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10 month old not sleeping through the night Page 15 of 22

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Good to know. So I'll just see how it goes tonight and redose later if necessary.
alaskamom 9 years ago
So I didn't dose him last night, and he had more of a 'normal' night for him, as in normal prior to having any of the remedy. So, not worse and not better.

I wonder, should I try giving him three drops of the remedy in the water vs. just the one drop like I did last time? The first dose I did, was three drops, and actually I succussed 7 times instead of 5 by accident. Should I try that again?
alaskamom 9 years ago
I gave a dose of the remedy last night before bed, doing the 7 succussions and 3 drops into the water. He seemed to do a little better, insofar as not waking up crying, but more often just waking up saying 'mama mama'. I assume just see how it goes? Am I going about this the right way? I do have 200c on hand if we want to move it up.
alaskamom 9 years ago
So it seems like I'm not seeing any improvement at this point. He is kind of cranky during the day, and sleeping about average at night. Appetite is decent.

Also I wanted to ask about mixing up the next potency (when it's time to do that). Do I need to boil the glass bottle if I'm just moving up from 30c to 200c? Or is it all right to rinse with hot water?
alaskamom 9 years ago
The bottle must be thoroughly cleaned but done non-chemically. High heat is the best way, and let the bottle dry in the sun if possible.

It is time to move to 200c though. Moving up to this potency will tell us whether it was just palliative or not.
Evocationer 9 years ago
OK. I will clean the bottle and mix up some 200c. Same dose, with 3 drops into the water and take 2 teaspoons?
alaskamom 9 years ago
Yes all the same.

Were you cleaning all the other bottles before reusing them?
Evocationer 9 years ago
I was cleaning them when it was a different remedy, but I think I just rinsed them in hot water when it was the same remedy in a different potency. Wonder if that affected it. My thought was that since it wasn't something different, just a stronger potency, that it should be OK. Now I know better!

I did give him a dose last night before bed. He didn't go to sleep until later than normal, about 9:30 he conked out. But he seemed to sleep a bit better, and didn't wake up crying so much. He seems in a good mood this morning. Looking forward to seeing how this goes.
alaskamom 9 years ago
I don't think the remedy is helping with sleeping. Although it's helping with other things.
His appetite is very good, despite the fact that he is cutting a molar right now. A couple days ago, he seemed like he was going to go into his fever/ear pulling/tooth cutting cycle, where he gets a high fever with no reason, but it never materialized. So I guess that's an improvement. And his sleep is about average, so I guess that could be worse, considering the teething.
He's been fighting sleep today which is driving me nuts. He's been acting tired since 3pm but it's almost 8pm and still he refuses to sleep. Rubbing his eyes, fussy, etc, but no sleep.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Try to wait a little longer. It is still close to that last dose.
Evocationer 9 years ago
OK can do.
alaskamom 9 years ago
We had an especially poor night's sleep last night. He has a molar erupting so I'm sure that's why.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Repeat the remedy.
Evocationer 9 years ago
He had a really awful night. His molar seemed to really be hurting. He woke up many times crying and wailing, not wanting to nurse until I put Oragel on his molar. Then he settled down and nursed back to sleep. Had to put it on him maybe 6 times last night, aside from the times he woke up that I was able to settle him without it.
He has been fighting sleep really hard too, yesterday and today for nap time. Last night, after giving him his dose, he didn't go to bed until about 11pm. But he also had a late nap---2pm to 4pm--because he fought going down for so long. I'm assuming it's an aggravation.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Both kids are sick today. Kody has a runny nose, tinged yellow. Usually his mucous is always clear, so maybe his body is clearing out some old infection? He's been fussy today too. No fever as of yet, although his brother has one. I find it interesting that they're both sick right after getting doses of remedy.
alaskamom 9 years ago
It may be an aggravation, although it could be an acute illness. We may need to treat acutely.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Well, it sort of seems like an acute illness. But you would know best. He has a cough, a fever, and rosy cheeks. His appetite is very poor today although he is nursing plenty. He has copious amounts of mucous running down his upper lip from his nose, yellowish in color. Sneezy, and his cough sounds congested, kind of hacking. Big brother has the same thing going on, although his fever was yesterday, and no fever today.
[message edited by alaskamom on Tue, 26 Aug 2014 05:10:02 BST]
alaskamom 9 years ago
He has still been fighting sleep, but then sleeping a lot better the last two nights. Waking much less often. Tonight he woke up at 3am and is up right now. Went to bed at 9pm, but he only woke up twice maybe in that amount of time, so really good for him. Not sure if it's because his fever is higher or what. He feels pretty hot. I haven't taken his temp because I really don't want to know. If I had to guess, probably 103.5 F. He's staying well hydrated though. I'm keeping him dressed a bit warmer than normal to help his body not have to work so hard to keep the fever going. Is that what I should be doing? I have not given any fever-reducing meds.
alaskamom 9 years ago
He is kind of misearable today, still hot, and clingy. Appetite is still poor. Wanting little sips of water all day and nursing frequently. Not interested in more than a bite or two of food.
[message edited by alaskamom on Tue, 26 Aug 2014 23:00:05 BST]
alaskamom 9 years ago
Strange - those are all strong Arsenicum symptoms - keynotes in fact

Thirst, small quantities, during fever
Thirst, small quantities, and often
Appetite, easy satiety, during fever
Nose, discharge, copious
Nose, discharge, mucous
Nose, discharge, yellow
Held, desire to be

Many of those symptoms are what we call 3 value symptoms - well known, frequently confirmed in practice as cured by Arsenicum.

It seems to me he is still in the state, and it may be a healing crisis aggravated or stimulated by the remedy.

However, as a backup, should things not improve, I would consider Pulsatilla as a possible complementary.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Just let me know what you would like me to do.
I do have Pulsatilla 30c here.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Wait another day. Usually when the wrong remedy has been given, and the patient's symptoms come up more strongly, they point to a different remedy. But in this case, they are pointing to the same remedy, which makes me think this is a healing crisis instead.
Evocationer 9 years ago
That's good to know. I kind of feel like he should be feeling better tomorrow.
alaskamom 9 years ago
He still has a fever this morning.
alaskamom 9 years ago
He's just wanting to lay around today and still has no appetite. He's dozed off a couple times but he seems to have a hard time falling asleep---just too restless. He feels pretty hot, but he hates thermometers so I haven't been able to get an accurate reading on him.
Yesterday it seemed like his right arm was bothering him. He wanted his short off and then was rubbing the upper arm. His hand seems to be getting his attention, too--he looks at it like he's looking for a sliver or something. He also has been gagging when he coughs. He will stick his tongue out to me like he has something in his mouth he wants me to get. Whiny and clingy, more so today.
alaskamom 9 years ago
I'm taking him into the doctor today. Three (or has it been 4? I can't recall) days of fever is too much for me.
alaskamom 9 years ago

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