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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Effexor withdrawl and symptoms, please help

I have been weaning myself of Effexor with my doctor's assistance for the last month.

Since that time I have gotten down to taking none but the symptoms I got drove me back to taking even smaller doses.

I am now on day 2 again and I am suffering wth the worst bitter taste in my mouth almost to the point of vomiting. My other symptoms include: breaking out in a sweat for very little exertion, hands shaking, nausea.

What I would like to get rid of the most is the taste in my mouth and the sweating.

I also wake up each day with a very, very dry mouth.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
  Cindyd on 2003-12-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I put the following into the remedy finder on this site for you:

bitter taste + sweat +hands shaking + nausea + dry mouth on waking

Following it through and looking at the remedy grid, there are a feew remedies indicated:

Sepia, Alumina, Calcarea Carbonica, and Phosphorus are all indicated. Your best bet is probably to have a go at the remedy finder yourself; that way you can tailor it to the details of your case.

katie 2 decades ago
bryonia 200c 1 dose only
will pallatate situation;;start with this .

sulphur,merc also choices but not start with,some symptoms still mixed with effexor--withdraw (toxic left overs)-see what left over after bryonia use--noting new symptoms

john stanton 2 decades ago
I am in the withdrawal stages from Effexor XR and I'm keeping an online journal (blog) of my journey

I am also doing research for an upcoming book which will shed light on the problems associated with legally prescribed anti-depressant drugs and would be interested in hearing stories from anyone about their experiences with these drugs.

If you are the user of an anti-depressant medication yourself, or, if you are a family member or friend of someone who has used or is currently using anti-depressants, your personal perspective is important in this research.

I would like information concerning how and when you, (or they), started using the prescribed medication, the name and dosage, (if known), and also for what illness or condition the medication was prescribed.

Other important information for this research would cover side effects, which would include, but not be limited to, odd or strange feelings or actions encountered during the drug's use.

Additionally, if you, (or they), are now in the withdrawal stages, (or have been in the past), any information on length of time, dosage decreases, feelings, overall condition of health, etc. would be beneficial to my research.

If you are interested in sharing any portion or all of this information with me, I welcome your email to:

I addition, if you have any questions please feel free to drop me a line at the same address.
deb 2 decades ago
I have been on Effexor for over a year. At first, I thought it was the wonder drug I had been searching for as I had been prescribed Lithium, Paxil, Xanax, and some I can't recall now for my depression. I am weening myself off the Effexor as I can't abide the feelings of even worse depression by taking it. My withdrawl symptoms are vomiting, shaking, nausea, deep muscle pain, queen bitch of the universe moods and the horrible taste of tin in my mouth. Yuk! Depression is just a state of mind and I choose to be happy now without the aid of drugs!
stuckinkorea 2 decades ago
I'm weaning myself of Effexor XR. I was up to 112.5mg a day for anxiety. Since the smallest dosage you can take is 37.5mg, it is very difficult to quit this way with no side effects.

What I have been doing (after consulting with my doctor) is breaking the pill open and dividing the molecules depending on how much I want to some down...right now I'm on a quarter of a 37.5mg pill...I'm hardly feel and side effects with lowering my dose.

I would do something like this if you don't want to experience side effects from Effexor XR.


37.5 - 2 weeks

Break open the pill and devide into the correct doses and eat with yogurt. Doesn't have to be exact but get it as close as possible.

18.75 - 2 weeks
9.4 - 2 weeks
4.7 - 2 weeks

If you want you can keep breaking the does down...but it should be ok from here...it takes a little longer this way...but no withdrawls. Good Luck!

traps 2 decades ago
I am starting to go through withdrawl from effexor. The symptoms are must worse with the withdrawl then I ever had before taking the medication. I was prescribed this medication for ADHD with possible anxiety and stimulant drugs weren't working.
From the withdrawl I am shaking all over, I am sick to my stomach, I am horrible to be around, and I have brain shivers. I need help, I don't even want to get out of bed.
liluppy 2 decades ago
I found help to get through these awful withdrawl symptoms coming off of effexor. I was taking effexor for 5 years on a 300 mg dose per day. I even tappered off and the withdrawl symptoms are horrific and much the same as so many people out there. As I read and read over the internet looking for help on dealing with this and came up with nothing ~ I was desperate and took off to the General Nutrition Store to find out how to detoxify my system because basically what's happening is the medication needs to get out of your body or continue to stay in it to keep from feeling the withdrawl symptoms. Of course not wanting to continue taking the medication ~ I wanted to find out how to get it out in a speedy process. The General Nutrition Store has a dietry supplement called Cleansing Formula and it's made by GNC ~ their website is www.gnc.com if you don't have a local store in your area. In my area the bottle was $22 for 120 capsules. As the bottle calls for 2 a day at mealtime, the gentlemen in the store told me that 3 a day until I started feeling better would not hurt. Drink plenty of water ~ lots and lots of it ~ spring water, not tap. And, when you need a break from the water, drink cranberry juice. You wouldn't believe how quickly this helped cease the symptoms ~ and the guy told me that by in a weeks time I should be feeling much better. Whew ~ a week, sounds much better than 3 months which I read from some people that had already gotten through it and they just dealth with it. What power they had because I couldn't imagine feeling like this for 3 months ~ especially being a single mom to a 7 year old boy with behaviroial problems and I get no help. As well as taking the dietry supplement ~ you can detox your body through your pores by taking a bath in epsom salt and hydrogen peroxide. Use any where from 1 cup to 1 lb of epsom salt depending how much you want this dextoxification to do, which I used 1 lb ~ and mix it with 1 16 oz bottle of hydrogen peroxide ~ in very hot water and keep a cold spring water drink next to you while in the tub to drink. Doing this at bed time is best because you will feel very relaxed and want to go on to sleep and you will with no problem. The difference it's made in the way I feel has been awsome compared to how I did feel. I am also checking into suing the manufacturer of effexor. I don't understand how in the world a product like this can be allowed on the market doing this awful thing to so many people. This to me is more like one of the street drugs and I don't see how this is a help to us. I feel that effexor needs to be gotten off the market. Please help me get this speedy recovery out across the internet to the world so that people know that there is help and that there is light at the end of this awful feeling in a quick manner. I also found that benedryl sinus & headache mediction helped with the dizziness and tingling in the face in the process of getting through this. If you are still in the process of getting through this ~ try these techniches and hang in there. Good Luck to you. Robin
rwoo1067 2 decades ago

Thank you for the wonderful suggestions! As soon as I can I am heading to GNC for some of the stuff! I'm on day 12 of my de-tox and although I'm certainly feeling better then I did I'm still having the dizziness and nausea! I liken it to being really, really, drunk and getting the bed spins. Unfortunately - I'm neither lying down nor drunk!!

Did you have the "brain jolts" I've read about? I haven't had many of these but they certainly are odd.

Thanks again for your help and I do remember something about a class action suit on-line - if I find the link again I'll let you know!

knadn_eh 2 decades ago
i am suffering from depression and anxiety for 4 years.i was taking venlor 300mg per day.i wants to get rid of this and its sideeffects.i beleive in homeopathy.please help me out
deepak 2 decades ago
Last summer I was put on Effexor XR for fibromyalgia. I feel the depression esculated but I waited until the school year was over to change my medicine. I am currently in Day 10 of withdrawal and deciding if I need to go back to the medicine. I am so dizzy I worry about driving, I am exhausted and sleep all the time. If I am not crying I am yelling at my boys. How long does this last? What are brain jolts?
silver 2 decades ago
1 dose (only) nux-vomica 30c

avoid ALL acidic foods and drinks...i.e...coffee,tea,vinegar,fruit and juices,coca-cola,pepsi and the like...etc..also avois spicy foods and milk products

keep posting changes as occur---may need remedy change or potency change..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I was put on effexor about six months ago. I was only taking 37.5. things were fine for the first few months i would take it at 7pm everyday. then about two months ago i noticed that around 5pm i would get this strange feeling in my head almost like i was getting an electric shock in the middle of my brain. but after i took my pill at 7pm it would kind of go away after a few hours. I told my doc and he said it was withdrawl and that i should stop taking it. I was too affraid to deal with the withdrawl that i keep taking it until about five days ago. and i have this electric shock feeling in my head none stop. It is driving me crazy. It has been getting a little better but i would rather be vomiting then have this happen to me. How long could this possible last? what can i do for it? Anyone else have this problem?
willowlou81 2 decades ago
Hi Cyndy d !

mind depression + mouth bitter taste + mouth dryness in the morning +

You would be well advised to take NATRUM NUR 30C four times a day. Gradually reduce to three times, then twice and so no.

Also take once a week MERC SOL 200C

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
withdrawing from this medication is just horrible, I have had nausea, vomiting and abd pain for 5 days along having anxeity and depression. I was put on this drug to help with mild depression and chronic neck pain from a car accident, I feel worse now then I did before starting this medication. Do natural products really help with the withdrawl symptoms, I need help, I dont know how much more of this I can stand. I work full time and have a 7 month baby to take care of.
nicko 2 decades ago
I'm furious. I spent all day Friday in the ER having blood drawn, a CAT scan and a spinal tap because I had a horrible headache, lack of coordination, nausea, dizziness, stiff neck, and weakness. I thought I was having a stroke! After everything came back negative, I was shot up with drugs and sent home with a recommendation to see my doctor again (she sent me to the ER!) on Monday.

While waiting to see her, I picked up a copy of SELF (July, 2004) in her waiting room. In there is an article by an author named Wolfe called "Hooked on Anti-Depressants" The woman in the article suffered exactly the same symptoms as me! And... lo and behold...we were both coming off Effexor.

I started on the drug (75mg 2x daily) about 4 months ago after an acute episode of the depression I have been suffering with for the last 30 years (I'm 45.) I was suicidal by the time my boyfriend drove me to our local mental facility. There wasn't enough room at the in-patient facility (of course) so I was advised to return for "day treatment" in the morning after speaking to the staff psychiatrist. I knew that day treatment would not be the answer for me as I'd been through this so many times in the past and that I needed to get back on meds (after being med free for 2 years!) The psychiatrist that I was referred to the next day started me on Effexor - 1 75mg dose in the morning for two weeks, adding another 75mg dose at night after that.

Along with Welbutrin (to counteract the sexual side effects of the Effexor), Trazadone (to counteract the "up-all-night" effect of the Effexor), Premarin (for the last 18 years due to an early hysterectomy), Vitamins E, B12, and a Centrum Silver- type all purpose, I was taking six pills every morning and two at night. Once I started feeling really good for a couple of months, I wanted to see if I'd feel as well on fewer pills. I eliminated the night dose of the Effexor. Two days later, the withdrawl symptoms began in earnest.

I am grateful that I was not on this medication longer and that I have a wonderful family doc who is helping me wean off of this. She has increased my dose of Welbutrin (known to be lowest in side effects) and has prescribed the Effexor in 37.5mg doses so I can come off more slowly. When the time comes to take less than 37.5, I will cut those pills in halves and quarters if I have to. I just want OFF.

I have, like many of you, taken MANY other drugs in the past and NEVER have I had the horrible withdrawl symptoms of Effexor. The Wolfe article in SELF tells of an on-line petition signed by 5,000 woman to get the drug company to warn people of the withdrawls. As of now, they are calling it "discontinuance syndrome." What a crock. The government won't legalize drugs like coke and heroine to "protect" us from the harmful effects (like withdrawl from those drugs). However, it promotes the drug companies who produce LEGAL drugs (like Effexor) that do much worse.

Please let me know if any of you get information about the class action suit. Any monetary settlement is not the motivator here...this just has to stop!
Laura 2 decades ago
I was on Effexor 75 mg twice a day for about 3 years. I've been practicing yoga and recently got yoga teacher's registration. Earlier this year I decided to get off all medications I was on (Effexor, Ambien for insomnia and birth control pills).

This is my 8th or 9th week without the drug. My withdrawal symptoms are awful. Flu like symptoms, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, you name it. Most of physical symptoms have subsided but mental ones have set in. I have been a very happy and life loving person so far, and extremely strong too. Now I have unbelievable anger within me. I don’t know where is it coming from! I’m ready to cry at the drop off a hat, for no reason at all. I just wish I’d cease to exist. I won’t commit suicide, because I don’t have courage for it. I’m confused. Since last two days I’ve considered going back to the medication. That would mean I’ve failed and I wouldn’t want that stigma on me.

I have two questions:
1. Some one please tell me these will go away. Or do I need to go back to medication? (NOOOOO)
2. I’ve had success with homeopathy in past, can you suggest/prescribe something for me? Something that would help me get over this?

Thank you.
mnyogini 2 decades ago

start treatment ===single dose "only" nux-vomica 200c (at least 1 hour after last meal) before bed...NO repetition of dose on any other day (at ALL)

MUST AVOID---all acidic foods and drinks...i.e...coffee;tea;coca-cola,pepsi and the like;fruit and juices;vinegar;alcoholic beverages;...etc

MUST AVOID---spicy foods;condiments;stimulants;fats;milk products..

NO OTHER medicines;remedies;ear-drops;skin cremes/ointments;treaments (acupunture):...etc
John Stanton 2 decades ago
p.s. also avoid 'kundalini' practises --simplify yogic practises to basic relaxation/rejuvenation routine---at this point it is important NOT to create unnecessary stress--once stablized -then resume more intense practise.as feel need....
John Stanton 2 decades ago
As I sit here in tears, I can hardly type. I have just counted 23 brain zaps, shivers, or bounces (whatever you call them) in the last one minute. I find that the only thing that makes them stop is to stay still and close my eyes. This is bad because I have a 1 and 6 year old to take care of. I have also been feeling dizzy, weak, nauseous, I get "hot flashes" and I have been having horrible (angry) mood swings. I think I could handle every symptom mentioned by everyone except the brain zaps. When I get them I feel them in my head, ears, eyes, my face, arms and hands. It is bad I just can't function at all. I have been off for 3 days and these symptoms seem to be getting worse not better. I have been on Effexor for 3-4 years and working with my new doctor have used the official method of quitting; ending at 37 mg. Unfortunately for me it was not gradual enough. Each day while I was on Effexor, I was reminded to take my pill by brain zaps. It seemed a small price to pay for sanity, I thought. I tried to go off once before and had the same results. I was down to 1/8 of 150 mg. I split them down that low myself. When I stopped completely I felt the way I do now, so I went back on. I told my family doctor and she said that she didn't believe that such a small amount would make any difference. It is nice when your doctor doesn't seem to believe you. As I tried to explain that I was not lying to her, she condescendingly said, "Well I guess you just must be very sensitive to the medication". I now understand that I am just a normal gal that had no idea what she was up against. I am lucky to have a great doctor now. When I mentioned my brain zaps to him he knew exactly what I was talking about. He is trying to switch me over to Welbutrin. I am already taking 300mgs a day. I was hoping that being on something else while ending Effexor this time would take away the withdrawal symptoms. I was wrong. Right now I'm not sure if I should start up again taking a super low dose or go to GNC for help. Maybe both. I think I will ask my new doctor. Thanks to everyone that shared their stories here. Please don’t let any doctor tell you that these symptoms don’t exist. I think it is funny that they make you feel like it is all in your head. WELL NO DUH
Littleskully last decade
To cydy D:
Hi, my knowledge of homeopathy is close to zilch but i do work in the pharmaceutical industry so i just thought id say that your doctor was too hasty in weaning yo off your efexor, it should be weaned off over atleast 3months otherwise the drop is too sudden and you get the side effects you've mentioned.it may be an idea to go back to your steady dose and reduce by qurter tabelt/capsule every two weeks or so..
not to say that homepathy wont help but i thought perhaps an explanation might be handy
good luck!
naryssa last decade
Im taking venlor 75g at 7pm in the evening everyday for past 3 years. i think its time to go off it. any suggestions before beginning?
nancy last decade
I know what everyone here is talking about, My doc has been weaning me off effexor, and it has been "hell" on earth. I am so dizzy, lightheaded, sick at my stomach, and the worst ever "Brain Zaps" or as I call them a "Woosh" of the head. I can not stand them any longer, I'm going crazy!!
Anybody found anything effective for this!!!!
cs2800 last decade
Since my last post, I took Nux Vomica 200c to detox. After that my cousin's wife, who is a homeopath has put me on Pulsatilla 200c + Kali Phos 200C and Bach Flower Walnit 10 drops twice a day in half a cup of water. I'm doing alot better since. I do have some ups and downs, but nothing I can't snap out of. I can tell I'm on a road to recovery and hopefully a normla life soon.
mnyogini last decade
ARSENICUM ALBUM is also good for withdrawal symptoms of drugs in general. Helps with the stomach, etc. I have given for street drugs.

Concerning anger. Even though it is known as a child's remedy, CHAMOMILLA really helps the anger.

Our nervous system is divided between "fight or flight" (fear and anger) and "parasympathic" (calming) activities. One can engage the parasympathic system by learning to "make" saliva. If one is suffering with dry mouth it is harder, but keep trying. It can be learned.

There is a doctor in Spain that teaches the saliva technique and can operate on his patients without any anaesthesia, and they remain awake. I did not read it, I saw the film.

I use this as a hypnotherapist and clients are successful. Also, become determined to "not react, no matter what." This is hard too, I know. After teaching this to many people there are no more family fighting and mom calms down and can control the children, and then she teaches the children.

Not an overnight thing, but it works. Sabra
sabra last decade
Hi Everybody! Withdarwl from effexor has been a living hell! I found out that this drug is nasty poison! Not only did I gain a whopping 50lbs on this toxin,I swore I was going crazy. Muscle jerks, buzzing noise in my head! I went to my Doc and demanded that he take me off Effexor because my weight was out of control and no matter what I did I just kept on gaining!
Anyways this is day 8 being off of it and I'll tell you, so nauseated, bed spins, feel drunk all the time, slur my speech if I can get the words to come out right in the first place! I easily lose my temper, noise hurts, can't stop sleeping! The good news is my libido has returned. This med turned me into a non-feeling person. Hell I had a better chance at survivng depression than I do withdrawl. I'm seeing things that aren't there, can't focus my eyes and I dare not drive because cars coming up on me or passing me in the opposite lane startles the hell out of me, let alone the inability to concentrate on the task of driving at all. I have now started with diarrea-uhg! But I REFUSE to crawl back into that bottle because I know this won't last forever. Oh and yeah I have become incontinent since I came off it to! Anyone else have that complication?
Lucky2bMe63 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.