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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Angina / Heartburn / GERD / Muscular - Confused

Hi Guys,

I have been on the website before but discovered the forum today, it seems there is an excellent interaction between the members in both medical & spiritual discussions.

Getting to the topic, I am actually looking for advises more than medicines, your thoughts and comments on what i have been through / going thru. This will be a bit lenghty but I cannot help it.

Sometime in March 06 - around 6.30 am I woke up after 4 hours of sleep for my daily prayers and then had a cup of tea and being smoker I go the craving for a cigarette, I had one cigarette. Within minutes I felt some pressue in the chest (no shortness of breath, no radiation to any part, no sweat) waited for 15 mins - no relief, lied down (with anxiety) no relief, went to the hospital got an ECG done - normal - high bp 140/90 - tests suggested: lipid profile / Fasting sugar / CBC / Chest Xray - All came out normal - the pain never returned.

In May 06-constipated for 4 days, retrned frm work (return journey is exhaustive with railway bridges and my buiding being uphill - no pain felt) After dinner similar pain, uneasy, passed stool (little relief), rested without relief, slept with anxiety and pain continuing for more than 30 mins. again no sweat, no shortness of breath, no radiation of pain on any other part of the body - this reoccured a little mildly after breakfast and . . .

visited the cardiologist the next night - ECG Normal - described how things happned and immediate diagonosis - UNSTABLE ANGINA - all related medicines in all colours and forms combined with Low Molecular weight injection twice a day - I was completely zapped and started feeling like a patient. After 3 days came the news, 'please prepare for an ANGIOGRAPHY'

I said NO - visited 2 homeos both suggested 'Wait and watch' we think this is nothing more than Gas / Acid reflux.

I was suggested to go thru 2D echo and Stress test by the Homeopath which i did and results for both were Normal.

It was then concluded that the pain i have is nothing more than Gas / Acid reflux.

The Pain has been there and occurs anytime but mainly after meals but will occur anytime while sitting standing or at rest, very mild pain behind the breastbone and will sometimes radiate to shoulder blades or biceps.

The Pain DOESNOT come with Stress or Physical exertion like stable angina should NOR does it cause shortness of breath or cold Sweat. I have climbing stairs and railway station bridges like before and those exertions dont induce any pain.

The above episode has got my anxiety levels very high with fear tp translate any chest pain as Angina.

My questions
1) Can this be Angina of any sorts?
2) If not then why not
3) Suggested homeopathic medicines for Anxiety and the above pain.

Will be very grateful for your advises / suggestions

  kamilp on 2006-07-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
forgot to mention
age: 34

wieght was: 104
weight now: 98

bp: 130/ 85 - 150 /100

daily cigarettes was: 12-15
daily cigarettes is: 3-6
kamilp last decade
height: 6'.2'
kamilp last decade
I had a simialr pain and my conditions and symptoms are much sismialr to Kamilp. The pain is very mild behind the breastbone and will sometimes radiate to shoulder blades or biceps. I wouild appriciate insite advise useful for us.
shashi123 last decade
To Kamlip

I believe that you are suffering from Hyperacidity for which I recommend you use 2-3 tablets of Nat Phos 6x which you will take after each meal twice daily. You should normally discover relief within a few minutes of taking this remedy.

You can also use Arnica 30c in the wet dose which is made by inserting 3 pellets of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water which is shaken hard to bubble before a teaspoonful of the water which is now the remedy is sipped twice daily.

This will also help your heart in the unlikely event of your suffering from Angina as I have many patients who have replaced their TNT under the tongue with Arnica including an ex soldier of WW II 82 years old who does not use the TNT any more.

To Shashi

The above applies to you also.

Please report response in a few days.
Joe De Livera last decade
thank you for your reply

sorry about this, but how would you define 3 pellets, I am a novice and cannot understand the term

kamilp last decade
You will get the remedy usually in pellets or if you live in India or Pakistan you can also get the remedy in Ethanol. The pellets are usualy 3mm ¿. You will use just 3 pellets to activate a bottle of water.
Joe De Livera last decade

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