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10 month old not sleeping through the night Page 6 of 22

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OK, good to know. Thanks.
alaskamom last decade
Seems like today he is going back to what he used to do around 2 months old, where he was refusing to nurse when awake and only nursing when he is falling asleep or just waking up. So hopefully that's a good sign.
alaskamom last decade
Return to an old state is a good sign. What treatment did he receive during this phase of his life?
Evocationer last decade
I tried him on all manners of medications for reflux--Zantac, Prevacid, Nexium, Prilosec. Nothing really helped until about 8 months (I think it was) I tried doing chamomile tea, with Nat Phos and Mag Phos. That worked the best, except for his night sleeping. It helped so much during the day though.
I had a lot of frustration with him and whatever was going on with him. I've been trying to be extra patient with him right now and just hold him when he wants held, maybe to help undo some of the negative emotions with that time.
[message edited by alaskamom on Fri, 02 May 2014 05:42:21 BST]
alaskamom last decade
If he has returned to that earlier time, it may be necessary to treat the state from that time as it should have been treated. This can often happen, that the remedy will throw up a previous health event and allow us to deal with it appropriately this time around.

My hope of course is that Arsenicum will be the remedy for this state as well, but if not we will retake the symptoms.
Evocationer last decade
That makes sense. So we just watch and see how he does?
alaskamom last decade
So just to update. Last night before bed I took an Immitrex, so I'm not sure if that affected his sleep, but it seemed a little better than normal. But naps today have been short and not restorative for him. He is waking up crying and fussy like he wants to go back to sleep, but crying and not wanting to nurse back to sleep like he normally does. During the night he's still having a lot of times where he wakes up and just cries and cries and doesn't want comforted, but is unable to comfort himself back to sleep. Same thing like the naps, and like going to sleep, too. He fights it very very hard, and seems to want to avoid everything that would make him sleepy--rocking, laying down, nursing, etc. Yet he's tired and cranky if I let him get up and play. I'm getting really low on patience with him. I just can't make him happy.

His face kind of looks washed-out from being tired all the time. He has often had an expression on his face almost I would say of vulnerability, with big eyes and a little sad.

He's been a bit constipated the last couple of days but today his bowels kind of cleaned themselves out.
[message edited by alaskamom on Fri, 02 May 2014 23:39:25 BST]
alaskamom last decade
Try to hold on one more day and then we can see if it is time to repeat.
Evocationer last decade
OK will do.
alaskamom last decade
So last night he still woke up crying at times. He's getting a slight bit better about it, not crying for as long, and being more willing to nurse back to sleep. Today for naps he was a little easier to convince to fall asleep. He woke up early from his nap though and would not go back to sleep. He has been tired and fussy today, crying about the littlest thing gone wrong.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Slow improvement is the best, so keep watching for the moment.
Evocationer 9 years ago
All right.
alaskamom 9 years ago
So far it seems like he is slowly getting better. Last night he didn't have any of those crying fits where he didn't want to nurse or be consoled. He also went down for a nap early this morning and didn't fight it.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Ok so far so good, slow improvement after a marked aggravation. I think he is doing well.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Seems like with Kody we are back at his baseline now. Falling asleep easily when very tired, fighting sleep when only slightly sleepy. Waking during the night. Cheerful during the day (for the most part, except when tired, but not tired enough to fall asleep). I really hope this is the right remedy. I'm not looking forward to 3 more years of waking up at night. That's how long it took for my oldest---4 years total until he slept through the night.
alaskamom 9 years ago
We had an even better night last night. I believe he only woke about 4 times.
alaskamom 9 years ago
So we're kind of stagnant at him waking every 2-4 hours still. He went to sleep easily tonight, had a rough time getting to sleep the night before. It's kind of random. We do have a slight cold meandering through our systems right now. Not sure if Kody is feeling it or not, but I've had a recurring sore throat, and the older one has a runny nose still for about a week. Just to give you the whole picture.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Ok, so is he overall better (some better nights some worse nights)? What % improvement would you say it is, if any?
Evocationer 9 years ago
I would say maybe a 10-15% improvement? He has had times where he sleeps this well on his own, prior to the homeopathy, but not consistently.
[message edited by alaskamom on Fri, 09 May 2014 13:01:46 BST]
alaskamom 9 years ago
He slept a little worse last night, but woke up with a runny nose, so I assume he was feeling poorly last night. If he feels the same as I do, then he feels a bit achy all over, with a sore throat and a runny nose. Big brother has a runny nose too.
alaskamom 9 years ago
He's still sick with a runny nose, no other symptoms I can tell except sneezing often, and the nose is just profusely running. Sleep is so-so. Also something else I'm noticing is that lately, he has not been happy about being in his car-seat at all. That was something that was a problem when he was smaller, he could only handle about 15 minutes of the car seat and then he'd just start up fussing and get louder and louder until he was screaming (unless I pulled over and got him out). He's not quite as bad, but not usually happy to be in the car seat.

What improved him in that regard in the past, was the chamomile tea/Nat Phos/Mag Phos routine I used to do, that was the thing that did the trick for his daytime fussies and the carseat. With that regimen he did amazingly, took a 3 hour car ride in his stride and only fussed at the very end.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Ok repeat the remedy, but hit the bottle 10 times.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Will do. I appreciate all your help.
[message edited by alaskamom on Mon, 12 May 2014 15:19:15 BST]
alaskamom 9 years ago
Looks like he is doing better again...I will give it a couple of days to see how much better. The first night was some better, and so far tonight he seems to be doing better than last night.
alaskamom 9 years ago
So 3 nights into it, and still not much improvement. He wakes about every 2 hours. Better than prior to the dose, but not really an improvement on good nights he's had in the past.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Repeat once more, but hit the bottle 20 times.

After this we might need to reassess again.
Evocationer 9 years ago

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