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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

getting worse with homeopathy Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, I will.
SunnyC last decade
Ok- then wait on the antidoting with Nux for directions
from Anuj.

He will want to ask all the questions first and there are a lot
of them.
simone717 last decade
Hi Sunny,

Anuj has advised me he wants you to start with taking the nux vomica- 3 doses
of 5 pills each on one day. Do a dose morning, afternoon and before bed.

This is a standard protocol for clearing out remedies and other medicines etc
so there is a clean slate for the body.

He will probably start the questions soon-Anuj usually always starts with some
cell salts which are very safe, and they build up your system.

Don't know if you can get ahold of the remedy before you leave, bc usually
you must order this in the 200c bc the stores do not have above the 30c in Usa.
You can order off this site.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 04 Aug 2013 20:00:26 BST]
simone717 last decade
Okay, thank you Simone! My husband said that it might be difficult to access internet where we are going camping so I might not have communication until Wednesday. . no sure. It if it spotty, I might be able to find areas of signal.
SunnyC last decade
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I went camping and didn't have cell signal for a week. My husband and decided to give my homeopath one more chance. But again, I want to double-check with you to validate what he is doing and decide if I do need to stop using him and put my case on here because you folks seem very knowledgeable. Last week I tried Arsenicum Album 30 c once a day and then 3x day to treat the anxiety (at the rec. of my homeopath) with no apparent effect. Although I did become very energetic/restless, exercising like a nut but the next day I was lethargic and depressed. He then recommended Arsenicum Album 200c which I took yesterday. I woke up anxious as usual but it seemed to be a little more intense. I've taken 5 Xanax so far today which is a lot but I am so nervous at work and need to get focused. Do his recommendations make sense? He said once we get the anxiety under control and me off Xanax then we will proceed to revisiting the constitutional remedy. I appreciate your input greatly.

SunnyC last decade
Moreover, I did not order and take the Nux Vominica. Perhaps I should do that now to clear out my system? I have a strong sense my anxiety is secondary to other problems in my body. My allergies, both food and environmental are geting worse, ears are still blocked, and I am suffering from extreme mental fatigue. Hoping this isn't CFS. My anxiety, which is worst in the morning, feels very physiological. I also have TMJ issues which are affecting my head. I do have work stress but I will be taking time off for a few months so I can treat, heal and get better but not sure what direction to go at this point. My 7 week experience with homeopathy has not been fruitful in any way. . I've seen no positive results. A friend of mine had great results from the same homeopath. Just not sure what to do. . only have so much time off work and need to get better. Mental fatigue is the worst! Maybe it is related to dealing with the anxiety?
SunnyC last decade
In homeopathy you have to take a case. You are asking for comments on the homeopath
and there is no case information, so comments would be of no use due to ignorance
of the facts.

A. In homeopathy besides matching the symptoms an important part is called,

'NEVER WELL SINCE' this is very crucial bc if you have anxiety symptoms and find
this started after a trauma, accident, death etc- then it is clear that the 'trauma has to
be healed and the rest will heal.'

People who don't get the right remedy often are not coming up with the right-
never well since- tons of cases where someone 'forgot' they had a tick on them from camping,
and they really then have Lyme disease, or fell down 2 years ago, etc, You simply have
to have the right info.

If he gave you Ars 200 then you have to wait to see if by tomorrow or next day that
you should be feeling BETTER-BC right now it is aggravating. This guy seems to want
Up the potency when you aggravate instead of let it act and wait- which is what needs to happen.

On anxiety issues, having no info from you- I will say it is Very important that you get a physical
and dental check up. you absolutely have to rule out physical causes. I now know 3 people
who had panic and then panic due to the panic bc they had hidden teeth infections and bottom
line not enough energy to do their normal things, which freaked them out, they got panic bc
they could not figure this out, and were ready for psychiatric medications when the dental
check up found the problem and teeth were fixed. In only a couple days, no more anxiety
bc they had energy and they knew what was going on. Find out about food allergies too and
other allergies.

So get a check up- think on the cause- I would suggest that you order Gaia Maitake Defense
which is a Reishi mushroom combo- they are huge immune boosters and it is just
food, the ground up powder in capsules, You will just feel 'normal' good energy of your
own system after taking 2 on one day. I was telling people to get New Chapter Lifeshield
which is similar formula - now that one is sold out till end of sept in stores and everywhere online-bc it works-
look at the reviews, I found out about it word of mouth.
I think the Gaia is almost as good as the other. Get them on Amazon.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 15 Aug 2013 19:52:35 BST]
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 16 Aug 2013 00:36:14 BST]
simone717 last decade
Mozard is not my father or anyone I know. . .that is strange!

I did have a dental examination last Thursday. No cavitations. I didn't get xrays b/c of the impact on homeopathy. Should I? Or is a physical exam enough to rule out anything that could be contributing to my symptoms?

I will definetely order that immune booster on Amazon. . thanks for the tip!

I understand the need for more information. Moreover, I will wait to see if I get better over the next few days. Allergies are getting worse and ENT fears my passages closing up so bad I'll need oral steriods if I don't use the topical steriod, which he says a miniscule amount goes into the bloodstream. Just don't want to take a chance with my adrenals, candida and of course, homeopathy but I do need relief soon. Can homeopathy give me that relief in a short period of time or will the process be as slow as it has been with my anxiety?

Thank you so much for your help!

SunnyC last decade
Moreover, I've had recent bloodwork, brain MRI and a visit with a oncologist who ordered scans due to my recent loss of appetite, weight loss and nauseau. I guess I should get those done. My allergist found allergies to tree and grass pollen, dust mites, molds, ragweed, cats. I'm also very chemically sensitive. Allergist and ENT feels strongly I should begin allergy shots. Was hoping to go the homeopathy route but it might be too slow, althoguh the shots take a long time to work as well. I will really think back to when these symptoms started. i know that is critical information. The remedy prescribed is only as good as the information I provide.
SunnyC last decade
Get the xrays. Drillling and novacaine etc are the real issue with antidoting.

Have you tried the saline ONLY spray for the nose, like ocean premium saline?
I know people who used
the saline spray which keeps the allergens out of nose. Then nose tissue does not
get inflammed. When it does get inflammation then the mucous tissues are vulnerable to
infection and the inflammation itself CAUSEs more mucous to drip and it is a vicious

Do what you have to do now-to get this under control. use the saline spray, kept a clean
room with airfilter and no windows open to sleep in, take reishi mushrooms and Vitamin C-

For however long you have had things, it can take a month for every year to get better.
I had bad allergies, homeopathy took one year and they were gone.

You have a lot going on- and if you want to come on here, you need to decide and give
the info needed .
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 16 Aug 2013 00:40:23 BST]
simone717 last decade
Okay, I just called my dentist office and I am stopping there on my way home to get xrays. I have used the Ocean Saline. . .my issue now is mostly with my ears which have been blocked/stuffed all summer (since the sinus surgery, strangely enough). THe ENT said I will need to use the topical steroid (Nasonex)daily for 3-4 weeks to get my ears opened up. I think I will get my ears under control and then proceed with homeopathy. I will provide the necessary information on here this week. Again, I appreciate your suggestions and responsiveness. THANK YOU, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! It helps so to talk about this with someone who can provide information to help me determine which route to go right now.
SunnyC last decade
We have been keeping the house windows closed and running AC all summer.. . will continue to do that even as the weather cools at nights. I need to get an air purifier. Any suggestions on brand? And I do take a lot of Vit. C. Lastly, should I just manage the anxiety through Xanax while waiting to restart homeopathy? And if I find that the Arsenicum doesn't do anything in a few days, should I antidote? Should I wait to begin taking Nasonex to after I know if ARsenicum is reducing the anxiety?
SunnyC last decade
We do keep house windows closed and run A/C and will continue to do so even as the weather cools. Any suggestions on a brand of air purifier? Also, about how long do I wait to determine if the Arsenicum Album is reducing the anxiety? Should I wait to begin taking Nasonex for my ears so I don't antidote the Arsenicum?
SunnyC last decade
'blocked- 'since the sinus surgery'???

This is a never well since.. reason. There are so many
ENT 's out there running 'sinus mills' which is why
the people I knew went to an ENT that had a very happy
local practice whereas the rest of them were all pushing
sinus surgery.

I would start taking some Arnica 30c if I were you.
Arnica is a huge remedy before and after surgery and
reduces inflammation in the body. You can take it with
other things. Go get the pills from the store and start
taking 3 doses 4 hours apart and then longer apart as you
feel it working on you. I would totally avoid Nasonex if
you can.
simone717 last decade
Sorry for the redunancy, I didn't think the my first response posted.
SunnyC last decade
Sorry for the redundancy. . .didn't think the first one posted!
SunnyC last decade
Wait to see what the Arsenicum does.
Nasonex can CAUSE anxiety.
Use the xanax as needed - whether on a remedy or not.

Research the size of air cleaner and hepa filters needed for the one room-You can decide yourself.

Wait for 2 or 3 days on the Ars 200- don't take anymore and don't take the nasonex while
simone717 last decade
Okay. I have Arnica at home. I will start taking it asap if you think it will help my ears!
SunnyC last decade
Got it. One last question ... .I promise!!! Is it normal to have an increase in nervousness when taking a remedy for this same complaint? Is this considered an aggravation and if so, will it probably taper in 24-48 hours?

Thank you again.
SunnyC last decade
I think it will help what went on after the surgery, which is causing a problem with
your ears. Any reduction of inflammation is going to help your body.
simone717 last decade

many times people have an aggravation of increase of symptoms for a few days, and this
is why you have to wait it out and see if it LEAVES and then you feel better mentally is what is
supposed to go on here.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
Still no improvement with Arsenicum Album 200c (taken Wednesday evening). In fact, the aggravation continues. . .increased mental fatigue, anxiety and depression. The mental fatigue and inability to handle stimulation has been getting worse. Should I antidote or give it a few more days. I wiill begin working on putting my case on here this weekend.
SunnyC last decade
When you take a 200c potency, you
have to give it 15 days to assess.
simone717 last decade
Okay. Good to know. I am having difficulty using the form you had provided in an earlier post. I can't respond to the questions on it. Please advise as to how to use the form so I can put my case on here.
SunnyC last decade
My homeopath suggested taking three 200c doses (one each day) three days in a row. I'm not going to do this and am giving up on this homeopath. Should I consider taking more 200c?
SunnyC last decade
Is there any visible cause for your anxiousness??? is there at any time you feel much comfortable. whats your age and how much studied, what are you doing now?
Is there any exciting cause you observe?
drpnidheesh last decade

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