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Which remedies to try for dog with nerve damage (possible laryngeal paralysis)

Id like to try homeopathy for my dog. Hes had an intermittent cough for several months, pants a lot, breathes loudly, and gets tired very easily. He is anxious in certain situations and scared of the sound of gunshots. He doesnt seem to be in pain. The cough seems to be a little worse when its rainy and damp outside.

The vet thinks by the sound of the cough and his breathing that he might have laryngeal paralysis, so I was looking for a remedy where nerve damage is indicated. Causticum, Cocculus Indicus, or Plumbum Metallicum sounded like they might be right, but Im not sure.

Does anyone know what I could try?
[Edited by thewhitecity on 2024-05-25 01:26:05]
  thewhitecity on 2024-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Borax 30 five pellets/drops three times a day.

Feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 3 weeks ago
Thank you- I will get some and start him on it.
thewhitecity 3 weeks ago
Its been 4 days. Hes neither noticeably better nor worse. He still coughs, pants heavily, lost stamina after a 30 minute walk.
thewhitecity 2 weeks ago
anuj srivastava said Borax 30 five pellets/drops three times a day.

Feedback after 4 days.

Its been 4 days. Hes neither noticeably better nor worse. He still coughs, pants heavily, lost stamina after a 30 minute walk. We havent heard any gunshots so I dont know about that.
[Edited by thewhitecity on 2024-05-30 19:41:31]
thewhitecity 2 weeks ago
Same remedies with a feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
Okay, thank you.
thewhitecity 2 weeks ago
No major difference, but he seems to be in good spirits as if hes feeling better. Maybe he hasnt coughed as much. He still tires easily, still got scared of gunshots. His breathing hasnt seemed too labored.
thewhitecity last week
Continue.Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava last week

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