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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Baby's GERD since birth

Dear all,
I have come to a point where I am almost losing faith in homeopathy for my baby's GERD. He has been on Prevacid since he was a month old.
I have tried alot of homeopathis meda but none have worked. They include Natphos 6x, nux vomica 30,
IrisV 30, Robinia tincture diluted in water , bismuth ,colycynthis , Abes ,aethusa .
His symptoms are just not under control. He is unable to sleep. He wakes up a dozen times at night crying and wanting to drink milk to soothe himself ( he is formula fed). His appetite is good infact he seems ravenously hungry all the time . He barely sleeps during the day. I have tried very hard to get him off Prevacid with the help of homeopathic but I have been unsuccessful so far. Please help me
  Wisegirl on 2012-09-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please put ignatia 30, 2 drops of liquid dilution in 300ml of water. Shake the bottle really hard and give a spoon ful every night before going to sleep... Shake the bottle each time before going to sleep. After 4 days please write back.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Logging in to observe progress.
Joe De Livera last decade

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