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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Does anyone know if Calcarea Phosphorica helps with eczema? Thanks ahead of time for any help you can give with this question.
  skash1956 on 2011-08-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Every one of our 5000+ medicines *might* cure Eczema. The name of the disease is not as important as the picture of the whole person's health, and the peculiar individual characteristics which define it.

One of the greatest differences between Homoeopathy and Orthodox medicine is our lack of interest in the diagnostic labels that so obsess their practitioners. It is the experience of homoeopaths that even if a medicine has never been known to cure a specific named disease, it will do so if the strange, rare and peculiar symptoms of the remedy match those of the patient.

If the Eczema itself is very indiviual (lots of things that aggravate it, improve it, change it, accompany it) then the skin itself may be showing the 'personality' of the remedy. This personality can be recognized in any disease, even if it has never been seen in that disease before.

So, yes Calc-phos can cure Eczema, but only if it suits the person with the Eczema. How we determine that is by taking a full and comprehensive list of symptoms, feelings, history, medical treatments, problems, and thoughts. By comparing all these things to a remedy that is known to cause them (the Law of Similars) it will cure any disease that person has.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Kali ars 30c also helps with eczema?
kookoo last decade

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