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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

to joe delivera re gerd

Mr. D: Do you have any advice regarding diet for acid reflux? I was following a low-carb diet for a few months, and that seemed to help, but I'm not happy about the idea of eating all that protein and fat. I prefer a vegetarian diet with lots of vegetables and grains. I no longer eat sugar or anything made with white flour. What is your experience?

By the way, I am taking Nat Phos and arnica, but I've just cut out all coffee (as of today), so I haven't really given the Nat Phos a fair trial.

  peony on 2006-07-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
To Peony

You did right by cutting out Coffee and sugar but you do not really have to cut out all starch from your diet. In fact the fat and protein which you state you have replaced them with can be even more harmful for one suffering from GERD to be helped by my default remedies Nat Phos 6x and Arnica 30c in the wet dose.

You are advised to take 2-3 tablets of NP after 2-3 meals which will depend on the intensity of your GERD symptoms. You should have already experienced some relief which many report is almost immediate after the first dose of NP. The Arnica will help to rebuild the eroded tissues in your esophagus and this recuperative process can take a few months.

Please go easy on the quantity of food that you eat at every meal as it is best to eat small meals but often say 4 meals instead of 3 to enable the stomach to get used to the new regimen without regurgitating the food into the esophagus which is what GERD is all about.

Also never permit your stomach to go hungry as this is sure way of adding to your discomfort.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you, Mr. DeLivera, for your advice. I really appreciate your prompt and thoughtful replies. I'll report back soon.

peony last decade

You need to learn what your body likes and what it does not.

Some people's digestive systems are made to digest flesh and others are not.

I personally do very poorly on carbohydrates including whole grains.

I attempted to be a vegetarian once. I thought since I cured myself of Candida that I could now be vegetarian and well I made myself very sick agan.

Then I met someone who told me about Blood Type diet and learned that we can't all eat the way other's expect us to eat. We have to learn what our bodies likes and doesn't like.

I ate about 2 tablespoons of potatoes yesterday and my acid reflux got worse. So until my GERD gets better, I'm off potatoes.

Do a search engine for blood type diet. It can help you understand that we can't all eat alike.

From the time I was a little kid, I could never digest grains.

Pay attention to how you feel. Pay attention to what makes your GERD worse.
Pat2006 last decade

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