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2 years old girl not sleeping through the night and hyper 71


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10 month old not sleeping through the night Page 8 of 22

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Ah right I thought I had got you to get 30c for yourself. Try the 12c. Give one dose every day for 3 days.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I know, I thought I had gotten the 30c, too. I can definitely pick it up, if you think it would be best. It should be easy to get at our local Whole Foods store.
I did end up giving him a dose of the Sepia night before last. One thing I noticed was that he didn't wake up at 3:30am or 4 and try to be awake and play before going back to sleep.

I did give two administrations of lavender essential oil diluted in carrier oil inside his ears, because of how cranky he has been during the day, and pulling a bit at his ears, I was worried about infection. I know that can antidote the remedy, but I was just wanting to get him feeling better if he was hurting.

I feel that he has been worse overall since giving the Borax, and has not improved.

He is fussy, clingy during the day, wanting to be held but not really getting relief from his angst by being held, either. Motion is what he wants, being rocked and walked, but he resists sleeping. If he feels the motion is making him sleepy, he will get fussy again.
He cries hard if I go behind a closed door, but OK again once I open it.
Waking frequently at night. Day before yesterday, prior to giving the Sepia, he napped for 4 hours (very unusual for him), with 2 wakeups in the middle (nursed back to sleep). Yet, he still woke up cranky and irritable. That was when I gave the lavender treatment.

I can feel bumps where his 1-year molars are maybe trying to come in, but they have not yet erupted.

Still having difficulties with feeding, it seems like. With solid foods, that is. He wants what we're eating, yet has trouble with gagging on anything too 'hard'... it has to be squishy for him to eat it. Yet, he doesn't like pureed baby foods, or yogurt. Basically he doesn't like to be fed, he wants to do it himself, but there's not a lot he can eat that's finger foods.
Consequently he doesn't eat a ton during the day so he nurses often.
Loves water to drink. Seems to drink a lot, given that he nurses so much at night and during the day.

Just sort of throwing everything out there in case something is helpful.
I did give him another dose of Sepia today.
alaskamom 9 years ago
He is sooo irritable today. It's driving me nuts.
alaskamom 9 years ago
He has been so awful today and now is refusing to sleep. Sometimes I'd like to just give him some whiskey or something so he will just SLEEP for once.
alaskamom 9 years ago
It sounds like aggravation again, although he seems to aggravate a lot on just about anything. I am thinking he may be an oversensitive - these are all the hallmarks of one of those patients.

I think we need to alter our dosing method, because this makes trying to find the remedy too difficult. Hold off on any further doses.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I just gave him Benadryl anyway prior to seeing your note. I am so tired of a kid who doesn't sleep and tired of not finding the right remedy. I just want a normal kid who can eat and sleep like everyone else's kid. Sometimes I think God hates me.
Anyway thanks for your time.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Sorry for being rude. I had an especially trying day yesterday. I appreciate all you're trying to do.

I will be gone for about 3 days on a camping trip with the family, leaving tomorrow a.m. Just in case you try to get in touch with me. Take care!
alaskamom 9 years ago
We're back now.
alaskamom 9 years ago
This is always going to be the problem with using a forum for treatment. I am able to use maybe 30% of my skills as a homoeopath - and there are always going to be people who do not get the right remedy for that reason. Being able to observe the patient contributes significantly to both finding a remedy and managing the progress.

All I can do is keep trying. You can try getting advice from others here as well if you want. I understand you are frustrated and I am not taking it personally.

I really do believe the drugs have made this case extremely difficult. I think perhaps we need to try and cleanse him before we do another thing.

The two remedies that are most suitable for this are of course Nux-v which you already have, and Avena sativa. Since you have Nux-v now, I would give him a dose of that first.
Evocationer 9 years ago
I hear you. I don't want to be a drag for you, either, so if you feel it would be better for us to see a local herbalist/homoepath, I can look into that too.
Thanks for not taking it personally.

I will prepare a dose of the Nux to give to him tomorrow when he wakes up. The usual, right? Just one dose?
alaskamom 9 years ago
I did give him a dose yesterday. I didn't really see a big reaction, good or bad. He seems pretty cheerful during the day, which is an improvement from before. His sleep is about the same.
alaskamom 9 years ago
You are not being a drag for me, I am just concerned about how difficult this has been on you.

Just wait for the time being and lets see what comes from that dose.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Thanks for your concern, you are very kind.
I didn't realize that you could only utilize 30% of your skills over the the internet, but that makes sense. It must be frustrating to be so limited.
Hopefully we can nail this down.

I was reading today on the symptoms of yeast overgrowth in the body, and wondered if that sounded like something to look into? He has had several rounds of antibiotics, and I as a child had TONS of antibiotics, so I may have passed that on to him, too.
alaskamom 9 years ago
alaskamom: I will take up the case of your child if you wish
Zady101 9 years ago
Zady101, I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to stick with Evocationer. Thanks!
alaskamom 9 years ago
Just an update. Not much difference to speak of. Nighttime sleep is about the same. One thing that was different was, I thought I'd try again to get him to go to sleep in his crib with the rails up (prior to that I had been leaving the front rail off, and pushing it right up to the bed). When I had last tried him with the rail up, he would bawl the instant I set him in it. This time, he complained a lot, but if I stayed in the room with him, he spent a good deal of time being OK in there. So that was different. He's still waking up the same amount though.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Repeat the dose another time.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Will do.
alaskamom 9 years ago
All right so I have a few thoughts here if you don't mind me sharing what I've been thinking about my little guy today.
When I think about him, I feel like I can just see how he will turn out when he grows up, and it reminds me of a story called 'The Day Boy and the Night Girl', about a boy, Photogen, who was a lover of the sun, and drew strength from the sun's rays. He was fearless, and accomplished whatever he put his mind to. That seems like what Kody will be like (I can already see he is like that now, too, fearless about climbing up on things and very tenacious about doing what he sets out to do).
So, today I was reading in an herbalism book, about St. John's Wort (hypericum perforatum). It was traditionally associated with the beginning of the summer solstice, and had associations with the 'Wild Man' or the 'Green Man' and the blooming fertility of summer. The book also said the plant had an affinity for the solar plexus, was good for digestion, and for bringing emotions and thoughts into synchronicity. I was wondering if it might be an herb that would be a good match for Kody, being as how he is my 'sun' boy. It's funny, he even has slightly darker skin than my husband and I, yet very blond hair---my sister has that skin tone as well, even though our parents are both very fair-skinned.
Anyway, I wonder about trying homeopathic Hypericum? Or perhaps a flower essence? Maybe it's not the right thing, but then again--maybe? Just some thoughts/musings from this morning.
[message edited by alaskamom on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 16:14:55 BST]
alaskamom 9 years ago
As an update, Kody has been very happy today. He went down without a fuss with both of his naps. They were sort of short, but he seemed rested and happy when he woke from them. In fact I don't think he has hardly cried all day. It will be interesting to see how tonight goes.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Last night he was happy, but just not interested in going to sleep until late. He woke often and then was up early, getting about 8 hours of sleep for the night. Then went back to bed an hour later and got a couple more hours. Very happy this morning and no complaints in his attitude.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Well, it seems we may be on the right track. And that does imply that the drugs are in fact the obstacle we have come up against. It is early days so lets see how it goes. Do you have 200c as well?
Evocationer 9 years ago
OK great then. I had the same thought, this is working, at least during the day he is really doing well anyhow. Very easy-going.
I feel bad that the meds had that much of an influence on him. I wish medical doctors gave their patients better options for treating depression.

At any rate, I'm excited that something seems to be working.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Oh, and I do not have 200c yet, but my local natural foods store carries a lot of that potency, so it should be easy to obtain.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Still about the same. A bit more of a struggle to get him to go to sleep now. I am finding that he seems to settle down if I give him a little massage. He will relax and then 'ask' to nurse and falls asleep.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Just updating, Kody has a fever today. It started last night, about 2 days after he was in nursery at church, so I'm guessing a bug. I have not medicated him for it, just riding it out.
alaskamom 9 years ago

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