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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Cramp is due to a violent spasm in one or more muscles, often in the calf or the sole of the foot, which is brought on by interference with the normal circulation of the part. Cramp may result from exercise or, conversely, from slowing of the bloodstream when lying in bed. Another common cause is excessive sweating, as in the cramps of miners and stokers, or dehydration from some other cause as in cholera.
Where the cause is obvious, preventive or curative measures must be employed accordingly. Incidental cramp will usually pass off in a few minutes, with the aid perhaps of massage or by stretching the contracted muscle. Constantly recurring cramps call for medical consultation, preferably homoeopathic. A remedy often found useful is CALCAREA CARBONICA 30, night and morning for a week. In more severe cases CUPRUM METALLICUM 30 can be given in a similar manner.
CUPRUM ARSENICOSUM in 3x potency is often effective. It is recom¬mended to take two tablets in the late afternoon, two early in the evening and two more at bedtime for prevention of cramp during the night. This dosage should not be exceeded as the remedy is a poisonous substance and the potency is low. Also the tablets should not be left lying about and accessible to children.
  siloutec on 2010-11-04
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