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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

burning throat, gerd

I am on 40 ml of Prilosec and still have burning throat but not a problem with heartbun. Feel tired all the time when used to be very energetic. Has anyone with these problems been tested for specific food allergies? I eat quite alkaline foods, juice veggies several times a week, sleep with elevation and follow suggested acid reflux diet - no chocolate, alcohol, carbonated drinks, tomatoes, onions, etc. and very little dairy. Had two endoscopies which show only mild irritation of esophagus. Any other suggestions?
  Redhead on 2006-06-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Redhead,

I advise you to take Sulphur 200 one dose(6-10 pellets).Repeat it after 5 days.Along with this take Natrum Phos 6X(4 pellets) thrice a day.

Report after 7 days.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade

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