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10 month old not sleeping through the night Page 2 of 22

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Ok looks like some of my posts done before the weekend didn't appear.

Since he did well on the first dose, but he has an acute illness, it is expected the dose will wear off more quickly. Repeat the dose again as before.

If he needs repeat doses however, you will need to make a proper dosing bottle, as the succussions (hitting of the bottle) are vital to continuing the healing action of a remedy over several doses.
Evocationer last decade
OK, so I just need to go out and get a bottle, then I can make it up fresh and do that. Thank you!
alaskamom last decade
So I gave him his dose, and so far he is doing well sleeping. He started to wake a few times, and was able to put himself back to sleep without my help.
alaskamom last decade
The first night after the dose, he slept really well, only about 1 or 2 wakeups.

Last night, he started out well, being able to put himself back to sleep at first, then around 2 am he started to wake up crying every hour.
alaskamom last decade
Increase the number of succussions to 10 and repeat the dose once only.
Evocationer last decade
All right. He is asleep tonight, but I will do that tomorrow. Should I do it before bed or does it matter when?
alaskamom last decade
Shouldn't matter too much unless he is aggravating directly after the dose, in which case it should be done away from his sleep time.

Do not repeat if his sleep has improved again.
Evocationer last decade
All right, we'll give it a try!
alaskamom last decade
I did his dose about mid-day yesterday, in case of any aggravations. Last night was still not very great, I would call it a typical night for him, as in typical prior to trying homeopathics. One thing I did do, in case this changes anything, is I added a small amount of alcohol to the water prior to mixing a new dose, because when I went to use the remedy again that I had first started out with, it had gotten cloudy. So I figured it would be better to do water and alcohol (trying to keep the ratio you described for me), so it wouldn't go bad.
alaskamom last decade
How are you currently dosing him, with a bottle or out of a cup?
Evocationer last decade
With a bottle, and just putting one drop on his tongue.
alaskamom last decade
It is always prudent to wait several days before redosing with a 200c in chronic complaints, as the first few days afterwards may actually be the aggravation. 3 days is probably enough to at least judge what kind of effect we are getting.
Evocationer last decade
OK, so one more day then, before we are 3 days out from his last dose of 200c. Will keep you posted. He is cutting teeth as well, and still sporting a runny nose from his illness, for what it's worth.
alaskamom last decade
Ah ok that is a bit different, he is in an acute state then - for which Chamomilla is ideally suited.

If he is still unsettled I would actually repeat the remedy now.
Evocationer last decade
All right. I will try to put a drop on his tongue tonight while he is sleeping (he's already in bed), if not successful will do tomorrow before bed.
alaskamom last decade
I probably wouldn't disturb him if he is sleeping. An aggravation could actually wake him up!
Evocationer last decade
Ah good thought! We'll wait till tomorrow then, and let sleeping babies lie. ;)
alaskamom last decade
So I did another dose before bed last night, and he did better than normal, but still woke up quite a bit, especially toward morning. He had longer stretches of sleep at the beginning of the night, and then woke up more and more often as it got toward morning.
alaskamom last decade
I did another dose last night, and I'm still not seeing the kind of results I did in the beginning. I feel that there is a bit of improvement, a few times where he will sleep longer stretches like 4 hours, but still waking often to nurse. I try to fill him up during the day but he still wants to comfort feed at night. Also, at the beginning of starting homeopathy, where I had more success with him, it seemed like he was much more relaxed about going to sleep, and now he is sort of fighting it a bit again. Better than normal, but not as good as in the beginning of treatment.
alaskamom last decade
Also I forgot to add that he doesn't seem to be teething anymore, and his runny nose has cleared up.
He doesn't really get fussy when it's time to go to sleep, he just would rather keep his eyes open, and talk to me and play instead of falling asleep, even though he is acting tired.
alaskamom last decade
He has been really hard to get to sleep since yesterday evening. Last night at bedtime he was fighting sleep pretty hard, even though he was tired. Same story today, he went to bed so late last night because of refusing to sleep, that he was really tired this morning, but still managed to fight sleep. It took 3 times of trying to put him down, both last night and today (meaning I spent about half hour or so nursing him quietly in bed trying to shush him and soothe him to sleep, then gave up because he did not want to go to sleep, each time). Just checking in to give you the whole picture and see what you would suggest.
alaskamom last decade
Well, normally what I would do at this stage is move to 1M. It is possible that the remedy is only a partial similar, but there is a process to work through now before deciding to change the remedy.
Evocationer last decade
OK, I might not be able to order it right away, I will let you know when I can.
alaskamom last decade
So just wondering, in the meantime, can I give the 200c remedy more often? He is teething again and still sleeping worse than normal right now because of it. Would it make sense to give it daily, or on a different schedule?
alaskamom last decade
Try this. Repeat the remedy once more, but hit the bottle 20 times.
Evocationer last decade
OK. Will do that tonight before bed. Thank you!
alaskamom last decade

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