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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Servere Heartburn and GERD

I am having severe GERD for last 5 months.I started with 20mg omerprazole and then increased to 40mg.Once i got relief i started to taper off and moved slowly down to 10mg and started taking Carbo veg and Nat Phos 6 X.But suddenly last 3-4 weeks it has gone bad i have to move back to 40MG.Please suggest what should I do?
  tarun1980 on 2013-01-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Tarun,

I suggest you to take SULPHURIC ACID 30c 5 Pills three times a day half an hour before each meal for just a week & as you start feeling better reduce to twice a day.
It will take some time to get permanent relief so have patience.
Drink tolerably warm water as much as you can.
Kindly report after a week.
Stop omniprozol.
Good luck!
daktersaab last decade
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Joe De Livera last decade

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