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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Serious Pain Page 3 of 3

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what position is body beter while lying down during tummy pain? please describe body position
John Stanton 7 years ago
Thank you.

I was being treated for the MTHFR - some genetic situation that causes the body/liver not to detox very well. It involved very high doses of Methyl B12, Methyl Folate and Folinic Acid. When I say high doses, I really mean high doses. For example, Folinic Acid is generally recommended at 400 mcg per day - he put me on 60 mg per day (that is not a typo!). My body went into a complete "meltdown". In tow days I swelled up so huge, put on lots of weight and lots of water. My prolactin levels spiked extremely high. I was dizzy, couldn't hardly walk, weak, so bloated. The feeling was like being poisoned, and I guess I literally was poisoned. I have never been right since that incident.

He also had me taking high levels of HCl to help with digestion, but I knew that I didn't need it, so I stopped. I never got heartburn (he kept saying I needed to take it until I got heartburn), I just got lots of bloating.

I hope that helps. I'm sure it all affected my liver (and the rest of me) terribly.

By the way, I just came from a Chinese bodyworker (not doing acupuncture anymore, because I don't want to mess up the homeopathy) and he massaged the tummy pain away. After the tummy relaxed, I could feel a tight pressure at my liver area. He told me my liver area was putting off a lot of heat (he had me feel it and I could feel the difference from that side of my abdomen and the other side). He also palpitated my liver and said it was swollen. He believes the stomach issue is caused by an imbalance in my liver.

Again, thank you kindly for your help.

Many blessings to you.
magicandmiracles1 7 years ago
what were ur personal symptoms to MTHFR?
what made u go and getchecked up?whatwas happening before u went to doc ..before any treatment even occurred?

what position is body beter while lying down during tummy pain? please describe body position
John Stanton 7 years ago
answer above questions and

start bryonia dosing

buy 12 bottle of pure drinking water
pour out 1 /4 the water
add 3 pellets 30c to the 3/4 full water bottle
label water bottle (bryonia 30c ooo)
when not using store in cool (not frig) place away from electric devices

succuss (thump/shake -slow -delibertae force against thick covered book ) 10 times

Important u succuss 10 times before EVERY use from this water bottle solution

1 teaspoon from the 30c water bottle solution
in 4 oz waterin drinkingglass
stir vigourously
1 tablespoon dose from the drinking glass solution
disguard therest from drinking glass
wash glass and spoon

store properly water bottle solution until next dose

take dose in mornig on empty stomach
1/2 hour before eating..

repeat dose every 3 days...fromwater bottle soltuion
as mentioned above
remember to succuss before every use...

avoid coffee.teas,colas,,...caffeine scene..
avoid all acidic foods aND DRINKS
no alcohol at all
no topical skin coverings at al-lotions and such

stop dosing if
(1) aggravtion in any way
(2) new symptom (never had before in health history) occur that linger..

keep me informed --
John Stanton 7 years ago
Thank you...I will follow your instructions and be very careful.

My symptoms for MTHFR were mostly fatigue and low energy and just not feeling "right". That particular doctor tested all of his patients for MTHFR. It turns out that I had Epstein-Barr and once that was treated, I had more energy.

Tummy pain is better when I lay on my side, either side. Worse when lying on my back.

Thank you.
magicandmiracles1 7 years ago
right on..

let me know --as u see it..
John Stanton 7 years ago
Thanks so much for your help...

I got a late start with the Bryonia, as I was called out of town for a few days...but I have now taken maybe 4-5 doeses every three days.

No negative effects so far. I am feeling more resilient, less overwhelmed by life and less reactive - so that is good. I understand that liver imbalances cause all sorts of sensitivities and overwhelmed feels, so I am hopeful that the Bryonia is helping my liver to get rebalanced.

I do start to feel the tummy pain the evening of the second day...and and very relieved to take the Bryonia dose on the third day. It helps, but the pain does still come back.

Just checking in to see if I should continue as is...?

Thank you so much for your kindness and persistence in helping me.
magicandmiracles1 7 years ago
Just bumping up for John Stanton....thank you.
magicandmiracles1 7 years ago
Hello John-

Still taking the Bryonia 30c every third day.

I wanted to report something else. I am now going to physical therapy for the pain, and the physical therapist thinks it is significant that I was in a wheelchair at the same time the pain started (broken foot). He said that people in wheelchairs often get the muscles and fascia of the abdomen "locked up" from immobility. He pushed around and found my diaphragm and the fascia around it very, very tight, and worse so on the right.

Just thought I would pass this on. Thank you kindly.
magicandmiracles1 7 years ago

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