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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr. Joe De Livera - Natural Heartburn,GERD, Acidity Remedy Help Please

Hello Dr. Joe Livera,

I am a 35 yr old male living in the US. I am 5'11' and weigh 206 pounds with 20% body fat. Since December 2012 I have been battling heartburn and acidity. I have been on Omeprazole, Nexium and Dexilant and my GI doctor has me on 40mg Nexium powder right now. The GI did perform an upper endoscopy about a couple of months back as he was suspecting H Pylori infection, but the findings were acute gastritis and some irritation of the esophagus. I have never head such severe heartburn, but for me the only other time I have had this issue is when I am very stressed at work. For me I definitely feel stress is a contributing factor to my problem. Other than that I am healthy and have been working out regularly for the last 2 months with the aim on reducing my body fat to 10% and dropping my weight to 190 pounds. I have read a lot of your posts and would like to adopt the homeopathic approach. Please advise if you would recommend your usual therapy of Nat Phos 6x and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful taken twice daily for me. I will gladly provide any other information you need from me.

Additionally, please recommend any additional medicine that will help me with my metabolism or weight loss goal.

Kind regards
  FLGuy on 2013-07-06
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