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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Eczema in 12 year old Please Help

My 12 year old daughter has eczema. Given below are notes I keep of her meds:

She was given Nux Vomica on May 28, 2005. Followed by 2 days of no medicine.

Then Graphites 30 for 3 times a day for 5 days, till June 8th.

June 10th: restarted Graphites twice daily for 5 days, then once at bedtime thereafter.

June 25th: Psorinum 200 single dose in the evening. V. itchy, rash all over. 50 days and not yet better.

Aug. 15th: Sulphur 200, three doses, each after 10 min., early in the morn. After 5 days.

Sept. 12th: Ars 30 ODX 3 days

7days no medicine.

Sept. 23: Graphites 30 twice daily, Stoped after 2 doses, stuffy, runny nose

Restarted thrice daily on Oct 17th. By 19th evening, legs swollen, very itchy, shiny and flaky. Gave Ars 30 at night single dose.

Oct 20 Gave Petroleum 30, 3 doses per day for 5 days.
She is suffering. very itchy and after taking all of the above meds, still there is no cure. It only seems to be getting worse. Is it time to stop Homeopathy? Is there cure for Eczema in Homeopathy? She came from the hospital with this problem, noticed skin rash on her cheeks when she was 2 days old. Followed Allopathy and several natural cures. Thought Homeopathy would help. We are using coconut oil on her skin. Please advise. Thanks.
  sgambhir on 2005-10-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have used Arnica 6c to help cure Eczema successfully in the water dose which is made up as follows:

Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Pour out 100ml
Put in 3 globules or 1 drop if you have the liquid remedy.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottle of soda. This is succussion and increases the potency of the remedy with every stroke.

Sip a teaspoonful twice daily.

Your girl's eczema should normally show signs of improvement in about 3-5 days and if you do decide to use it, I would prefer that you stop all other medication you are now using and use only the Arnica therapy.

Please post response in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade
I know that calendula and neem work very well on eczema. I found a great completely natural salve recommended on eczemavoice from a company called Healing Anthropology that has both of those ingredients. It has workded wonders for me and by little 8 month old nephew. Good luck.
cammie last decade
Dear sgambhir.

The Homoeopathic treatment of Eczema is a very complicated affair, and your daughter should really be under the care of a competent Homoeopathic physician. The remedies which have been applied so far, while being anti-psorics, have been applied far too much, and especially, as they have been continually applied in the same potency. This is not good Homoeopathy. Also, absoultely NOTHING should be applied to the skin, as this will not only drive the disease inward, it will also stop the proper reaction to remedies.
JCS2006 last decade

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