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Cadmium Muriaticum

, Cad-m.

Available in 6X-30X, 3C-30C from $6.59
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Cadmium Muriaticum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Case of poisoning, reported by Dr. Salzer, M. Hom. Rev., 1871, 291, as reported at page 297 of the Manual of Medical Jurisprudence of India.

A slender lad, about 14 years of age, was brought to the hospital on the 2d of March, 1866. On admission he was in a state of perfect collapse, with a cold, clammy skin.

radial pulse scarcely perceptible.

respiration feeble, slow, and sighing.

no stertor. face considerably disfigured, owing to considerable chemosis of both eyes to such an extent as to prevent closure of the lids, completely hiding the pupil.

lips everted, the mucous membrane of the mouth being pale and sodden.

tongue swollen, greatly resembling the distended belly of a frog.

lay apparently unconscious, though, when shaken and roused by dashing cold water on the face, he replies rationally, in a hoarse whisper, to any questions put to him.

there was extreme restlessness and throwing about of the limbs.

deglutition impeded. with considerable difficulty he could be got to swallow a little milk and water.

this was due, in all probability, to a similar condition of parts existing in the pharynx as was seen in the mouth. He died about an hour and a half after taking the dose. On tasting some of the (according to the statement of the mother) supposed Magnesia Sulphurica Epsom salt, Mr. Hinder experienced, almost instantaneously, a sharp, raw sensation through the tongue, as though it were bared of its epithelial covering, with constriction and drying of the fauces, followed by a spasmodic pain at the epigastrium, attended with nausea and spitting.

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