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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

71 year old suffering from paralysis

I have posted a topic in the below mentioned link for which I am yet to get any response.
I must say I am a big fan of this site. I have high expectation from the doctors.
Kind request to please guide.


  debas1sh on 2014-07-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sorry for delayed responce,
pl start with Arnica 1M liq.
3 drops of arnica in one cup water give him two table spoons every day two three times every day for three days.
Ars 200 6pills two doses morning and evninig for one day only and report tomorrow. No coffee at all. Pl start the meds immediately.
'Sensitive to hot & criticism'
pl explain this 'Hot'
[message edited by bapu4 on Sat, 12 Jul 2014 05:55:45 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
Logging in to observe progress.
Joe De Livera 9 years ago
Joe sir,
Pl see the above link also
bapu4 9 years ago
Thanks for the response.

Hot means, sometime he feel very irritated while taking hot water bath or taking hot food.
debas1sh 9 years ago
pl. give your cell no and e mail in your profile in case of emergencies ,like i was trying to contact you and couldnt find any contact in your profile!!How ever you can contact me by clicking on my profile there you will get my cellphone no
ubuntu1234 9 years ago
Sorry the above message got posted under wrong id. I dont know how?
pl. give your cell no and e mail in your profile in case of emergencies ,like i was trying to contact you and couldnt find any contact in your profile!!How ever you can contact me by clicking on my profile there you will get my cellphone no
bapu4 9 years ago
Dear Sir,

As per you recommendation I have given him 2 doses of As 200 today and started dose of Arnica 1M from yesterday.

I didnt find any noticeable difference till now.

Pls tell how shd I proceed now.

As desired I am giving you details below about his medical history.

How the stroke Happened:
He is a hypertension patient but never was he under constant medication for blood pressure control. On the day of Storke happened he was feeling very weak (Dizziness,Giddiness). But still he went for morning walk to pluck flower from garden.While plucking flower he felt severe dizziness and slowly fell down to ground (no seizure associated with fall).After 15 - 20 min somebody noticed him lying on ground. We took him to Appllo BBSR hospital ASAP.After initial citi scan (MRI) of his brain; it was found he has right thalamic bleed which caused left side paralysis. Initially he was not having clear speech but later it got improved. Face paralysis is hardly noticeable. After 10 days of stay at hospital he was discharged. On discharge he was having BP at range of 160, low Sodium ( For that Doctor prescribed extra salt) & high residual urine .

State of Mind/Nature. Etc
He is always had a very disciplined life & head strong (as He was a professor) and expects things/results to happen instantly. After the stroke he is morally very weak . Iniitially he was in very fearful state later that got improved a bit.Now he is very low in confidence that he could recover fully.

Other disease:
He is having cough, involuntary stool(frequently), urination (rarely).Residual urine because of prostate operation he had in 2007 . Currently the portion where prostate gland got operated earlier is shrinked as per the xray. But Some Dr say it is because of paralysis effect. Because of he has got frequent urge of urination .He doesn’t have good sleep during night time as compared to day time.

Homeopathy medicince taken:

Prostenum 3 times a day
Five Phos 3 times a day.

Thanks & Regards,
debas1sh 9 years ago
Five phos he is taking since last 2-3 weeks.
debas1sh 9 years ago
Hi Debashish,
You say you gave him medicin,nothing(no change)is observed.What kind of change do you expect in 2 days?
Ask him about his anxiety and fear,I am sure it must have reduced a lot,give the %.first we have to make him comfortable mentally then half battle is won.walking may take a long time.I will be asking questions along the way.Just tell me about his anxiety/fear.Also before the attck was he taking BP controling meds regularly?
Also yousaid'hot& criticism',pl. elaborate the criticism with example with his responce to criticism.
What is the position(pausture) of his sleep ?
He is bathing with hot or cold water.His responce to hot and cold atmosphere and hot and cold in general.
How hot/cold is affected side as compared to non affected side.
Involutry stools-Since when?Before stroke or after stroke.
Elaborate about the stools.
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:27:27 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:56:23 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 17 Jul 2014 06:07:48 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 17 Jul 2014 06:46:04 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
Sorry to reply late as i was sick sincelast 2-3 days.
What I mean o say is answering your query that you have asked for changes after taking medicine.
He was earlier bit restless/anxious sometimes that has reduced after taking the medicine.
He was not taking mdeicine earlier to control BP before the stroke happens.

Criticism; As he was professor by profession, he always feels he do things rightly & expects things to happen accordingly instantly. After the stroke whenever we used to argue with him. (e,g following diet & other medicine) he feels depressed.
His position of the sleep is leaning towards right side always.

He is bathing with warm water . However he doesnt like hot water mostly.He never bathe with cold water recently. HE likes sleep in hot condition(doesnt like to stay in Air conditioned room)
There is no difference in effect of hot or cold to affected side.
Involuntary stool was there before stroke happen but very rarely. But after stroke it was bit frequent. Now it has reduced. While sneezing or coughing the drops of stool(in liquid form)fall in clothes sometime.
In last 1 mth it is happening very rarely beacuse i have given some homeo medicine 2 weeks back. (doesnt know the medicine name)

He has habit of going for natures call 2-3 times a day earlier before stroke happened.

Pls suggest what medicine to continue now.
As prescribed earlier I hv given Ars 200 for 1 day & Arnica 1m for 3 days& stopped.

Earlier he was taking
1. Prostenum for frequent urination (which is still continuing)
2. Five Phos (5 tablets 3 times)
3.Nat Mur (he has taken for 1 week & stopped for low sodium in blood)

debas1sh 9 years ago
Pl. stop other homeo meds which are NOT prescribed by me.Ther may be crossing of remedies.
Now Pl give him Gelsimium 1M 6pills for 3days in the morning and report after 7 days.
bapu4 9 years ago
ubuntu1234 9 years ago
Hello Sir,

I have given the medicines as prescribed for 3 days. Now it is almost 7 days now.
During the dosage the restlessness was less. (I dont know whether this is due to current dose or earlier dose of Arnica & ars200. However after the 3day current dose He is not having good sleep(neither in day nor in night).

I have forgot to mention earlier that he doesn't get good sleep in night(only in the early morning part he get good sleep). But then he mostly likes to sleep in day time.

After the current dose of Gelsmium he is not getting sleep both in day & night.

Also he is now more irritable & perverse now (chidchida & jiddi hona; may be due to not having good sleep).

For good sleep (& chidchidapan) he was taking some Allopthic medicine earlier which we have stopped since last one & half month because of drowsiness.

Please prescribe next course of medicine.

debas1sh 9 years ago
pl give chamomila30 5 drops in 1/4 cup of water morn-even for 3 days you can report the progress every day now.
How about his fear of falling,his BP,any other symptom +ve or -ve,pl inform.
[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 27 Jul 2014 08:48:55 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
The aggressiveness, irritation goes away with the doses. He is getting sleep now but in day tme only.In night he is hardly getting any sleep since last 4-5 days.Yesterday night he had hardly any sleep. But today morning , day time he felt drowsy.
To answer the BP status, He had little bit Higher side after taking Gelsimium which is stabilizing now.
debas1sh 9 years ago
pl. continue with chamomila till his sleep gets ok. No New medicine for now.Mean while pl report +ve things also regarding his other developments ,they may be subtle you have to keep keen watch,otherwise treatment becomes difficult.
bapu4 9 years ago
Frankly It is very difficult to judge any +ve improvement as it is hardly distinguishable.
The muscle spasticity is bit better now.The irritation/aggressiveness is nil now.However he is hardly getting any sleep during night even taking the current dose of chamomila. Pls suggest whether I Shd continue with chamomila or change the dose or else pls prescribe some other medicine.

His breathing pattern has been improved. He is currently doing some breathing exercise regularly.
Coughing also reduced. However he couldn't able to throw the cough as discussed last time. May be due to this he is getting breathless/exhausted after few round of walking (better now compared to earlier)

He is not feeling +ve yet. eg .feeling that he wont recover fully (may be due to lack of sleep)

Pls guide what to do next.

debas1sh 9 years ago
pl give him Ars 200 one single dose and report after a week,
stop Chemomila
[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 03 Aug 2014 05:26:18 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
Hello Sir,

As prescribed I have given the medicine.
Just to summarize the treatment.
After giving Arnica 1m & Ars200 in the ist prescription The anxiety & the restlessness reduced after few days. However After the dose of Gelsimium 1M many of the previous symptom got reversed. The BP got increased in last week (150/90 sometimes).
Sleeplessness was prominent. Initially he could not get sleep in both day & Night. after giving chemomila it got relatively better in night (2hr continues sleep). Now though sleeping pattern is not perfect he could able to sleep for more than 3 hour continuously in night(OK now).

Only positive thing is his restlessness & anxiety relatively got reduced now.

Status of Muscle spasicity: The muscle spasicity is relatively better however while standing & walking his left foot is in right angle to right foot. This is bit worse than earlier.

I might have missed some symptoms earlier which are

1. He prefers to sleep on his right side always. This is making bad effect on his body posture.

2. He usually goes to toilet frequently even before the stroke happens. In day time after 1-2 hour of taking lunch he had a tendency to go toilet. In evening if he takes hot milk, then he had tendency of going to toilet.

In last week after the Gelsmiun dose this tendency was very prominent.

Pls advise the next course of treatment.

debas1sh 9 years ago
thnx for summary
Pl give him Curare 200 2 doses (6 pills each) morning and evening only one day) pl report on next day and after that follow up as and when required.
1.What about his fear of falling.
2.He walks on toes,heel doesnt touch the ground.(earlier reported by you)
3.Tell me about the temp on left compared to right side.

[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 10 Aug 2014 05:41:12 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 10 Aug 2014 05:44:11 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 10 Aug 2014 06:23:38 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 10 Aug 2014 06:28:07 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 10 Aug 2014 06:34:59 BST]
bapu4 9 years ago
thought for Fear of falling has been reduced.

Heel is relatively better than earlier. Touching not fully but better than earlier.

There is hardly in difference of temp that I have noticed. However sometimes I feel left (paralyzed) side is bit colder than right. Having said this, the left side arm pit sweat more than right because of less movement.
I will again confirm you on this after 2-3 days.

I am bit worried about the blood pressure now. Is it ok to have 150-90, 155-95 bp. This was the range just after the stroke happened and lasted around 2-3 month.

One more symptom I want to add is (not sure while I added earlier).

He never likes to stay alone in the room . After 30-40 min he used to call my mom either for urination (since he has frequent urination issue) or for other silly reason.The same in night also. After 2-3 hours of continues sleep he used to call other person.

I am also attaching snaps of his leg & hand in following order.
The leg in sitting (1&2 from left), Leg in standing (3 from left)& hand

The leg position in sitting has improved. However leg i standing is same (90 degree to right leg). In hand also wrist drop with finger in awkward position, the finger positions are relatively worse than earlier.(in last week, the same condition was there earlier 6 mth back )

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debas1sh 9 years ago
To add to the last post, He is hardly having any strength in left legs. Only after standing on his left leg he could able to stand. He still could not able to stand on his own. (Left leg slips)
debas1sh 9 years ago
ok lets see how he responds to the preiscrition given.
This Bp is there for high bp patients.
Pl give him Strophantus 30 and Baryta mur 30 (6 pills each with a gap of 15 mins)morning evening for three days and tell me how his BP responds to it and more than that how he feels after these remedies(That is more important after that the bp reading has second importance but first how he feels is more important to us.
It is good that you uploaded the pics,I see there is a contraction and not spasticity pl correct me if it is so our job gets easier,if he is not able to extend/stretch the limbs properly pl let me know
[message edited by ubuntu1234 on Sun, 10 Aug 2014 15:22:27 BST]
[message edited by ubuntu1234 on Sun, 10 Aug 2014 15:26:35 BST]
ubuntu1234 9 years ago
Thanks for the medicine suggested for BP.
I will give Strophantus 30 and Baryta mur 30 from tomorrow. As today only I have given Curare 200.

Regarding Contraction/Spasicity, I also agree with you. He feels great difficulty in extending/ stretching in both legs & hands.(very prominent in hands, but relatively less in case of legs)

While initial Checkup with the physiotherapist, The Doctor suggested, it is spasicity,as the areas (especially hand biceps, legs near waistline) are very stiff. Therefore he suggested to apply ice over the affected area on daily basis and then do the physiotherapy exercises.
Therefore, I have repeatedly mentioned about spasicity in my earlier posts.
debas1sh 9 years ago
Now you seem much keen observer than earlier pl keep this up it will help your father in faster recovery.Thanks.
bapu4 9 years ago

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