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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

71 year old suffering from paralysis Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Now you seem much keen observer than earlier pl keep this up it will help your father in faster recovery.Thanks.
bapu4 9 years ago
Dear Sir,
As advised, I have given Curare 200 2 doses and after that currently giving Strophantus 30 and Baryta mur 30 since yesterday. The BP has come down a bit & he is feeling better than earlier. However for Curare 200, I could not observe any changes , may be the period is very small.
Just to summarize the whole treatment in a nutshell As per the treatment on mental state, he is getting better than earlier in terms of fear/anxiety etc. However in last 2 weeks the muscular contraction( or spasicity) is worse than earlier.
I also want to confirm that the paralyzed side is little bit colder than right side.

Pls advise the next course of treatment

[message edited by debas1sh on Fri, 15 Aug 2014 05:15:07 BST]
debas1sh 9 years ago
ok. will review after 7 days pf curare dose,how about his sleep
[message edited by bapu4 on Fri, 15 Aug 2014 05:19:06 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
In the late night/early morning, he is not getting any sleep.He used call in every 1 hr in this period. But after breakfast (feels very drowsy)& Lunch he is taking nap for 2 hrs(i.e in day time getting good sleep/drowsy mostly).
[message edited by debas1sh on Mon, 18 Aug 2014 19:16:39 BST]
debas1sh 9 years ago
Its been 7 days since the last dose of curare 200.its hard to tell any improvement regarding muscular paralysis as during the high BP period when most of the things were reversed,the muscles of hand were also very stiff.(very hard to extend/fold the hands)same for leg also where the strength was lesser than earlier.therefore there is hardly any change noticed.
Pls advise.
debas1sh 9 years ago
Pl give him 2 doses of Ruta 200 and Rhus tox 200 morning evening for one day each and tell me after two days,this is for release of stiffness,he may get a good bowel movement which should be taken as a good sign dont try to stop it by any other medicine
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:54:06 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:55:09 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:56:08 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
As prescribed I have given the doasage. Now the overall stiffness part is relatively less than last week.The heel is touching relatively better than earlier.However he still doesnt have much strength in his left leg (as seen while folding the legs and while standing; the left leg slides liitle bit while standing on his own).

I am continuing he dose of st30 and baryat 30. After taking these he is feeling better (both overall & sleeping)
debas1sh 9 years ago
pl repeat the doses after 7 days,this time give him Ruta and rhustox for two days each that means 4 days in total and then report.I will check the link you gave.
[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 24 Aug 2014 18:46:47 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
Thanks sir.
The doses will be for alternate days (e.g 1st day Ruta then next day Rhus tox).
Pls confirm

Also i just want to add that he was having hearing issues last week. His hearing ability is weak compare to earlier.Is it because of high blood pressure ?
debas1sh 9 years ago
pl start Baryta carb 30 every day morning for 3 days and tell me. Ruta continuesly for two days followed by rhus tox
bapu4 9 years ago
As prescribed, I have given Baryata Carb. The stiffness part has been improved a liitle. However the strength in legs has been the same.
(Also he could hardly able to fold the left leg both in sitting & sleeping position, worse than earlier, i.e in the beginning of the treatment) Just to add, as reported earlier his overall fear & anxiety has reduced significantly in last 2 weeks. But he still lacks strong desire or confidence to stand on his own (or for recovery).

I am giving the Ruta & Rhus Tox doses as prescribed . Also continuing Str30 & Bar mur 30.

[message edited by debas1sh on Sat, 30 Aug 2014 18:17:47 BST]
debas1sh 9 years ago
what about his hearing ?
bapu4 9 years ago
hearing is better now.
debas1sh 9 years ago
do you know what for the med was given ?
bapu4 9 years ago
Extremely sorry. I was not aware of the medicine. May be i am very much worried or concerned about the cure.Hence I totally forgot about the rest.

As i am already mentioned the overall mental condition (anxiety, fear,restlessness) has improved a lot over the course of treatment. So I am really very much grateful to you.

Kindly advise the further course of treatment.

debas1sh 9 years ago
See the mental condition is of prime importance over physical,
this is the indication that he will improve further in coming months,please have patience.You believe in homeopathy thats good ,you also must be knowing all this which I wrote,you have to be highly patient in such chroninc worsened cases,pl keep patience.pl appreciate the barrier of distance .
[message edited by bapu4 on Tue, 02 Sep 2014 06:12:16 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
pl. summarise his all the symptoms with betterment /deteriration in percentage,(for this pl refer your initial posts).and add new symptoms if any for further course.
For now pl give him Rhus tox. two doses(mor-evening) for one day every week till the improvement ceases.
Pl hit the botom of the bottle 10 times on the table every week before giving
[message edited by bapu4 on Tue, 02 Sep 2014 06:34:41 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Tue, 02 Sep 2014 06:36:30 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Tue, 02 Sep 2014 06:48:52 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
Here is the summary.

1st prescription
Arnica 1M & Ars 200

Though initially i could not notice anything. but after 3-4 days he was feeling better; restlessness/anxiousness reduced.(in scale of 10 %)

Sleepless increased, BP got increased (not initially observed) , getting more irritated.After few days the contraction in hand increased tremendously,muscular spasicity got increased in both leg & hands got worsen in next 1-2 weeks.

Chamomila (for Sleeplessness) Not any significant improvement in sleeping.

Ars 200 repeat

anxiety/irritation got improved

curare 200
not any distinct improvement observed.

Strophantus 30 and Baryta mur 30

Excellent result in overall condition. sleeping in night got improved tremendously.
BP got stabilized now

Ruta 200 and Rhus tox 200

overall stiffness/spasicity/contraction etc got relatively better (~20%)

His hearing got worsened in the mean time (may be effect of Gelsmium)

Baryta Carb 30

Hearing got improved

Overall treatment

Mental condition 40 -50 % improvement (anxiety, fear of falling, irritation etc)

muscular paralysis/spasicity/heal touching part/contraction in hand & legs - 10% (may be after dose of Gelsmium, many of these got worsen than before. therefore i have mentioned little improvement ).

As i mentioned in the last post,now I could able to observe that he could hardly able to fold the left leg while sleeping, which was not there earlier (3 weeks back).This has developed over the weeks, not instantly now..may be I have missed it earlier.

Also in the initial post I have mentioned about his prostate issue (residual urin; making frequent urge to urination) is still persisting. The doctor has suggested for operation(laproscopy) to enlarge the opening in urinary duct where it got shrinked earlier due to prostate enlargement operation in 2007.

(Clarification required:
Sir, As I have given Rhus tox in pill form, is it required to shake it , or i need to give liquid dose)

It is very hard to notice the changes as the patient is old and he could not give the feedback properly. So what ever i observed, i have written.


[message edited by debas1sh on Wed, 03 Sep 2014 04:54:33 BST]
debas1sh 9 years ago
What about his response to hot?
you mentioned that his BP stabalised, what is the reading
The stiffness during sleep-pl elaborate.
bapu4 9 years ago
2 -3 days back when climate was little bit hot & humid here, He was feeling very hot & sweaty and asking for fan to be on all time .
BP was in range of 85/130 85/125 to 85/135)

The stiffness during sleep

I have mentioned anything like this. During sleep he used to wear leg splint to level the foot ( as during walking the heel doesnt touch the ground fully). Because of this in morning leg remains bit stiff compared to other times.
[message edited by debas1sh on Wed, 03 Sep 2014 17:28:58 BST]
debas1sh 9 years ago
you have said it in your earlier post,i am reproducing it below
'as i mentioned in the last post,now i could able to observe that he could hardly able to fold the left leg while sleeping, which was not there earlier (3 weeks back).this has developed over the weeks, not instantly now..may be i have missed it earlier.'I dont understand what you are saying in this para pl be clear.
you had said initially that 'hot' he gets irritated with hot food is it correct if yea what is the status now?
[message edited by ubuntu1234 on Wed, 03 Sep 2014 19:23:10 BST]
ubuntu1234 9 years ago

The point I wanted to make is earlier he could able to fold the legs easily compare to now. Sorry, here 'Sleeping' mean in sleeping position. The same happens in seating position also.

hot food: Compare to earlier he used to wait for food to cool before taking it.

Involuntary Stool: Freequency reduced, last time was 20-30 days back. As I mentioned earlier it generally comes with wind (in minute semi-liquid drops)

Sir, Can Arnica dose can be repeated now. What I feel, the disease is mainly due to high BP & bleeding (not clotting) in his head. So will Arnica repeat dose will help now.

[message edited by debas1sh on Thu, 04 Sep 2014 06:45:21 BST]
debas1sh 9 years ago
Sure Arnica can be repeated give him a dose and watch for 3-4 days and tell me ,also tell me abut rhus tox and Ruta that you gave him for 2 days each,that feed back is pending.
bapu4 9 years ago
Pl describe your fathers nature in detail considering,talkativeness,suspicion,generosity,kindness,jealousy,short tempered,cool,every thing.and any thing you like to add pl dont be lazy in it,you can take some time but give me full discription as detailed as possible.
what organs of left are affected fully and partially,
His face ,eyes,tongue,speech,lips,voice,chest,hands,stomach legs all.
You said that there was no clot at hammorage point,what is the condition of that area,because blood must have been accumulated out on the area any details available,is it that his blood doesnt clot easily pl tell me this i is very important.
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 04 Sep 2014 09:45:34 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 04 Sep 2014 09:47:57 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 04 Sep 2014 09:53:26 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
every week give him Baryta carb also along with meds already being given but by hitting the bottle 10 times always.
He also should start doing 'Anulom-Vilom' for 15 minutes
In morning and Evening,he can do this sitting on a chair also.Do this at least for one month.
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 04 Sep 2014 11:29:22 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
rhus tox and Ruta:
The stiffness has been reduced a liitle in both hand and legs. It is hard to tell in percentage (not significant though)

Dose of Arnica:
Sir, Could you pls tell me how to give 1 dose
Earlier u have given the dose like below
'pl start with Arnica 1M liq.
3 drops of arnica in one cup water give him two table spoons every day two three times every day for three days. '

Talkative in nature. Very hard to convince him, very adamant.
In general he is bit restless in nature.(wants things to happen quickly), e.g if somebody give him time to meet and doesnt come at right time, he get very annoyed & restless.
Very disciplined: (both in time, arranging his personal belongings; file etc)
He used to get up at 4 am early in the morning regularly.

He is not having suspicious character.
He always thinks/worry too much for any small things/job.

From outside he shows tough character (disciplined, angry). But from inside he is caring & generous.

very sharp in remembering things earlier.

Very sincere & hardworking (as he was professor),

Not jealous.

Very short tempered in nature.
As I have mentioned eariler, when the stroke happened, bleeding occurred (due to rupture of arteries in in right part of the brain. The size of bleeding area (Haematoma; ~1cm diameter) was remain constant (no further spread of blood)after which they discharged from hospital.
While Stroke happened the BP was very high (210/110)
Then for next 6 month bp fluctuates and stabilize from 160/90 to 140/90.
Clot happens when artery doesn't rupture (which futher leads to bleeding).
Both clot & bleeding have their own serious implications.

Organs affected:
Left side of the body. i.e left hand to leg. Face is minutely affected, very hard to distinguish from far, but on minute observation it can be detected by some facial muscles near to cheek & neck which hangs down a little bit. Speech is not affected from the beginning itself.

tongues & lips are fine, no sign of abnormality

voice is fine. initially it was bit hurried but afterward it was quite ok.
fine; nothing reported by doctor
he still cough sometimes while swallowing foods, now reduced compared to earlier (especially any dry food)
which shows effect of paralysis.

leg: leg was affected first on stroke. as i mentioned earlier leg is bit stiff near thigh muscle & calf muscles. Also the foot area doesn't touch fully (heal remains untouched while standing, now it is improved),
While standing the left points 90 degree to the right leg (rotated, now it is reduced, around 50-60 degree now )

hand: hand is stiffest among all organs affected always in contracting position (as i have given early photographs), in last 5 month the fingers are also showing awkward shape mostly.Sometimes it shows normal type finger then sometime it get worse.
I am attaching a photo of fingers for reference.


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debas1sh 9 years ago

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