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Anacardium Occidentale

Anacardium, Cashew nut, Anac-oc.

Available in 2C-30C, 200C, 4X-30X from $6.59
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HPUS indication of Anacardium Occidentale: Itching

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Anacardium Occidentale in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Vesicular facial eruptions, anaesthetic variety of leprosy; warts, corns, ulcers, cracking of the skin on soles of feet.

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Intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; confusion

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Pain; burning (see heat)


itching (see skin)

out-breaks on skin; red; erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour)


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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Anacardium Occidentale

Anac > general
Serapio in his book, C. 346 (contained in , Venet. fol. 1550), quotes most of the writers among the Arabians who have written about the use of the juice of Anacardium. says It is good when sensation and memory have been marred.

Anac > general
If on choosing Anacardium, according to its peculiar symptoms, also one or another of the following states is found, this would only make more sure the correctness of its choice.

Anac > general
but smelling of raw coffee is efficacious against the anger and violence caused by Anacardium.

Anac > general
Those physicians who, besides me, contributed their observations to the pure effects of Anacardium are ., ; ., ; ., ; ., ; ., ; ., ; ., .

Anac > general
A pathogenesis of Anacardium appeared in the third Vol. of the Archiv (1823), containing 484 symptoms obtained from the powdered bean and tincture by the seven provers mentioned above and by Hahnemann himself. His present symptom-list is made up of these and of 138 fresh symptoms obtained (in all probability) in his later manner.

Anac > general

Anac > mind
Anacardium enfeebles the understanding.

Anac > general
That is better. It finally destroys or paralyzes the external will, and when a man is naturally evil and is under the paralyzing influence of Anacardium he will do acts of violence.

Anac > general
A wicked man is restrained, not by his conscience, but by fear of the law. Anacardium paralyzes the external will arid places him in a position of imbecility, and he does acts of violence from his own natural perverted self It has so acted on a portion of the mind that it teaches a great deal.

Clem > general
Croton tig., Rhus, Ranunculus, Anacardium and Clematis at times look so much alike that I am unable to tell them apart by their eruptions.

Crot-t > general
It is an antidote to Rhus. Croton tig is closely related in its vesicular eruption to the Rhus family (particularly Rhus tox). Anacardium, Sepia and Anagallis.

Sabad > general
it is a delusion, a fixed idea. Iodine is full of fixed ideas. Anacardium has a fixed idea that a devil is sitting on one shoulder talking into his ear, while an angel sits on the other shoulder talking into the other ear, and he halts between the two and says nothing.

Thuj > general
Pain localized in small spots. A nail driven in the head, side of head and forehead, like Ignatia and Anacardium. These pains are intensified into tearing pains, and affect the eye-ball, making it so sore that it can hardly be touched.

Alum > general
The chief characteristic leading to the use or this remedy is found in its peculiar constipation. "Inactivity of the rectum, even the soft stool requires great straining." Like Bryonia, there is no desire for stool and the constipation seems to depend upon dryness of the mucous follicles. Again it is adapted to dry, spare subjects. There are other points of resemblance between these two remedies and they complement each other well. There are both excellent in infantile constipation, which is often a very obstinate affection to treat. Anacardium, Sepia, Silicea and Veratrum album are nearest of kin in this lack of expulsive power in the rectum.

Anac > general
Anacardium orientale is a very valuable remedy, but is not, I think, generally appreciated by our school. It ought often to be used in that hydraheaded complaint called dyspepsia, for which Nux vomica is so indiscriminately used. Both are excellent remedies, and it is only necessary to know the difference to make the choice between them easy. Anacardium has a pain in the stomach, which comes on only when the stomach is empty and is relieved by eating, while Nux vomica is relieved after the process of digestion is over. The pain of Nux vomica is worst two or three hours after meals, but lasts only until digestion is accomplished, and then comes relief, whereas, with Anacardium, this is the time when the suffering is worst. I have cured many cases (some of them of quite long standing) of this description with Anacardium, and find almost as many of them as I do Nux vomica cases. I have found the 200th here more efficacious than the lower potencies. The potency here as well as elsewhere and with all remedies has more to do with success in curing than some imagine.

Anac > general
After awhile it appeared that the pain (which was very severe) and vomiting came on when the stomach was empty. She had to eat once or twice in the night for relief. The substance vomited was always black or brown looking like coffee grounds. Her sister had been operated for cancer of the breast, and of course she was very nervous and fearful of cancer of the stomach. Anacardium relieved promptly, and she has had no return of the trouble since then. Whether the cure is complete remains to be seen, but the benefit from the remedy was unquestionable.

Anac > general
Both these remedies have frequent ineffectual urging to stool, but Nux vomica is the result of irregular peristaltic action as observed by Carroll Dunham, while Anacardium has an insufficiency or paralytic state of the rectum which does not appear under Nux vomica. In other words, Nux vomica has desire, but with irregular or over-action. Anacardium has the desire, but with not sufficient action to carry it out. Then Anacardium has a sense of a lump or plug in the anus which ought to come away, which does not appear under Nux vomica.

Anac > general
Anacardium is also one of our leading remedies for loss of memory, especially in old people of broken down constitutions.

Anac > general
There are many remedies having loss of memory as a leading symptom, but none stronger than this one. Of course, the whole case must be taken into the account. This remedy has two other peculiar mind symptoms. First "Irresistible desire to curse and swear." This symptom, queer as it may seem, is no more so than the other symptom found under Stramonium, and often verified, "patient wants to pray continually." Some of the most remarkable and convincing cures have been made on just such symptoms. Another symptom is, "the patient feels as if he had two wills," each commanding or moving him to do opposite things, or one commanding him to do a thing and the other commanding him not to do it. Such symptoms are often found in dementia, and are valuable guides to the curative remedy. See my case reported under Platina. Then, again, Anacardium has two other peculiar symptoms. One as of a hoop around parts, and the other as of a plug in inner parts. This may be found in head, chest, abdomen or anus. The sensation of a hoop around parts may be found in spinal troubles and Anacardium will be the remedy. Other remedies have a general characteristic sensation, as Anacardium has the sensation of a plug; for instance, the feeling of fullness as if too full of blood of Aesculus hippocastanum. and the sensation of constriction of Cactus grandiflorus. Anacardium is also said to be a good antidote for Rhus poisoning. I have never used it for this.

Kali-bi > general
Kali bichromicum has been of use in the treatment of stomach troubles. The vomiting is often of the ropy character, and here also, as in nose, mouth and throat, we may have formed "round ulcers" But short of actual ulceration we have a form of dyspepsia, in which this remedy is very useful. It is often found in drunkards, especially beer drunkards. There is great weight in the stomach, fullness, a distress immediately after eating (like Nux moschata), but not like Nux vomica, which comes on two or three hours after, nor like Anacardium, which also comes on two or three hours after eating, and then the pain continues until he eats again, which relieves.

Lyc > general
This condition may also be found in the advanced stage of many different acute diseases such as cerebro-spinal meningitis, typhoid fever, pneumonia, etc. Now if you get the 4 to 8 P. M. aggravation this remedy surely comes in. But this depression of the sensorium is also found in chronic form. you remember what was said of this remedy in the impotence of old men. If you find corresponding failure in the sensorium of old men, the memory fails, they use wrong words to express themselves, mix things up generally in writing, spelling, and are, in short, unable to do ordinary mental work on account of failing brain power, remember Lycopodium Here again Anacardium, Phosphorus, Baryta or Opium may come in for comparison. Also Picric acid and Agnus castus.

Nat-m > general
There are several remedies which are either hungry or relieved by eating, notably Anacardium, Chelidonium and Petroleum, as well as Natrum mur. and Iodine.

Nat-m > general
The Anacardium has pain in the stomach which extends to the spine, and an all gone sensation which must be relieved by eating; and after two hours returns and he must eat again. Chelidonium hunger is accompanied with the characteristic liver symptoms. (See Chelidonium).

Nux-m > general
With Nux vomica and Anacardium the pain comes on an hour or two after eating.

Nux-m > general
Now we will notice in detail the mind and sensorium symptoms that we have given, by way of comparison. I will add to the comparison made between this remedy and Antimonium Tart. and Opium, Apis mellifica, which has soporous sleep; but it is interrupted by piercing screams, especially in brain diseases, where the sopor is generally found. None of the other remedies have these screams (cri encephalique) so prominently. "Vanishing of thought while talking, reading or writing" may find their similar under Camphor, Cannabis Indica and Lachesis. "Loss of memory" under many remedies, but notably under Anacardium, Lycopodium, Bryonia alb., Sulphur and Natrum muriaticum. The "fitful, changing moods and disposition" is found under Aconite, Ignatia, Crocus and Platina. "Absence of mind," Anacardium, Kreosote, Lachesis, Natrum mur. and Mercurius. I notice that those remedies that are oftenest similar to Nux moschata in its mind and other symptoms are often found among the so-called hysteric remedies. And why not? For Nux moschata is one of our best in this hydra-headed complaint. Taking together all of the symptoms we have been over, and adding to them that other one, "easy fainting," where can you find a more complete general picture of the average hysteric? I will not use more space here for this remedy, but recommend to every careful student, and practitioner, who does not already understand it, a careful study of this certainly valuable drug. That it has not received the use in practice that it should is due, I have no doubt, to the fact that it is used so frequently in foods, that many think it cannot be much of a remedy.

Petr > general
Again, Petroleum is one of our best remedies for seasickness. In this it resembles Cocculus. Another curious symptom is cracking of the joints. This is like Causticum. Both of these remedies are valuable in chronic rheumatism, especially where this symptom is present. Petroleum has, with Chelidonium and Anacardium, a symptom, pain in stomach, relieved by eating. Again it is valuable in diarrhoea and dysentery, which is worse during the day. Petroleum deserves to be classed with the leading anti-psorics, such as Sulphur, Graphites, Causticum and Lycopodium.

Staph > general
Phosphoric acid is sometimes used for the results of onanism when Staphisagria would do better. You will also notice that this remedy may be indicated for the effects of anger instead of Chamomilla or Colocynth. Here are Chamomilla, Nux vomica Cina, Colocynth and Staphisagria standing very close to each other for cross, ugly, irritable subjects, and there are few cases that one or the other will not fit. Then we have Phosphoric acid, Natrum muriaticum, Anacardium, Aurum and Staphisagria for the apathetic or hypochondriacal.

Anac > relationships
Compare: Anacardium occidentale (cashew nut) (erysipelas, vesicular facial eruptions), anaesthetic variety of leprosy; warts, corns, ulcers, cracking of the skin on soles of feet). Rhus.; Cypriped.; Chelidonium.; Xerophyl. ’ Platina follows well. Cereus serpentina (swearing).

Com > relationships
Compare: Rhus; Anacard.; Euphorb.

Crot-t > relationships
Compare: Momordica Charantia - Hairy mordica - (has marked drastic properties, producing colic, nausea, vomiting, cholera-like symptoms, abdomen seems full of fluid discharged explosively, thin, watery, yellow. Great thirst). Rhus; Anagallis; Anacard.; Sepia.

Cypr > relationships
Compare: Ambra; Kali-brom.; Scutellar.; Valerian; Ignat. Skin relatives: Grindelia; Anacard.

Eucal > relationships
Compare: Oil of Eucalyptus Globulus ( Produces remarkable bodily exhaustion, no desire for any motion, unable to do any real mental work, study, etc. The volatile oil possesses, in common with other, the property of converting water, in presence of air and sunlight, into hydrogen peroxide, or to convert oxygen into Ozone, which is the explanation usually given of its deodorizing and antiseptic properties ( Merrel.) (Locally, in catarrhal affections, especially when of a suppurating or putrid nature.) Eucalyptus tereticortis (menstrual cough and Prostration). Eucalyptol (depresses temperature of healthy body more than Quinine; acts on kidneys like Terebinth.); Anacard.; Hydrast.; Kali-sulph. Eucalyptus neutralizes ill effects of Strychnin. Angophora-Red Gum (dysentery, pains, tenesmus; better lying flat on face; obstinate constipation). Eucalyptus rostrata; Kino.

Manc > relationships
Compare: Croton; Jatropha; Canth.; Anacard.

Rhus-t > relationships
Antidotes: Bathing with milk and Grindelia lotion very effective. Ampelopsis trifolia - Three-leaf Woodbine - (Toxic dermatitis due to vegetable poisons - 30 and 200. Very similar to Rhus Toxicodendron poisoning. Desensitizing against Ivy poisoning by the use of ascending doses of the tincture by mouth or by hypodermic injections is recommended by old school authorities, but is not as effective as the homeopathic remedies especially RHUS 30 and 200 and Anacard., etc. Anacard.; Croton.; Grindelia; Mezer.; Cyp RIP.; Plumbago (eczema of vulva); Graph.

Rhus-v > relationships
Compare: Anacard.

Urt-u > relationships
Compare: Medusa; Nat-mur.; Lac. Can.; Ricin (diminished mammary secretion); Bombyx; Rhus; Apis; Chloral.; Astac.; Puls ( urticaria); Boletus luridus and Anacard ( urticaria tuberosa); Lycop. AND Hedeoma (uric acid conditions); Formica.

Rad-b > relationships
Compare: Anacardium (the ulceration produced by it is like Radium. It may appear elsewhere than on place of contact and appear late).

Anac > general
Semecarpus anacardium. Marking Nut. N. O. Anacardiaceae. (East Indies.) Preparation layer of nut between shell and kernel triturated.

Anac > general
Anacardium has many features in common with its botanical relatives, the different species of Rhus, especially in its action on the skin, muscles, and joints, but it has also very distinct features of its own.

Anac > general
Anacardium has many features in common with its botanical relatives, the different species of Rhus, especially in its action on the skin, muscles, and joints, but it has also very distinct features of its own.

Anac > general
A very characteristic sensation is a pressing or penetrating pain as from a plug, which may occur in any locality in connection with neuralgias and ear affection, piles, &c., and whenever present Anacardium will probably be the remedy.

Anac > general
A very characteristic sensation is a pressing or penetrating pain as from a plug, which may occur in any locality in connection with neuralgias and ear affection, piles, &c., and whenever present Anacardium will probably be the remedy.

Com > general
Comocladia shows its botanical affinity with the Rhus family by the virulence of its effects on the skin, the slightest contact, and, at times, even walking in the neighbourhood of the growing tree, being sufficient to cause violent inflammation. The trunk and branches of the tree contain a milky fluid, turning black on exposure to sunlight, discolouring the skin, linen, &c. (Compare the "Marking Nut" Anacardium.) The plant causes tormenting itching, swelling, redness, vesication, ulceration. Hale quotes from Navarro cures of ulcers "Sloughing ulcer of right breast." "Indolent ulcer, lower third right leg," deep, discharging sanious fetid pus. "Inflammation of left leg and foot, with enormous swelling and fever." A cough, with pain under left breast going through to left scapula, has several times been cured with Comocl. The eye symptoms are peculiar pain in right eye, sensation as if it were larger than left, and more protruded. There are also rheumatic pains, and, as with Rhus, these and the symptoms in general are amel. by motion and agg. by rest. In contradistinction to Rhus, heat agg. and open air amel. most of the symptoms. Most symptoms are agg. at night as with Rhus. Pressure amel.

Anac > abdomen
Eating relieves Anacardium Dyspepsia

Lith > abdomen
Stomach; Acidity, nausea, Gnawing, relieved by eating ( Anacard.) Cannot endure slightest pressure of clothes ( Laches.)