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2 years old girl not sleeping through the night and hyper 71


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10 month old not sleeping through the night Page 18 of 22

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He also had a dry diaper all night, which is unusual for him.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Also, his sleep was improved over baseline for the first night or two of this illness.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Try to keep offering him water, the
flu has dehydrated him.
simone717 9 years ago
Don't worry Simone, he is a water fiend and drinks it all day long in little sips. Even during the night he was asking for water and nursing all night long. He nursed every time he woke up.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Once he is over this acute we can resume looking for his chronic remedy. Those extra symptoms make me think of Medorrhinum actually.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I'm planning to give him a small amount of Melatonin tonight. I know that's not ideal but I assume it's preferable to benadryl. My husband and I just can't take the frequent wakenings.
alaskamom 9 years ago
I understand, but remember that every time you suppress his symptoms it makes him a little harder to cure, and all suppression has to be brought back up at some point to get someone well.

I do understand your predicament though. I am not judging you for it just want you to understand the consequences.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I didn't know that, but I understand. I really appreciate you not judging me for it.
alaskamom 9 years ago
I suspect the big problem here is all the medication he has had - it complicates cases and makes them difficult to cure. You will often see in such cases well indicated remedies do not do what you expect.

Of course that doesn't put you in a great position - no remedy is lasting and he still isn't sleeping. You do what you have to, and I will keep working to find a solution.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I was thinking as well that that's probably why he's hard to cure. If only I had known from the outset--how I would have planned better from the beginning! But at least we are starting now. Thanks for all your help.
alaskamom 9 years ago
You're welcome. He is definitely one of the harder child cases I have had.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I keep thinking this probably doesn't matter, but in case it does, we have been battling fleas in our apartment off and on for quite awhile now, and I know all of us have had bites from time to time. Just in case that factors in at all.

Also, Kody does NOT like milk. Which is interesting because both Ethan and I love milk, but Josh does not like it (except for chocolate milk).
alaskamom 9 years ago
So I'm wondering if he is over his acute symptoms. He still has a bit of a runny nose, but it's more of an every-once-in-awhile thing than profuse like before. He has an occasional phlegmy cough, but for the most part seems to be doing well. His sleep is about the same, but he's not as whiny/clingy during the day.
alaskamom 9 years ago
His sleep is really awful. When can we start trying something?
alaskamom 9 years ago
What is the change between now and 3 days ago, if any?
Evocationer 9 years ago
His runny nose has cleared, he has no more cough, and has not had a recurrence of fever.
I noticed this evening that he is cutting two eyeteeth.
Night before last, his sleep was ok, kind of baseline for him. Last night he woke up crying a LOT. I didn't know why till I saw the tooth poking through today.
Other than that, he has been in relatively good spirits, not too clingy or fussy, and napping well--2-3 hours at a time for his midday nap. He also is starting to get back to earlier bedtimes. Last night he went down at 7:30 which amazed me.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Alright just wait. It does appear he is better than he was before the Arsenicum, so now we need to be patient and see if he improves on his own.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I think he's better than when we tried the Arsenicum 200c, but not better than with the Ars 30c. I'm willing to wait a bit though. To me it just seems like he's going back to his normal baseline prior to any homeopathics.
alaskamom 9 years ago
His bedtime is also very erratic. It's been anywhere from 7:30 or 8:30 to as late as 10pm.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Ok I have looked over the case again. I would like to try Calc-phos 30c. It covers many of his symptoms including the marked aggravation from teething and the history of GERD.

Give him one dose first to see how he reacts, then we can decide on how often to give the doses.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Ok. My local store has this remedy. I should be able to pick it up in a day or two.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Got the remedy, and gave a dose tonight before he went to bed.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Ok good. Let's see how this goes.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Last night was most likely an aggravation. I think he woke up every hour. He is tired and cranky today.
alaskamom 9 years ago
He has been falling asleep really easily the last couple times. Surprisingly easy. He did wake up crying an hour into his nighttime sleep, but we'll see how the rest of the night goes.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Today Kody had a huge tantrum. Seems like the tantrums started about a month ago. But I think today was the biggest yet.
He was getting upset easily, so I figured it was naptime, since he slept poorly again last night, waking often crying. When I told him he was going to have a nap, and carried him back to the bed, he started crying and screaming, flailing around and trying to get away. He didn't want to be comforted or held, even looked at, it seemed like. But still crying and screaming when I wasn't touching him. I tried gently restraining him and he screamed even louder. He would say 'Mama' (what he says when he wants to nurse), but then screaming and not wanting it. He finally did nurse though in the end, started crying again when I looked him in the eyes and asked if he was feeling better. So it seemed like he didn't want to be looked at or talked to. He just nursed, played with my hair and stared off into the distance. Finally it seemed like it was over and I was able to make him smile and tickle him without it upsetting him.
His appetite has been sort of iffy. He only seems to want starches/carbs. Bread, crackers, toast, chips. He only wants small amounts frequently. Same with drinking, frequent sips of water and the frequent nursing, day and night.
[message edited by alaskamom on Sun, 14 Sep 2014 19:27:21 BST]
alaskamom 9 years ago

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