concerned about him and could use some reassurance/advice whether I need to take him in to the doctor or not.
[message edited by alaskamom on Wed, 30 Apr 2014 19:18:45 BST]
alaskamom last decade
Sounds like a return of an old state. Regardless, if he is in no danger there is no need to suppress the fever. This is a hard lesson for a parent, especially when the establishment keeps trying to tell you that being a good parent means giving drugs to your child for things like this.

Just wait it out. I believe this is a healing crisis brought on by the Arsenicum, and it seems to me to be a good sign. He has had a chronic health problem almost his entire life, and a fever in a child is one of the most common ways we see the simillimum attempt to correct it.
Evocationer last decade
OK. His fever is up ti 104.1. Still acceptable? It's making me nervous.
alaskamom last decade
Obviously you are in a better position to judge how serious things are. If he starts to become unresponsive, sleepy, confused, or begins to develop other peculiar symptoms (rashes, stiffness, pain) then you should definitely get him to a doctor or hospital.

But if he has similar symptoms to other people in the house, then it is possible this is just an acute illness as well. It is strange to have it happen at the same time as taking a remedy, and I would be less inclined to believe that is purely coincidence, but obviously we need to keep that in mind too.

I spend most weeks talking some parent though a fever provoked by a prescription I make. However, I usually get to examine the child, so this is a bit harder for me to supervise. Try to differentiate between your own anxiety and your son's genuine need for medical help if you can.
Evocationer last decade
OK, that sounds reasonable. If I really think about it, I don't think he is in any danger. He is making lots of wet diapers, nursing frequently, and although he is clingy and doesn't want to do much other than be held, I can imagine any child acting that way when they don't feel well.
I wonder with the slight runny nose if it's possible that's just from pollen from being outside yesterday on a long walk? My nose was a teensy bit stuffy this morning as well. But I don't feel sick and my older one doesn't seem sick, other than a bit of a runny nose. His dad has lots of allergies, so I imagine it's possible that's what it is. Time will tell!
alaskamom last decade
It seems too big a coincidence to have this happen immediately after a remedy and not be connected to the effect of that remedy. So hopefully when he comes out of this his sleep problem will be better. It does sound like an aggravation though - a worsening of his normal symptoms + a return to an old state.
Evocationer last decade
So, big brother developed a fever last night, and still has it a bit today. I'm kind of disappointed because I was thinking Kody's fever was from the remedy working things out. I hope it still will help him.

Last night he still slept fitfully, waking up frequently. He's been waking up crying and not wanting to be consoled, just crying and fussing and stiffening when I try to hold him. Pushing away, etc. He was up for a couple hours in the night because he wouldn't settle back down after doing that. Finally got him back to sleep, and he slept for a few more hours with interruptions. His fever did break in the night, so hopefully he's on the mend. He's still fighting sleep though.
alaskamom last decade
It doesn't mean the remedy is not responsible. They can provoke a healing crisis using whatever is available, including any current acute.

Anyway let's see what happens.
Evocationer last decade
OK, good to know. Thanks.
alaskamom last decade

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