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Directory of Homeopathy Web Links

Homeopathy Information

These links are to sites outside of ABC Homeopathy. Sites listed write their own entries and we take no responsibility for the content of these sites. That said, we will remove objectionable links.


Homéopathe International First homeopathic site.

United Kingdom

Dr Andrew Lockie-Homeopathic Services Based on the bestselling book Family Guide to Homeopathy, this website continues the tradition of combining orthodox medicine with self-help homeopathy, nutrition and general life-style advice contained within a safe framework. It gives details of what remedies to give, how often to take them, how long to take to them for and when to seek professional help. The site has been recommended by both The Sunday Times and MacUser magazine.
Homeopathy Works Vicky holds a degree in Health Sciences and Homeopathy and a Licentiate from the London College of Classical Homeopathy. This site offers information on homeopathy, how to use remedies safely in your home, and how to book an appointment with Vicky in Central London or Surrey.


Homeopathic Educational Services (Homeopathic Everything!) Books, tapes, medicines, software, correspondence courses, research. 100+ free articles on homeopathy by our owner, Dana Ullman, MPH!