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10 month old not sleeping through the night Page 7 of 22

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Repeat once more, but hit the bottle 20 times.

After this we might need to reassess again.
Evocationer 9 years ago
ok. thanks!
alaskamom 9 years ago
So last night he was very restless, however, today I noticed a new tooth has emerged. There's also another one possibly looking to make an appearance soon. So I'm sure that has been interfering with his sleep.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Pulling at his ears today, and acting a bit fussier during the day. Fighting sleep still when it comes time to go to bed, even though he is acting tired.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Hmmm....still seems like a patchy result. Overall do you think there has been an improvement.

If not can you represent all his symptoms and behaviour, including what is better or worse. I will reanalyse.
Evocationer 9 years ago
As it stands right now, I don't really feel there has been an improvement overall.

I will work on typing out his symptoms & behavior and post it for you.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Can I ask--is it even worth continuing to try to correct this? Is this even something homeopathy can help?
Should I just get tough with him and let him 'cry it out'? Stop nursing him at night?
Is he this way because of me? Do I just need to wait until I am better to expect him to change? Is it just genetic? Do I just need to suck it up and deal with it? Sometimes I feel I am expecting too much and just need to go with the flow. He is, after all, pretty happy most of the time during the day. Sometimes I wonder if it's just me over-analyzing it.
alaskamom 9 years ago
yes it is worth it. If we can find the right remedy for him now, his childhood will be much easier. I can tell that is the case, because I have seen it over and over again with babies I have treated. They are very different children to the ones left untreated. The miasm, left unchecked, distorts all of us, so if we can get to it now, his life will be easier.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I am looking at the case again. One thing I have not taken into account is the use of Wellbutrin during the pregnancy. In fact, he actually displays the classic symptoms of withdrawal from this drug, and I am thinking that we may actually need to deal with whatever its use may have done to him in utero.
Evocationer 9 years ago
That's an interesting thought. I do still take Wellbutrin as well, so he gets a small amount of it with breastfeeding. It's about a third of the dosage (or less) of what I took while pregnant.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Alright here is what I want to do.

I have looked at the symptoms again - I believe the remedy we should try based on those symptoms is Borax 30c.

The way I interpreted the totality into rubrics was:

Waking, frequent, in children
Waking, frequent, in newborns
Shrieking, in children, on waking
Eating, refuses, after birth trauma (for the pregnancy more so than the birth)
Dentition aggravates
Ear pain, boring with finger
Clinging in children
Child clings to the mother
Restlessness in children
Restlessness while eating

Give him one dose each day for no longer than 3 days, doing the 5 hits, 1 drop in the mouth.

If we run into the same problem, I believe we might need to clear out all the drug imprints in his system, and I would like you to use Nux-vomica 30c for that. Get both of these remedies.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Good to know. I will go get those remedies tonight after the kids go to bed. I believe I may have the Nux Vomica on hand already, I will check.

Do I need to think about weaning off the Wellbutrin to avoid continuing to produce negative effects in him? I believe the Wellbutrin is not super critical to my mental well being, and I could always try coming off it.

I wish I had known in pregnancy what I do now! I would have used homeopathics all along instead of the antidepressants. But I am very grateful for your help in this---you have made a big difference in our lives.
alaskamom 9 years ago
I think you are in a hard place - for the moment you may need the drug, but it might be aggravating him. I wouldn't feel comfortable putting in you in danger. All we can do is work with the situation as it is.

By the way, how are your other son and your husband going on their remedies?
Evocationer 9 years ago
Well, my husband, I'm sorry to say, changed his mind on trying the remedy. He was in a bind, needing to leave before the remedy would have arrived by mail, and going to be gone for a long stretch, so he ended up going his usual route of getting a cortico-steroid shot that covers him for the whole season. I hate to even mention it, because you put the time and energy into analyzing his complicated case.

Ethan is doing fairly well, he is better than he was when I first posted, but I wonder if he could be better still. With what you mentioned about Kody, how it could go poorly for him if we didn't correct it early on, I wonder if there's more with Ethan that I should attend to. I took Zoloft for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters in pregnancy with him, and while breastfeeding, up until I weaned him at 8 months. His infancy was very similar to what Kody is like now, waking many times a night. It was 8-10 times most nights for the first year, then got a bit less, then persisted until about a year ago (just before he turned 4). He's still kind of emotionally...fragile, I guess. What do you think?
alaskamom 9 years ago
Also thanks for the encouragement to keep pursuing the cure for Kody, I just felt for awhile that maybe I was just asking for the impossible with him. I appreciate that you are wanting to keep going.

I think I may try to slowly dial down the Wellbutrin and see if I can at least shave a bit off the pill or get it down to half or something.
alaskamom 9 years ago
By the way, this is rather inconsequential, but thought I'd mention it because it seemed strange to me.
On Kody, the baby, every now and then I notice he has what looks like a clogged pore somewhere--right now there's one on his face---but what's strange is that it's like it's two pores smack next to each other, almost like a teeny tiny set of bite marks? Or like a double star...two stars smack next to each other that almost look like one. They're very tiny, and it's probably nothing, but seemed strange to see it recur other places on his body. He had one on his thigh last.
Also when he was born he had a clogged sebaceous gland (I think), that looked like a small bite mark on his forearm. It was two little spots close to each other that time too. But larger with those. He still has two red marks--three actually, now--in that spot, not sure if they ever really went away.
Like I said, not really a big deal, but just curious to me.
alaskamom 9 years ago
OK so I gave him his dose of Borax today, this afternoon.
When it came time to bedtime today, oh my! He fought it tooth and nail. Wonder if it's an aggravation. He was crying hard, but I didn't want to let him get up and just go play, it was bedtime so I held onto him while he screamed and cried. Finally got him to nurse and he went to sleep. Phew!
alaskamom 9 years ago
That does sound like an aggravation. Hopefully it is, because that will mean improvement.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Definitely hope so.
alaskamom 9 years ago
This afternoon I gave him his third dose of the Borax. So far his sleep has not improved. I can feel in his gums that he's probably getting his 1 year molars in, though they haven't broken the surface. He's been waking up more often, restless, and this morning woke up at 4 am which is early for him, despite a normal bedtime of 6pm last night. Usually he wakes about 5:30am. He woke up happy, just ready to get up and play, and is resisting getting put back to bed, even though he's yawning.
Yesterday he was kind of cranky during the day.
I'd say overall not any improvement to speak of, a bit worse actually but that could be the teeth too.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Very restless night last night, with frequent wakenings, more so from around 9pm-10pm and from 4am on toward morning.

During the day (this is not new, but I'm noticing it more), he does this thing where he will do a single, dry cough followed by swallowing hard.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Forgot to mention that I do already have the Nux on hand, so I can proceed with that if that is your next thing to do.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Any thoughts?
alaskamom 9 years ago
Still no improvement?

Alright let's do this instead. Give him one dose of Sepia 30c.

Just an idea - newborns often share the state of the mother for awhile.
Evocationer 9 years ago
OK, thanks for that!
Right now I only have Sepia 12c and 6c on hand. Could I use one of those?
alaskamom 9 years ago
Ah right I thought I had got you to get 30c for yourself. Try the 12c. Give one dose every day for 3 days.
Evocationer 9 years ago

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