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Posts about Dermatitis

for rishmiba pls- allergic rhinitis asthma and atopic dermatitis31Perioral Dermatitis5Dermatitis14Seborrheic dermatitis27Stasis Dermatitis20Perioral dermatitis35seborrhea dandruff seborrheic dermatitis8dermatitis3Severe Plantar Atopic Dermatitis81.2 y.o with atopic dermatitis4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Breathing difficulty, Anal fissure, Sabhorric dermatitis.


Age - 37y
Weight - 80kg
Height - 173cm
Country - Bangladesh


I am having Asthmatic breathing difficulty time to time.

This was from my childhood when my cousin fed me cold milk, banana, and flattened rice (Chira).

This problem starts when I eat something cold, sleep under cold Air Cooler, I sweat a lot and do not change my cloth, and so on. The problem exacerbates during night and rainy/cold weather. My breadth is short, and I can't sing. Sometimes I run out of air while I am talking.

I took some medication in 2012 which I don't remember. My problem was totally gone at that time. Now, it is returned again because I was visiting some cold and snowy places.


I also have Sabhorric dermatitis on my scalp, Groin, ears, and on chin. All of them are crusty/scaly all the time.

I used Sulphur30, Graphitis30, and arsenic alb 30. They didn't fully cure. But, the situation is stable. Sulphur30 and Graphitis30 exacerbate the situation, and after several days the situation becomes stable and unchanged. Arsenic Alb 30 doesn't show any visible change.
[Edited by Poush on 2018-04-14 13:58:49]
  Poush on 2018-03-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For breathing difficulty, please take;

Kali-carb 200c, twice daily until improvement.
Tui 6 years ago
And, the sabhorric dermatitis?
Poush 6 years ago
Let's start with Kali-carb 200c and see how you goes.
Tui 6 years ago
I have collected 1 drum of liquid Kali-carb 200c.

How should I administer it?

How many drops per dose?
Poush 6 years ago
Take 2 drops, twice a day for 5 days and see how your body react to the remedy.

You can also put few drops in some water, and take 1 teaspoon from there if you are very sensitive to a homeopathic remedy.
Tui 6 years ago

i am feeling good with my breathing difficulty.

can we start our seborrheic dermatitis journey?

my scalp, ear, face, chest, and groin are infected. each day is a hell for me.


p.s. actually, i am not sure whether it is seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis.
[Edited by Poush on 2018-04-08 17:16:30]
Poush 6 years ago
Does it itch? oozy and weepy eruption?
Tui 6 years ago
Infected areas itch.
When I scratch, they release lucid fluid which becomes crust after some time.

Scalp becomes a mosaic-like surface, and other areas become scaly.

I used Sulphur30, Graphitis30, and ArsenicAlb 30. They didn't fully cure. But, the situation is stable. Sulphur30 and Graphitis30 exacerbate the situation, and after several days the situation becomes stable and unchanged. Arsenic Alb 30 doesn't show any visible change.

Some foods like beef, shrimp, etc exacerbate the situation.
[Edited by Poush on 2018-04-10 10:28:51]
Poush 6 years ago

Are you with me?

Poush 6 years ago
Please take Arsenicum iodatum 30c, twice a day for 3 days and report back in 4 weeks.

To minimize aggravation, I would suggest you to put few pills/drops in half a glass of water, then take 1 teaspoon ( as 1 dose) from there.
Tui 6 years ago
[Edited by Poush on 2018-04-11 10:26:49]
Poush 6 years ago
Also please ad Psorinum 200c, one dose every 2 weeks.
Tui 6 years ago

Poush 6 years ago

I think, I will have to postpone ArsenicIod and Psorinum for a few days.

I had a fissure in my rectum. It was dormant for some time. Today it feels like it is irritated again.

I had dysentery 15 days ago. I took some antibiotics, and also ate bananas (I ate bananas today also). Now, I am having corny feces, and my butt is irritated again. I am feeling somewhat sharp tingly sensation in the area.

I am also defecating 1-4 times a day (I used to defecate once a day before the dysentery). Feces are mostly green and the odor is not usual. Feels like the dysentery is not fully cured, but only suppressed by those antibiotics.

I had acid reflux before. For some reason the acid reflux is not so bad after taking antibiotics.

Kindly, give me an appropriate medicine.

[Edited by Poush on 2018-04-13 18:35:13]
Poush 6 years ago
Please take the following remedies for 5 days.

Ratanhia 30c, twice a day

Nitricum acidum 30c, twice a day
Tui 6 years ago

Ratanhia and Nitricum Acidum worked fine. But, I think, we need to postpone Arsenicum Iodatum and Psorinum for a few more days.

I am suffering from Insomnia for the last, say, 25 years. It is coupled with lack of focus, depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. it has damaged my academic life and career beyond repair.

I was taking Opipramol whenever I had troubles with sleeping. But, its not something which I could rely on any more. Coz, it is not improving the situation, only suppressing it.

Recently, my father (67) had two counts of mild strokes. This incident increased my anxiety and depression as our family depends only on his income at this moment.

I have to sit for qualifying exam for PhD in a few months. But, my insomnia, anxiety, and depression are eating up my time, work, and motivation.

Kindly, suggest any powerful medication.

This qualifying examination of PhD could be my last chance of walking on my own feet ever again.
[Edited by Poush on 2018-04-20 20:30:55]
Poush 6 years ago
Homeopath usually needs to know about the person in order to find the most appropriate remedy so please answer the following questions as much as you can. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

1. Chief complaints (Diagnosis) – Please explain your main symptoms in detail.

a. Diagnosis (name of disease)

b. Exact location ( affected organs)

c. Sensation ( eg. sharp pain, stubbing, dull, throbbing, etc)

2. When did it all start?

3. Are there any changes in your mental /emotional state since your illness?

4. What are the things which aggravate your symptoms?

5. What are the things which ameliorate your symptoms?

6. What other physical / mental symptoms do you have?

7. What time of the day do you feel the worst in general?

8. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

9. Describe your mental/emotional state since your illness

10. Do you have any fear?

11. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

12. How is your thirst; Less, Normal or Excessive?

13. How is your hunger; Less, Normal or Excessive?

14. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

15. Are you generally feel hot or cold?

16. What medications have you been taking to treat the disease?

17. Do you have any major diseases running in your family? If so, please specify.

18. Please describe your family history of illness.
Tui 6 years ago
Do I include the problems(e.g. breathing difficulty, fissure, etc.) you already gave medications for?
Poush 6 years ago
No you don't have to include that, but I need more info about your insomnia, depression, anxiety, and bipolar.
Please describe it as much as you can.
Tui 6 years ago
1. Chief complaints (Diagnosis). Please explain your main symptoms in detail.
a. Diagnosis (name of disease) ---- Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder.
-- Insomnia: lack of sleep, thin sleep, lack of focus due to lack of sleep.
-- Anxiety: scared of things like examination, interview, test, meeting new people, facing new situation, future, something which is unsure and unknown, etc.
-- Depression: lack of focus/motivation/hunger, hopelessness, frustration, procrastination.
-- Bipolar Disorder: Mood swing. Sometimes extremely motivated, creative, and a lot of energy, and, extremely depressed, anxious, and unmotivated on other occasions.

b. Exact location (affected organs) ---- Brain.

c. Sensation (eg. sharp pain, stubbing, dull, throbbing, etc) ---- as if something has grabbed me by neck, backside and scalp of my head. Restlessness, fast heart beat and sweating, etc.

2. When did it all start?
---- During my high school, due to extreme pressure from my relatives to do the best in academia.
---- My mother already had anxiety, depression, and anger issues.

3. Are there any changes in your mental /emotional state since your illness?
---- I became extremely irritable.
---- Introverted, shy and unsocial (i.e. don’t like socializing, participating in social gatherings).
---- I have low confidence, behavioral issues, and personality disorders (i.e. always unsure regarding how to behave with someone, how to talk or approach in a new situation, etc.).
---- I am always confused.

4. What are the things which aggravate your symptoms?
---- Failures.
---- Insult, censure, disdain.
---- Lack of money, trouble attaining my goals, etc.
---- Facing something which is unsure.
---- Lack of sleep.

5. What are the things which ameliorate your symptoms?
---- Medicine.
---- Success.
---- Good night sleep.

6. What other physical / mental symptoms do you have?
---- Weak digestion, easily catch cold, skin problems like Seborrheic Dermatitis.
---- Laziness, lack of motivation, etc.
---- Can’t multitask and take pressure (I collapse under pressure).

7. What time of the day do you feel the worst in general?
---- Generally from dusk to night, but, could be any time of the day.

8. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
---- I feel comfortable in cold and dry weather.

9. Describe your mental/emotional state since your illness
---- Anger, resentment, verbal abuse, depression.
---- Throwing stuffs at people.

10. Do you have any fear?
---- I am always scared of failing at any task.
---- I have a fear of not attaining my aim in life.
---- I am scared of being poor.

11. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
---- I crave for spicy food and meat.
---- I can’t eat sour/acidic foods.

12. How is your thirst; Less, Normal or Excessive?
---- Thirst is somewhat more than normal.

13. How is your hunger; Less, Normal or Excessive?
---- I like to eat. I would say my hunger is a little more than normal.

14. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
---- My sleep is very thin. It gets interrupted because of slightest sound/noise.
---- I can’t sleep without bolster. Otherwise, lying on my stomach.

15. Are you generally feeling hot or cold?
---- I generally feel hot. Winter is comfortable for me. I hate summer.

16. What medications have you been taking to treat the disease?
---- Allopathic antidepressants (at present Opipramol).

17. Do you have any major diseases running in your family? If so, please specify.
---- No.

18. Please describe your family history of illness.
---- My dad has piles, Seborrheic Dermatitis on scalp. My mother has Psoriasis and diabetes. Both of them have heart problems and blood pressures. But, those are due to anxiety, not hereditary.
---- My younger brother has fistula, and severe cold.
[Edited by Poush on 2018-04-21 07:07:09]
Poush 6 years ago
Please take Carboneum sulphuratum 30c, twice a day for 7 days and report back in 3 weeks.
Tui 6 years ago
Do using toothpaste and eating onions undermine effectiveness of homeopathic medications?
Poush 6 years ago
No, I don't worry about tooth paste or onion or coffee anymore as long as you don't put them together with a remedy.
Tui 6 years ago
Although, you told me to report back in 3 weeks, I am writing because I am in distress.

I started taking Carboneum Sulphuratum on 26th April. So far the result has been:

1. I cannot sleep for the last two days.
2. Yesterday and the day day before yesterday, my resentment and rage were so intense that I severely verbally abused my wife. I am calm today and I just can't explain my yesterday's behavior.
Poush 6 years ago
Please stop taking the remedy and wait for a few weeks.

Sometimes the symptoms become worse after taking the homeopathic remedy. This is called homeopathic aggravation and it is a good sign. It usually dies down within a week.
Tui 6 years ago

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