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Homeopathy Training, Courses and Schools - Directory

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Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine The Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine offers a professional diploma programme in Homeopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, an advanced programme for physicians and healthcare professionals, a postgraduate diploma programme (with acclaimed world-renowned practitioners and teacher/researchers), a certificate programme, general interest courses, distance education and in-class study options.

United Kingdom

School of Homeopathy Providers of professional training at the highest standards. Schools in Devon, England and in New York, and comprehensive worldwide correspondence course programs.
North West College of Homoeopathy Based in Manchester, the College runs a four-year part-time course in Homoeopathy. Information on treatment as well as training is also available.


Los Angeles School of Homeopathy LASH offers a three-year academic and mentoring program through ten lively weekend classes per year, September through June. In addition to homework assignments, students will learn from online modules, written and created by world-renowned homeopathy and teacher, Louis Klein FS Hom. Completion of the program will prepare you to sit for the national certification boards, as well as provide you with ample clinical hours in observation, analysis and supervised practice. You will also be awarded a diploma from LASH upon completion of the entire program.
Homeopathy School of Colorado Students at the Homeopathy School of Colorado study all aspects of this fascinating health care system. HSC offers a two-year homeopathic certification program approved by the State of Colorado. The school hosts nationally and internationally renowned teachers.
Alive and Healthy We offer the "Complete Homeopathy Home Study Course" which will teach you how to prescribe homeopathic remedies for your family. A "must-have" for all families!