Homeopathic Remedies - Nosodes
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Top 4 Nosodes
In order of popularity (scroll down for full alphabetical listing)
MedorrhinumRank: 🛒56 ✚126
★ ★ ★ ★
AKA: The Gonorrhoeal Virus 📖PsorinumRank: 🛒59 ✚54
★ ★ ★ ★
AKA: Scabies Vesicle, Psorin 📖TuberculinumRank: 🛒61 ✚202
★ ★ ★ ★
AKA: A Nucleoprotein, A Nosode From Tubercular Abscess, Tubercul, Tuber, Tuberc, Tuberculinum bovinum 📖CarcinosinumRank: 🛒78 ✚0
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Available 📖
All Nosodes
Anthracinum Available
AKA: Anthrax Poison, Anthrac 📖
Aviaire Available
AKA: Grippe Aviare, Bird Flu 📖
Carcinosinum Available 📖
Influenzinum Available
AKA: Influenza nosode 📖
Lyssin (Hydrophobinum) Available
AKA: Lyssin - Saliva Of Rabid Dog, Lyssin, Lyssinum, Hydrophobinum 📖
Medorrhinum Available
AKA: The Gonorrhoeal Virus 📖
Psorinum Available
AKA: Scabies Vesicle, Psorin 📖
Scrophularia Nodosa Available
AKA: Knotted Fig Wort & Scrophularia, Scrofularia Nodosa, Scrophularia 📖
Serum de yersin Available
AKA: Serum d
Syphilinum (Luesinum) Available
AKA: The Syphilitic Virus - A Nosode, Syphil, Luesinum 📖
Tuberculinum Available
AKA: A Nucleoprotein, A Nosode From Tubercular Abscess, Tubercul, Tuber, Tuberc, Tuberculinum bovinum 📖