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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

gerd - just diagnosed. help!

Hello, I have been diagnosed with GERD yesterday. So I am very new to this forum and hope to find help.

I finally had an appointment with a specialist who quickly said 'GERD'. The camera view in my throat showed a lot of irritation and damage. I have had pain and uncomfortable symptoms constantly (and increasingly) for the past 3 months. It has become a real problem and handicap in my life. I am a 55 years old male and throughout my life I have often experienced a very slow digestive processs and uncomfortable stomach gas but never this kind of pain.

My symptoms are: Pain and pressure in the throath, burning sensations in the oesophagus, feeling of constant fullness. It is genearlly slightly better in the morning and can become excrutiating at night - enough to be impossible to sleep. It is worse if I eat wheat, especially whole wheat. Almonds and other rough foods seem to irritate the lining of the throat. Potatoes, garlic and mint also seem to make it much worse. In general, the food just seem to sit in my stomach. In the morning I still burp and feel that my stomach is not empty. I do not think this is normalÂ… My peristaltis is amazingly slow.

At this point I am chewing well (I keep remembering a teacher who had us sing 'Chew, chew, chew you food gently down your throath - merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a Dream' ), avoiding all wheat for now. I eat lots of vegetables and some organic animal food - eggs, chicken, fish, buffalo meat. I am using a natural Acid Ease type of tablets, aloe vera drink, and probiotics. I am eating small meals (mostly), I try to exercise regularly and meditate every day as a way to deal with stress.

The doctor prescribed two pills of Prevacid per day. I am not entirely against it but would prefer to find a natural solution without any side effects. (Although she mentioned that are no side effects with this drug – which is hard to believe honestly.) I have not taken any medical drugs for the last 20 years and would like to keep it that way.

I have read several post about Nat Phos 6X plus Arnica in a wet diluted form. I will start with these products tomorrow and will report. Meanwhile, I will appreciate any kind of help, support and or suggestions.

Thank you

  bouroubart on 2006-06-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dear bouroba,
please continue this following medicine till recovery.
Phosphorus 30c three times in a day for a week and report me your improvement.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
I am glad to note from the last para of your post that you intend using Nat Phos 6x and Arnica 30c in the wet dose as prescribed by me in many cases which have invariably responded positively to this therapy. The dose that you can use is 2-3 tablets after meals and the Arnica 1 teaspoonful twice daily.

I cannot understand the reason why more patients do not use this simple therapy which is so very effective and often cures GERD permanently. Please do not use the drugs that are prescribed by your specialists as they will eventually do more harm than good and are also habit forming.

Please post your response after a few days on this therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you both Deoshlok and Joe De Livera for your quick response.

It is 1:30 in the morning now and I cannot sleep because I feel bloated even though I ate more than 5 hours ago!

I really hope and pray that these products will help.

bouroubart last decade
Please do not mix the 2 therapies that were indicated by both Deoshlok and me.

You must decide which has helped those who have suffered from GERD on this forum and you are advised to type GERD in the Search Forums window and read the posts to help your choice of therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade
dear bouroubart,
Please do not confuse try what ever you like. This our colleauge's presentation. This is opinion and its up to you what you decide. for your complain.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thank you for the clarification.

I will start with the Nat Phos plus Arnica therapy for 6 weeks. If I see no improvement, I will then try the Phosphorus 30 C. I will not mix the 2 approaches.

I do understand that homeopaths with different training may have a different approach. It is not for me to judge if one is better than the other. You two are very gracious and generous to offer your help and knowledge.

I do have a question about the Nat Phos. You mention to take it after the meal. How long after? Immediately after or 15 or 30 minutes after?

It seems unusual to me as I have always learned to use homeopathic remedies before meals. Can you explain?

Also I believe my main problem is with the valve between the stomach and the duodenum (I forgot the name). It does not open rapidly and the food stays in my stomach for many many hours. This does create too much acid and upward pressure. Will Nat Phos help with that?

Thank you

bouroubart last decade
To Bourouba

You may be agreeably surprised when you discover that your GERD problems will be eased within 24 hours. Perhaps immediately after you take the Nat Phos for the first time. This remedy has an amazing track record of helping seemingly impossible cases who have suffered for over 10 years and they discover that all the drugs that they had been prescribed have not equated just one dose of this remedy which is, unlike these drugs, absolutely safe to be used. What is more, you will soon discover that you will not need any drug or the NP any more as the NP helps to accelerate the food down past the Pyloric valve and this will automatically stop all regurgitation up into the esophagus which is what GERD is all about.

In your case you may use 3 tablets after each meal and you should observe almost instant relief.

The Arnica will help the damaged inner lining in the esophagus to be renewed and will also promote deep sleep if you take it before you go to bed.

Please post your response on the day after you take the first few doses.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Bourouba:

Did taking the Nat Phos 6x help with your somach problem? I too have the exact same problem and haven't been able to find anything that would work except, oddly enough, Ativan in a very small dose. Do all of these stomach problems stem from Candida, low Serotonin levels?
racyspyder last decade
Sorry, I forgot one more question. In other posts, I've noticed that weight loss can happen taking the Nat Phos 6x. What do you do if you are underweight to begin with, but need to take the Nat Phos 6x?
racyspyder last decade
Reporting... I started taking the Nat Phos before yesterday. I still feel a sense of fullness in my abdomen and chest. And I still feel like I have a ping pong ball in my throath. But the symptoms are not as strong and the burning sensation has decreased considerably. Since it has been only 2 days, I consider the improvement as a good sign.

I am also concerned with weight loss as I am already very underweight and would actually want to gain a good 10 pounds (5 kilos). Contrary to many other people, I do not wish to lose any more weight.

In my case I do not think that GERD is related to candida. I have had many tests for candida and they all came back negative. Plus I do not really have other candida-like symptoms. The relationship with levels of serotonin is a new hypothesis for me. I will look into it.

For me it all started after a really bad case of flu. I wonder if it could be caused by a virus. Other members of my family developed gastritis and vomited when we all had the flu last March. I didn't do that but instead developed GERD. It may or may not be related.

I'll keep reporting my progress regularly.
bouroubart last decade
To Bouroubart

Glad to note that you are responding positively to the Nat Phos therapy. You do not have to worry about the weight reduction as I have noticed that it is only if you have extra poundage that you will lose it.

I hope that you are also taking the Arnica 30c in the wet dose as instructed. Please confirm
Joe De Livera last decade
Yes I am taking the Arnica. Wet dose morning and night.

I am glad to read about the weight loss occurring only for those who need it.

I just went to an exercise class where we did some of the movement while laying on our back. Right after this class my voice became hoarse and the reflux more presentl.

Right now the symptoms are more intense but this is my second day only with Nat Phos. I will give it a good try for several weeks.
bouroubart last decade
I believe that your Hiatus Hernia is due to your drinking too much water after a meal.

The Nat Phos alone cannot help you as it is up to you to keep your fluid intake down after a meal. The more the liquid contents of your stomach, the more you will notice that it leaks up through the lower Esophagal Sphincter valve in to the Esophagus which is just not designed to deal with gastric juice.

Keep up the Nat Phos and Arnica and you will be cured. In your case you can take up to 4 tablets after a meal and reduce the dosage as you improve.
Joe De Livera last decade

Joe De Livera last decade
Hello Joe - Were you responding to me? Or did your post get mixed up somehow?

I never said anything about an Hiatus Hernia and I never drink water after a meal. Only 2 or 3 hours later. So I don't understand how you came to that conclusion.

Thank you
bouroubart last decade
Dear bouroubart,
If above medicine which is prescribed by my collegue then try Phosphorus 30c three times in a day for a month.
and see the result.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
dear bouroubart,
If above medicine fails then try our medicine.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
To Bouroubart

My apologies. I seem to have missed replying to the person who posted with the Hiatus Hernia symptoms and I hope he sees this post.

Please visit:


This will give you more food for thought for your GERD.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe, thank you for the clarifications. I am conitnuing of course with the Nat Phos treatment with Arnica. Yesterday was difficult but this morning I feel better and had a decent night with good sleep. Not perfect but better than usual.

For Dr Deoshlok - Thank you for keeping an eye on my case. I appreciate your support. If I do not get the expected results wit Nat Phos, I will certainly try the Phosphorus 30 C.

Thanks to you two and to all the other generous people who are contributing to this thread and forum.

Racyspyder, let us know how you are doing...
bouroubart last decade
Today is the 26th of June. Yesterday was a better day with less pain. But today is difficult. I had a very light meal yesterday night but still got up with burping and the throat/esopahgal pain has been increasing today. I am taking Nat Phos and Arnica and will continue to do so.

But today I cannot say that the effect is remarkable. My digestive system is very slow and I get bloated if I eat just about anything. I would love to report good news but the truth is that I had 2 days where I felt a little better and today I am back with too much pain and discomfort.

I am trying to keep my hope up but this backward step is rather discouraging.
bouroubart last decade
You may take up to 4 tablets of Nat Phos 6x per dose after meals. Some chronic cases must use the maximum dose at the beginning to help their GERD. This is because their esophagus is so eroded by the gastric juice that it has to be slowly brought back to normal by the joint action of the Nat P and the Arnica 30c.

Report your response in a day.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hello Bouroubart

I am sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. I hope the remedy you are taking pushes into high gear and gives you some relief. I am sure it shall work soon. Stay strong!

I am not sure if you are already doing this, but have you tried to raise your bed from the head posts about 6 - 8 inches. I have, and it has done a world of difference for me. My husband purchased some wooden blocks from a hardware store and lifted the bed from the head post and put them under. The bed does not look weird of anything. You should try it. DO NOT use pillows to prop yourself up at night, as this causes your stomach to bend. This then pushes acid back up.

Also try eating an apple after your meals and then just before bedtime. This will help with your Acid Reflux because apples contain soluble fiber which gives your stomach something to work on. Let me know it this helps. Good luck and God Bless.

Bali36 last decade
Dear Bali - Thank you for caring
bouroubart last decade
Hello bouroubart
How are you toda? I am feeling very bad from a very awful sore throat due to acid reflux. However I have to stay on this remedy hopefully it will work.

Do you also let the nat phos dissolve under your tongue? Please advise.

Bali36 last decade
Just for the record. I am still not doing well. I keep with the Nat Phos, but also have modified my diet and use DGL when the irritation or pain is too strong.

I would love to bring good news but the truth is that there is very little improvement.
bouroubart last decade

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