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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Safe Remedies for GERD in a six month old

My daughter is seven months old. She is 26.5 inches and 12 pounds 5 ounces. She is very tall and very thin. She has been diagnosed with GERD and failure to thrive.
She had blood in her stool and silent reflux. My daughter doesn't spit up but shrieked in her car seat, major crying and arching her back at feedings, burping with pain, redding of her eyelids like there was a burning sensation. She really liked to have her back pounded and be in an upright position when she was having an episode.
Currently, she is taking Zantac and Nexium. I would really like to get her off these medications.
I stopped breastfeeding about three weeks ago because my daughter has also shown signs of allergies. At three months she had full blown hives. Then after feeding her rice cereal (her pediatrician recommended this as the most hypo allergenic) for a couple weeks she had nasty hives head to foot. She still occasionally has hives,but not all over her entire body and mainly on her legs and arms and around her mouth.
Anyhow, after cutting all the major allergins and not seeing a lot of improvement I decided with the G.I. doctor to switch her to neocate formula. Feeding is still hard and it is so discouraging. She refuses the bottle A LOT, like she did the breast, and eats very little.
My three main concerns are 1. getting her GERD symptoms under control 2. the blood in her stool 3. allergies.
Please advise if you have any recommendations on homeopathic remedies I could put into use.
Thank you for your help and consideration.
  lollie2 on 2013-08-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

You can start out by trying the natrum phosphoricum 6x to
control the gerd. You can try the 1/2 tablet dissolved in
a tablespoon of water, right after a feeding. Do not
exceed 5 tabs in a 24 hour period. If this seems to help,
but not strong enough you can go up to one tab after a
feeding and then start to ease off as she gets better.

When you start this go off the Zantac and Nexium.
Let me know where you are if not usa, in usa get the
nat phos 6x in whole foods, hylands brand or order online
from Vitacost. Cell salts are a sub system of homeopathy and
they work direct on the cell bringing it into a balance so
that foods can be absorbed and utilized correctly. They
are mild and you can take them for 3 weeks at a time
and then a week off.

I would start with this and then see what is still going on
with the allergies and either get suggestions on here for
them or take her in person to a local homeopath which is
the best for diagnosis.

The Gerd protocol was developed by joe delivera who is
not on here everyday but has his own site. www.joedelivera.com.
You can read about it on that site and talk to joe if you wish.

There are other remedies for the Gerd if this does not work-
I am going to list another link on here from a lady with
a preemie with severe silent reflux- you can see how it
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 06:06:31 BST]
simone717 last decade
Thank you so much for your reply! I was wondering if you could list the link for the preemie baby.
lollie2 last decade
Never mind I got it! :)
lollie2 last decade

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