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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

8 week old with GERD and breathing issues

Hello, my son is 8 weeks old and has had reflux symptoms since 4 weeks old. I ended up taking him to the ER and was admitted to the hospital for. 24 hours at. 4 weeks old because his respirations were around 80 per minute. I am wondering if he is aspirating due to the GERD because his chest X-ray showed some streaking. He was in terrible pain - arching, screaming, crying until he fell asleep from exhaustion. Gave him nat phos 6x 1/2 tab after feeding 5 times per day for one week. His pain and arching seemed to be mostly gone , with more normal amounts of newborn crying/fussiness. Overall, there was significant improvement. I stopped giving it to him after a week because the label on the bottle said not to exceed 7 days. After a week of being off of the Nat Phos , he is starting to do worse again. Lots of congestion, noisy breathing, increase respirations, vomiting, etc. I have mostly cut dairy out of my diet, but not entirely, as he is strictly breastfeeding . I would love some more direction as I feel like I am playing a guessing game right now. Should I continue to give him the Nat Phos indefinitely for now? Should I add the Nux Vomica? Should I be taking the Nat Phos as well so that it will transfer to breastmilk? Should I avoid dairy completely? Is there anything else I should eliminate from my diet? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

  Mkrenzin on 2013-12-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The muscular valve at the entrance to your baby's tummy will gradually get stronger. Along with his growing stomach capacity and lengthening food pipe, this means that your baby will grow out of reflux.

'Nat phos 6x' 1/2 tablet in a milk just after feed.

Pl. dont exceed the dose more than 3 tabs in a day.

It is safe you may use it till 1 month or more than if required.

Feed your baby in an upright position.

Try giving your baby smaller, but more frequent, feeds.

After every feed Hold your baby upright (vertical position) for 5-10 minutes so that he can burp.

You should take extra calories diet.

Dr. Rahat
Dr. Rahat last decade

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