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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

10year old daughter with eczema symptoms

Hello, I'm new to this forum and would really appreciate any advice and guidance for my daughter.
She is 10 years old and is suffering from eczema on the back of her neck. She has had dry skin on her neck for a few months now but it is getting much thicker and sore in the past week.
Her skin has become dark and thick and is very scaly and shedding dry flaky skin. It is also weepin water.
Also the area around her eyes is getting drier and looking a little swollen every morning.
She has had this problem every 2 and a half years since she was 2 years old. It stays for about 4 months and then disappears on its own.
Her eye area becomes very red and raw and her skin keeps on shedding and ripping every day, it heals up and then reoccurs again.
She is a generally happy child with a good healthy diet, and regular bowel movements. She has no other medical problems. The occasional cold. She is a very sensitive girl and I feel she is growing taller these past few weeks. She takes criticism very personally and any remarks made about her very seriously. Otherwise she is a hardworking child, liked by all, clever and independent. She does like to get her peers approve meant on everything and doesn't like to let people down. Inside she sometimes lacks confidence without letting anyone know. She comes across very capable and she us but sometimes has self doubt.
I thing as she is going through a growth spurt and her body is developing this eczema returns.
It is really starting to affect her as she worries if it will ever get better.
Please if anyone could advise me on a remedy I would very much appreciate it. If any other questions need answering please let me know.
Thank you
  Saj22 on 2013-11-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer the below questions giving as much DETAILS as possible. Remember, we don’t know and will never know your identity so be fully truthful when answering these questions so that we can help you towards regaining health.

Don't hurry, take your time to reply. I need DETAILS.

Answers such as Yes/No/Normal are not helpful.

To get an idea on how to answer these questions please read this case http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/402668/.

Please leave the questions in place and give your answer in front of them.

1. Your age & sex

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type

3. What is your main health problem & its symptoms

4. When did this main problem begin

5. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem

6. What makes the main problem better

7. What makes it worse

8. What other health problems do you have

9. How do you feel mentally & emotionally (weepy, irritable, restless etc.)

10. Describe your personality (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)

11. How do you relax

12. Do you normally fight or flight

13. What animals are you afraid of

14. What situations are you afraid of (heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)

15. What occupies your mind mostly

16. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy

17. Do you want to stay alone or with people

18. How is your sleep

19. Do you have any recurring dreams

20. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints

21. Do you normally feel hot or cold

22. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)

23. What foods you love

24. What foods you hate

25. What taste you love (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)

26. What taste you hate

27. Do you like warm or cold food

28. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud….)

29. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

30. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both

31. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning

32. Any taste or smell from your mouth first thing in the morning

33. How is your skin

34. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color)

35. Any problems with ears, nose, chest, throat

36. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)

37. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.)

38. How is your sexual life & desire

39. Males genitals (erection, pain, itching etc.)

40. Females menses details for regularity, flow, clots, discharge other than menses (reply to all these points)

41. What illnesses are running in your family, mother’s side & father’s side & brothers/sisters

42. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic or homeopathic)

43. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dose, approx. time frame)
fitness last decade
Can you please post a picture of her eczema.
fitness last decade
1. Your age & sex
10 years old girl/ female
2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type
approx. 29kg weight/ 4ft5' height/ slim build
3. What is your main health problem & its symptoms
dry and flaky skin, becoming thick and dark with water seeping out. All around the back of her neck. also dryness now starting on her eyelids and surrounding area down to her cheeks.
4. When did this main problem begin
her neck has been slightly darker skin tone to her body for about 6 months but it has started becoming dry about 3 weeks ago, we were using simple moisturising cream but nothing was working then since last week it has become thicker and drier and began weeping and flaking.
Eyes have been dry for only a day but already looking drier and a little sensitive to touch and a little swollen than normal. Inside the eyes are perfectly fine no problems at all.
5. Can you relate any event or events which triggered this problem.
maybe its changes in her body/hormones as she is growing taller these past few weeks and maybe the cold weather or the new exciting project at school which she talks about all day and plays on her mind. Not sure which is more relevant

6. What makes the main problem better
regarding her neck ;when I have given her a warm bath and scrubbed the dead skin away and then used almond/olive oil to take away the flaky dead skin, it feels cleaner and softer.
regarding her eyelids feel better when I have moisturised.

7. What makes it worse
During the day her neck looks very thick dark and scaly, at school she can peel the skin off and it stings her and feels rough and dirty.
Her eyes look sensitive and dry around the day time too.
First thing in the morning her neck looks really dry and scaly.

8. What other health problems do you have
No other health problems at all.

9. How do you feel mentally & emotionally (weepy, irritable, restless etc.)
She said she feels sad, unhappy about her neck and she feels upset about what is happening to her and worried it might get worse.
Generally was happy and ok without stress.

10. Describe your personality (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.)
Emotional, cries easily, gets offended if someone verbally attacks her, little stubborn likes things her own way. Very friendly towards people and feels sympathy towards them. well behaved at school and feels better when someone compliments her and sympathises with her.

11. How do you relax
Likes to cuddle up on the sofa with a big soft blanket and watch a movie or read a book without being interrupted.

12. Do you normally fight or flight
She would fight back and stick up for herself if someone was attacking with mean words but if it gets too heated she just likes to leave and walk away and feels down after.

13. What animals are you afraid of
Insects like Worms, woodlouse, creepy crawlies and cockroach.

14. What situations are you afraid of (heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness
Not really afraid of anything generally,( only in extreme case of being alone without any family forever would be scary,) but she doesn't really think about things like that as she is not really scared of anything on a daily basis.

15. What occupies your mind mostly
Any big thing that is going to happen maybe a school play, a test, a friend she has argued with, a family event or a family trip. It occupies her mind all day and she cant wait or gets worried or excited until it happens.
She even talks in her sleep about it.

16. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy
She feels very proud if someone compliments her and beams with happiness and shyness.
If someone shows her sympathy she feels much better and she feels they care for her and love her, she does need a lot of reassurance sometimes.

17. Do you want to stay alone or with people
She likes company and does not like being alone. wants to have friends and family around her.

18. How is your sleep
Falls asleep quickly in long deep sleep, she feels hot in the night and kicks away her duvet, doesn't sweat or anything but snuggles back up after a while.She talks in her sleep most days about things that happen in the day at school, maybe after she watched a movie etc.

19. Do you have any recurring dreams
Doesn't have recurring dreams, just allsorts of different dreams.

20. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints
Breezy cool dry weather is the kind of weather she likes, rain stings her neck.

21. Do you normally feel hot or cold
At the moment her neck feels very hot, she doesn't like it.
generally she feels normal not too hot and not cold.

22. What type of clothes you wear (tight, loose, around neck etc)
Fitted clothes like skinny jeans and t shirts, not too tight and loose tops. She doesn't like anything touching her neck at the moment at all especially wooly scarf or coat.

23. What foods you love
spaghetti, rice, ice lolly, strawberries, melons

24. What foods you hate
Lamb and meaty soups, steaks, sheperds pie, mince

25. What taste you love (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
Salty and savoury food full of flavour.

26. What taste you hate
Fish oil like cod liver/ multivitamin syrups make her feel sick, she really dislikes it.

27. Do you like warm or cold food
Warm food is her favourite

28. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, mud….)
No way she says she would never put anything like that in her mouth.

29. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)
Normal thirst average drinker.

30. Do you have dry lips or mouth or both
No dry lips or mouth

31. Any coating on tongue first thing in the morning
NO coating on her tongue, just normal pink colour

32. Any taste or smell from your mouth first thing in the morning
No taste or smell same as always has been.

33. How is your skin
Other than her dry eye lids and cheeks and her scaly dry neck the rest of her skin on her body is normal and soft.

34. Details about your sweat (where mostly, how much, smell, stain color)
Doesn't sweat eccessively, just sweats a little when she does sports or running around in school, its only light sweat on her face, back and bottom. Does not smell or stain just a little damp.

35. Any problems with ears, nose, chest, throat
Not any problems at the moment.

36. How is your stool (details of how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.)
Regular bowel movements, goes to the toilet every day sometimes twice a day. No concerns as nothing out of the ordinary.

37. How is your urine (details of color, smell, any blood etc.)
Normal urine, nothing unusual

38. How is your sexual life & desire

39. Males genitals (erection, pain, itching etc.)
40. Females menses details for regularity, flow, clots, discharge other than menses (reply to all these points)
41. What illnesses are running in your family, mother’s side & father’s side & brothers/sisters
Not really any family illness that run in the family. Grandparents have high blood pressure.
42. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic or homeopathic)
No medicine, just used hydrocortisone cream on my neck few times but did not help so stopped using it

43. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dose, approx. time frame)
Saj22 last decade
Thank you for your help regarding my daughters problem, I will try and upload a few pictures as soon as possible. Please let me know if there is any other questions I can answer.
It is much appreciated.
Saj22 last decade
How does she respond to heat & cold on her neck eczema

It eczema itchy

I gather that water stings on the neck?

How is she behaving during this problem, what is your observation e.g. irritable, restless, quieter etc.

She doesn't like anything touching her neck, is it due to eczema or she has always been like this and doesn't like anything around her neck
fitness last decade
picture of back neck after school
Saj22 last decade
dry scaly back neck picture, you can also see the skin tearing and that is where it weeps water. The skin is dry and scaly and becomes tight and pulls when she turns her head.
Saj22 last decade
this is her eye lid, it is starting to get dry as you can see underneath the eyebrow, it starts like this and becomes similar to her neck. Was sensitive to touch and look.
Saj22 last decade
I don't see any pictures here
fitness last decade
also please answer questions asked above
fitness last decade
How does she respond to heat & cold on her neck eczema

The weather has been cold outside and the house/school is warm inside but that has not affected the eczema.
the neck just feels warm to touch as do her eye area

It eczema itchy

No she said it doesn't itch, just feels very dry and a little sticky after it weeps.
Her eyes feel sensitive to touch on the skin outside but feel ok inside.

I gather that water stings on the neck?

well as you can see from the pictures it was very dry dark and scaly when she came back from school, I gave her a warm bath, she was afraid at first thinking the water on her neck was going to be painful but felt much better and happier when I gently massaged her neck with the warm water.
She said it felt relaxing and better as I rubbed and washed away the dead skin. She said it did not cause her pain when I cleaned it.
The warm bath relaxed her a lot.

How is she behaving during this problem, what is your observation e.g. irritable, restless, quieter etc.

She is anxious and worried about how it looks, what people and other children will say if they see it, she wonders when it will get better, after I reassure her she feels better and forgets about it for a little while.

She doesn't like anything touching her neck, is it due to eczema or she has always been like this and doesn't like anything around her neck

She is ok normally it is just the eczema she doesn't like her clothing/coat/scarf touching it at the moment.

She doesn't mind me cleaning and moisturising her neck and face, it makes her feel better.

This picture is after I gave her a bath and cleaned her neck, and put some oil on it.
Saj22 last decade
after school pic
[message edited by saj22 on fri, 22 nov 2013 00:46:38 gmt]
[message edited by Saj22 on Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:51:33 GMT]
Saj22 last decade
I am trying to send the pictures but they are not coming through, please persevere and I shall try again
Saj22 last decade
dry neck picture
[message edited by saj22 on fri, 22 nov 2013 01:11:02 gmt]
[message edited by Saj22 on Fri, 22 Nov 2013 01:11:31 GMT]

(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)

Saj22 last decade
Dry neck

(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)

Saj22 last decade
picture of eye

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Saj22 last decade
Below is neck after bath and oiled

(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)

Saj22 last decade
It looks much cleaner and better but by the morning will be the same dark scaly dry skin.
2 years ago these were her exact symptoms but they were all around her eye area. This stayed for roughly 2 months and went away on its own.
I think it was the change to a new school and anxious waiting during the summer holidays that caused it then.
Once she settled in she was fine and it had gone until now.

Thank you
Saj22 last decade
Thanks for the pics.

What was happening in her life when it all started e.g. change of school, death of someone close etc.

So the eczema is anxiety driven.

Did you do any treatment for the outburst 2 yrs ago, if yes, what.

Washing it with warm water gives her relief?

Why doesn't she like the clothes touching her eczema, what does it do.
fitness last decade
When my daughter was born she was a healthy happy baby, then around the age of 2 she started getting the pink eczema patch around the creases of her elbows,behind her knees,wrist and around her eyes.
It was really pink and sore looking and itchy then. It came from nowhere and covered her whole body, it stayed for around 6 months from beginning to end and then on its own cleared up within two weeks, just disappeared. We tried the usual anti histamine, emollient creams as well as herbal medicine.

Then at the age of 4+ she started a new year at school after nursery and the eczema arrived again, it started around her eyes and in the creases of her arms, knees wrist. Very similar symptoms dry scaly skin very pink raw looking around her eyes and jus itchy on her arms and legs.
It lasted about 2-3 months and we tried homeopathy. I don't know what medicine she was given as it's been a long time. Again it cleared up on its own, within 2 weeks it jus disappeared.

Then at the age of 7 she started junior school, she was anxious about new teachers and new environment.
The eczema started as soon as the first week of school started, same as above really red scaly dry eye area, when washed with warm water and moisturised feels clean and better. It lasted for 2 months and then as she settled in it disappeared within 2weeks.
We used the same moisturising and anti histamine medication but it doesn't really help.

Now she is 10 years old
There has not been any major change in her life except last week she has been given the job of the school d.j
It's a big responsibility and she has been chosen so she is excited.
Also I feel she is physically developing at the moment, growing taller.
Today her eyes are feeling very sensitive and look slightly darker and the skin feels sensitive to touch if u put your finger over them. Her neck isn't as scaly and dry as it was yesterday. It is still darker and leathery looking.
Saj22 last decade
What was happening in her life when it all started e.g. change of school, death of someone close etc.
Last two times it was change of school/class and she gets anxious wether she will be able to cope, even though she is one of the most capable students in her class. Maybe she feels nervous but is excited and wants to move on.

So the eczema is anxiety driven
I think maybe it is. She is excited but feels nervous inside n worries about things .( I have those characteristics as her mother so she may have inherited them)

Did you do any treatment for the outburst 2 yrs ago, if yes, what.

she didn't have any homeopathic treatment then it was the same antihistamine and moisturising of dry skin.

Washing it with warm water gives her relief?
Yes warm water makes it feel and look clean, even around her eyes it's the same. Then her skin looks much better.

Why doesn't she like the clothes touching her eczema, what does it do.
When her skin is very scaly around her neck she doesn't like it touching her clothes etc she said her skin feels crispy and overly hot around her clothes and rough.
Today it's not very scaly so she wore a cotton scarf around her neck and it felt fine, also it has not weeped today, it just looks leathery and dark.
Saj22 last decade
Hope this helps
Saj22 last decade
I believe your remedy is Calcarea Carbonica 200c.

Please take two doses 12 hrs apart. Just two doses. Not daily.

One dose is one pill. Dissolve the pill under the tongue.

First dose: At night before sleeping.

Second dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.

Report back with changes observed.

fitness last decade
FYI, I expect aggravation in the eczema before it clears up.

If after the first dose, you can see aggravation, don't take the 2nd dose.
fitness last decade
Thank you for your input it is much appreciated. Is the remedy also known as CALCAREA CARBONICUM 200c
I will have to order it online so will need a few days before I can give it to my daughter.
I just wanted to make sure I have got the right remedy as that is what is written on the website.
I will order it and try the first dose then get back to you as soon as I can. Do you want me to keep you upto date with any changes in the meantime?
Saj22 last decade

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