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Aristolochia Serpentaria, Aristolochia, Serp.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Serpentaria in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Pain, headache

with other pains; pain in neck

in forehead; afternoon

in forehead; evening

forehead and back of head (occiput)

pressing (see bursting, pulling)

stitching, sudden, sharp

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When breathing; deep breathing

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Stomach; appetite; easily satisfied

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Itching; around anus


Odour; offensive

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Serpentaria

Cimic > general
Cimicifuga racemosa, Ell. Synonyms, Actaea racemosa, Linn; Macrotys actaeoides, Raf.; Botroflus serpentaria, Raf. (Med. Flora).

NAB > general
(Praenanthes serpentaria, Pursh.)

Cimic > general
Cimicifuga racemosa. Actaea monogynia. C. serpentaria. Macrotys racemosa. Botroflus serpentaria. Black snake root. Black Cohosh. (Canada, Georgia, Western States of America.) N. O. Ranunculaceae. Tincture of the root. Trituration of the resinoid, Macrotyn.

NAB > general
Nabalus serpentarius. Prenanthes serpentaria. White Lettuce. Rattlesnake-root. N. O. Compositae (subord. Chicoraceae). Tincture of whole fresh plant.

Dig > relationships
Antidotes; Camph.; Serpentaria.

Lact > relationships
Compare: Nabalus - Prenanthes Serpentaria - Rattlesnake root - White Lettuce, similar to Lactuca Virosa, (chronic diarrhoea, worse after eating, nights and towards morning. Pain in abdomen and rectum; emaciation. Constipation and somnolence; susceptible to aura of others. Dyspepsia, with acid burning eructation. Craving for acid food. Leucorrhoea with throbbing in uterus); Lach.; Kali-carb.; Spiranthes (galactagogue).

Cer-s > general
The heart was less prominently affected by Cer. serp. than by the other Cacti.

Serpentaria is not available to buy over the counter.
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