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Cheapest locales for excellent homeopathy? Page 2 of 3

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Thank you, srisri. The Remedy Finder makes quite a case for Sulfer and I would be surprised if girilal did not also recommend Sulfur. I am eager to see his response, particular with regard to posology. Also, if I need any complementary remedies, for the symptoms not covered by Sulfur, are they effectual after Sulfur or must they be taken prior to it.

In fact, I bought Boiron's Sulf 30C from my local health food store two years ago, based on the Remedy Finder. I bought 30C because it was the only potency available there. On 15 Feb 2008 I took 5 pellets at 8:15am, and again at 5:30pm, but it did not produce any changes that I deemed noteworthy at the time. (In hindsight, I suspect it may have led to an aggravation that precipitated the most recent, 16-month separation from my girlfriend.) Perhaps another potency and/or dosing schedule would work better for me.

I might regarded as 'highly sensitive' to things like foods (I experience mental symptoms after wheat, dairy, soy, egg, peanut), but also as having a weak vital force. (I suspect my chi has been low ever since I was 19 and masturbated too much!) So, with regard to homeopathics, I do not know whether I am relatively sensitive or relatively insensitive.

In the past, I have been responsive to Boiron's Sepia 6C and Oscillococcinum 200C -- each taken as per manufacturer's recommended dosing schedule. The former, which I took in attempt to control mood swings, alleviated genital itching, and the latter, which I took to quell a flu, calmed my mind.

Sometime in 2002, I was prescribed Pulsatilla (potency not marked), and this may have played a role in my transition from an overly conscientious person to a Sulfur. (That year I quit my engineering job and began five years of self-funded medical 'research.') Circa April 2007, I was prescribed Nitricum Acidum 1M as a constitutional and was told to take a few grains once; this seemed not to produce a response.

Given my history of extensive allopathic treatment -- from age 11 months until circa 32 years old -- I would not be surprised if I need a series of antidotes to past allopathic treatments. In particular, I was heavily exposed to stannous fluoride via a gel that was prescribed for home use, and now I have numerous symptoms of fluoride remedies. Also, I had adverse reactions to at least two vaccines containing aluminum and organic mercury. In case I also need remedies for those, I would like to know in advance, whether they can be given after my constitutional remedy, be that Sulfur or another.
madscientist37 last decade
are you addicted to Chocolate or Sugar?
girilal last decade
You have any other habit like chewing nails, pulling hairs or just any habit or obsession?
girilal last decade
I definitely am strongly addicted to chocolate. To sweets, maybe a little. I tend to be hungry all the time, especially for sweets, hot peppers, salt, pork, and fried junk food such as corn 'tortilla' chips. I eat a lot of these. I also crave, but usually manage not to eat (since they produce nasty withdrawal symptoms including weeping) wheat, dairy, and soy products.

I do not chew nails or pull hairs. I have difficulty establishing any habit or routine. I am very 'novelty-seeking,' to the degree that I rarely want to listen to the same song twice. It is difficult for me to remember who or what I love; usually I'd prefer something entirely new and unknown. However, usually I am too lazy to actually seek out new experiences. My trips to a hippie festival and to a shaman in Peru last summer were rare exceptions; the last time I had been abroad was in 2003. Usually my adventures are confined to new restaurants and new books.

The one thing I do most consistently -- perhaps a habit -- is to read. Since I am unhealthy enough to prevent my employment, I read about my health conditions, and modalities that seem promising.
madscientist37 last decade
and what is your sun sign?
girilal last decade
My sun sign is Pisces.
madscientist37 last decade
and what do you do?
girilal last decade
Girilal, after earning a degree in electrical and computer engineering 14.5 years ago, I have spent the first 5 and last 1.5 years working as a computer software engineer / programmer. I've spent most of the other years:
1. trying -- unprofitably -- to be an entrepreneur and inventor
2. completing four semesters of a Master of Public Health graduate degree
3. getting certified and licensed as a massage therapist (3 years ago)

Currently, since last May, I am unemployed.

Perhaps I'll post that chronological narrative after all...
madscientist37 last decade
Girilal, here's the narrative I began drafting a few days ago.

I chose the name 'madscientist' because I am fascinated by fringe science.

I have written the following, poorly and narcissistically. Please forgive me. I am having trouble summarizing a life that confuses me, or having enough insight to simply choose adjectives that mean what these anecdotes may (hopefully) illustrate. At the end, I have made an attempt at a more concise analysis.

I am a male in my mid-thirties. I am tall and slender (6 feet 4 inches tall and 180 pounds).

My mother says that I was a 'melancholy' baby. My dad recalls that I've always had trouble making decisions. My family moved often and after losing my friends so often, I became shy (or apathetic toward making friends). My parents separated the summer I hit puberty, and they divorced a few years later. For defending my father, I was persecuted by my mother, and I became quite angry and shy.

I had taken up computer programming as a hobby when I was 9 or 10 years old. My other hobbies were bicycle riding, bicycle mechanics, and carpentry. My first career aspiration was architecture.

I pursued and earned a degree in electrical and computer engineering from a university that I had selected because it had one of the best programs in robotics. I was ambitious to a degree I now consider ludicrous: I wanted first to become a professor and design robots into which we could upload our minds ('in order that we might endure interstellar travel, to escape the planet which we are destroying'), and then to quit that and have a second career in writing science fiction. I saw myself as a writer primarily, with engineering mainly a form of 'paying my dues' to earn credibility.

But I lost (permanently, it seems) most of my enjoyment of computers and electronics during my second year of university (age 19), when I began to experience fatigue and episodes of sudden sleepiness that my father called 'narcolepsy.' (I sometimes still experience these, e.g. during an emotionally draining conversation with him.) Between every two lectures, even if only 30 minutes apart, I returned to my dormitory to nap. I was diagnosed with depression and treated with first one antidepressant, then another. (Neither drug helped my fatigue or dislike for engineering work, only my anxiety. I cared less about my academic performance and had less social anxiety.)

I did finish the engineering degree. I might have quit, but I had already borrowed a lot of money for tuition. I graduated and got a good job in industry, with a high-tech company with stock options. With great effort, I performed acceptably, until the last several months. After five years with that first employer, I was vested in my promised stock options, sold them for a sizeable windfall, quit my job, and began trying to change careers.

My concentration was too poor to learn enough to train myself in various topics, first in business and technology, and then writing. After 18 months, I had a girlfriend and wanted to 'settle down,' so I attempted software engineering again; I accomplished nothing in about six months, and quit again. I studied literature and journalism. I attempted a journalistic project abroad, which was too difficult for me. I read enough about depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and their possible causes that eventually I thought it best to become a health journalist. Because I wanted a credential and more systematic insight into health, I applied for graduate study in public health. I began taking courses, had trouble concentrating, was referred to a physician on campus, was treated nutritionally for chronic fatigue and depression, but eventually dropped out.

Later I entered a six-month training program in massage therapy. I graduated, passed certification exams, and was licensed, but I have felt too much malaise to practice. It is difficult to help someone to feel good when one feels so bad oneself.

In spring 2007 I discovered an author who believes that civilization is harmful to planetary ecology and should end. I became a fan of this idea, which soon undermined my passion for health care, health journalism, and health-related inventions.

Eventually, in November 2007, I found work of the sort I had quit twice before. From then to May 2009 (18 months) I struggled with my poor memory and concentration. I accomplished little, but due to poor management nobody blamed me. Finally I was laid off, along with all the other engineers in our department, due to the general failure of our department's major project. I deserve much of the blame and believe that had my supervisors been competent enough to notice how poorly I performed, I would have been fired well in advance of this layoff.

(The 'anti-civilization' idea continued to grip me until a month or two ago, when I decided that I have enough problems already, without a worldview that undermines my passion for any occupation that civilization values; plus, I am not healthy enough to live as a paleolithic man. Perhaps if I get healthy my ideology will change again..)

Some symptoms or rubriks, written in a form similar to that I've seen in homeopathy literature, are:

Ahedonia (inability to feel much pleasure)
- not all the time, but most of the time

- from family (they live too far away to be meaningfully involved)
- from old friends (we have too little in common now)
- from men (I feel competitive)
- from groups (I often seem to be 'odd man out')
- from modern civilization (I'd feel more comfortable in a tribe that lives and works together, as a microcosm)
- from those not immediately present

Sentimentality for family, alternating with coldness and apathy


- very rare since age 11 or 12 (father reports his dreams stopped the same year!)
- less visual than before; some are only the sound of my own voice
- when I used to have them, were mostly of being chased

Honesty, brutal
- truth at any cost to myself or others
- whatever is in my conscious mind, I am almost unable to keep a secret
- I suspect that in compensation, I have begun to keep secrets from my conscious mind (hence the dearth of dreams, etc.)

Motivation, lack of
- what's the use? engineers advance technology and the advance of technology generally alienates people from one another

- of others' intentions in apparent kindness

Desire to travel

- regarding career
- regarding health care modality to pursue for my own case
- regarding girlfriend (I have been staying at her home for over two months since returning from overseas travel; after 3 previous breakups during last 3.5 years, I am feeling obligated either to end the relationship or to marry her)

Exaggerated sense of responsibility, alternating with desire to escape

Fatigue, mental
-with headache
-desire to sleep
-after a short period of concentration
-sometimes relieved by physical exercise (but physical exercise is not satisfying -- fails to dispel nervous energy -- unless 'in excess' to the point of subsequent malaise)

Memory, short term, very poor (on online brain tests at lumosity.com, I scored in 1st percentile in memory)

Resistance to routine (crave novelty)
Resistance to meditation (much nervous energy)

Loving 'escape,' whether by watching television and movies, reading, travel, or just driving in rural areas

Mood swings

Craving chocolate
Craving sugar
Craving spicy food
Craving fatty foods
Craving pork
Craving wheat and dairy products (and feel weepy when in 'withdrawal' from them)

Hungry - nearly always (and eating a lot) (yet quite thin)

Cluttered home
Hygiene: lately, I loathe bathing and brushing my teeth

Pain - Chronic, due to muscular tension and inflammation in joints

Some mental symptoms (including 'malaise') are related to concrete physical problems, including:
- fractured L1 (lumbar) vertebral body; a piece of it is displaced anteriorly, between the kidneys (a snow-sledding accident in early 2004)
- arthritis in neck (after a Hepatitis B vaccine in fall 2004)
- a laxity in the ligaments of several joints, which causes joint instability and risks worsening (began 2008, unexplained, and even hatha yoga seems to have been involved in some of these injuries; for example, the right knee injured by sitting in lotus position)
- weight/muscle loss in last several months (unexplained)
- history of use of various allopathic medicines, herbs, and nutritional supplements, from childhood to the present day

These are not all my physical symptoms or diagnoses. I've listed a few that I believe affect my mental state most directly.
madscientist37 last decade
Try Belladonna but no medicine is going to help much. You need to undertake some substantially challenging project of your liking.

More you think about your own mind, more you get lost in its mazes but otherwise there is nothing. It is like an onion, you keep peeling and at the end nothing is left.
girilal last decade
You should move through the Hahnemannian Trio

The remedies should be taken in high potencies ie not less than 200c. You should give sufficient time to the remedy to act after taking a dose.

You may read threads started by me, where i have discussed about breathing exercises. These breathing exercises may work for you if do them regularly over a long period of time.
kadwa last decade

Thank you very much for considering my case so carefully. Especially, I appreciate that even though you (and kadwa) hold a 'hammer' of homeopathy, not everything appears to you as a 'nail' for which that modality is the best tool.

Regarding Belladona, why in particular? Could it help me to dream, or for my dreams to be more visual? Any thoughts on potency, and can it complement the trio suggested by kadwa?

Regarding 'you need to undertake some substantially challenging project of your liking,' I agree. I expect this would solve approximately half my problem; a good project, calling, or 'reason to live,' is necessary if not sufficient. (This is the lesson I learned while I was 'on strike' against civilization and its potential to misuse whatever I invent.)

The project I have had in mind for the last few years is to become a sort of homeopath. In fact, my rationale for entering massage school in 2006 was to get some kind of license and clientele on whom I could also practice and advance what I call 'electronic homeopathy,' which helped me a few months earlier. Even if my electronic inventions do not work, I suspect that I have an aptitude for traditional homeopathy. I love to read the literature, which is, to me, a combination of lovely poetry and something better than science fiction.

I would love to have a good mentor -- someone who thinks 'outside the box' where necessary, but who can help me to think inside some traditional boxes wherever helpful.

Regarding 'think about your own mind... there is nothing,' I agree it is a recipe for disaster. I am so tempted to think about it because for over 25 years I have lacked the normal insight afforded most people by dreams. Usually this results in psychosis, I think.

I stand by my advocacy of meditation, as nonverbal self-comprehension of the sensations. But good meditation is not really 'thinking.'

Oh, and it so happens that yesterday I was thinking that sequential homeopathy could potentially strip away every single layer of my personality, everything that makes me unique. There would be nothing /distinctive/ inside, I agree. But what would be wrong with that?

Still, I am somewhat grateful for my less-than-robust childhood and sickly young adulthood, because apparently illness has motivated me to become a healer. (I did not really invest as much effort in healing myself as I did in learning about /systems/ that might heal me, and others. I used myself as a guinea pig. :)
madscientist37 last decade

Thank you for your reply.

I appreciate that you are seeing a Trio from the start; this seems like a chess player seeing several moves ahead. Receiving a prescription for a Trio also flatters my vanity regarding my complexity. :)

I also appreciate that you have specified sequence and potency.

I certainly will read the threads you mention regarding breathing exercises.
madscientist37 last decade
Thank you very much for considering my case so carefully. Especially, I appreciate that even though you (and kadwa) hold a 'hammer' of homeopathy, not everything appears to you as a 'nail' for which that modality is the best tool.

We don't hold any hammers in our hands. We are holding flowers of homeopathy in our hands and we are not looking for any nails.

Giri is an original thinker. Your state of mind is alternating very fast therefore he suggested you Belladonna. He could understand from your very first post that you are all set to become a homeopath. These skills have made Giri an influential personality in the world of homeopathy. He is of the opinion that homeopathy helps prescribers more than patients.

The prescriber has to go through the theories of miasm so his philosophy starved mind is satisfied. He has to read vast Materia Medica and so he keeps himself busy and all vacuum in his life is sucked. He also derives the satisfation of serving the humanity. So homeopathy satisfies prescribers in many ways. But patients are not that fortunate. Sometimes they don't experience any change at all but they have to believe that the remedy is working. Sometimes they experience aggravation of their symptoms and they have to wait very long for the much needed relief. So Girilal has revolutionized the healing methodology by making people aware of the fact that for excellent results from Homeopathy, one should not approach homeopathy as a patient but as a prescriber.

So follow Giri and be happy.
kadwa last decade

Thank you for this encouragement. I have just ordered in 200c: Belladonna, Lycopodium, Sulphur, and Calc Carb. I have also asked my friend to return my large box of homeopathy books (btw most of them are Indian editions). And I plan a bulk purchase of remedies from Bengal Allen Pharmacy in Calcutta. Maybe soon I'll visit that city of homeopaths, and Girilal.

Regarding aggravations: Have you tried using remedies in low potencies (around 5C-7C) concurrently with or prior to a 200C or so, as in the French style of 'drainage' homeopathy?

I am at least fascinated by the idea of a 'chord,' or a harmonic series, of potencies. As a massage therapist I imagine that each medicine delivers a vibration which, by resonance with one or more of the body's physical or energetic organs, encourages circulation of energy through it.
madscientist37 last decade
I cancelled my order for 200C after reading this article by David Little on the LM potency:

If the LM potencies are made using two different dilution ratios, I think they may have multiple 'harmonics' of the energies, which according to my intuition, may reduce the aggravation.

I will order them again in LM1 tomorrow unless I hear an objection.

BTW this was not new information to me, merely something I had forgotten to consider. This illustrates my belief that my rapid change in mental state is secondary to tunnel vision (like a mental 'cramp') and poor memory. Of course, I also believe my poor memory is secondary to the other two symptoms. Could it be reasonable to say that, as I suspect, there are no 'root' causes?
madscientist37 last decade
Belladonna is the main medicine that helps to remove the layer of the dreams from the mind but it works only if the person is willing to get read of the dreamy state of mind.

Now those dreams or rather cinema decides if one is happy or sad. That layer of dream, those reaction make one act. You can only act if you don't have that layer.

As Mr. Kadwa said, breathing exercise or just any meditation is the devise to break that dream layer.

So try belladonna, it works upon mind, you will know its effect in some minutes and if you feel that you are more awake, that is where to begin.
girilal last decade
Dear Kadwa

Thanks for your nice words. Most of the time medicine does not cure, it dose not matter which medicine we prescribe or which potency and frequency. Petty minds can start a war over that

But holding a patient's hand and waling with him few steps, making him say and making him purge himself too is a way to treat.
girilal last decade
Girilal, thank you for your explanation of Belladonna. And maybe if it helps my 'dream steam' to stop leaking out during my waking hours, I will experience its power as I sleep.

Regarding 'making him say and purge himself,' this reminds me of something I learned while in massage school:

It was during a course in an osteopathic modality called Ortho-Bionomy, which was inspired by homeopathy. In this modality, the therapeutic action is 'homeopathy in the physical domain;' that is, releasing a muscle by moving it a tiny distance in the direction it is already pulling. But the effect is utterly dependent on consciousness. The practitioner's attention must be acutely focused, loving, and accepting/detached.

I imagined that this focusing more attention on the problem is like throwing more computing power at solving it. It is a 'meditation for two.' The instructor told me that this modality is applied Taoism. Perhaps so is homeopathy.

Can mere consciousness (of this acutely focused, loving, accepting sort) suffice to heal?
madscientist37 last decade
Today I feel less certain about what to do, so I'm back with more questions.

For Belladonna what is your recommendation for posology?

Even if remedy selection is placebo for most people, it seems clear that for each person, some placebos are better than others; and and for me, posology is an essential dimension of the solution. (By no means am I discounting the possibility that the remedy may also sometimes work through its physical properties.)

Since I must mail-order any high-potency remedies, and since shipping cost for one remedy or four is at least 70% of the cost of one remedy; it may be cost-effective for me to order four remedies at once, iff I can expect that I'll need them. Were you in my position, would you go ahead and order Lyc-Sulph-Calc with Belladonna today, or would you wait and re-repertorize after Belladonna has run its course? And, what more can you say with regard to posology?
madscientist37 last decade
Don't worry about posology etc. no need to go in deep theories. Discover the effect of belladonna and I bet you will feel it. Take a second dose when you feel the first one is wearing down.

If a person feels the effect of belladonna it indicates that Sulfur too suits him well but effect of sulfur is very difficult to observe because it takes time.

If sulfur works or suits you then also study Tellurium and Selenium. These are the sisters of Sulfur.
girilal last decade

I made the mistaking of assuming (during an unusually optimistic mood) that I already understood you, when in fact there were many possible interpretations. Especially if you are an original thinker, I'd like to learn from you, and thus I should have asked more questions of the form 'what do you mean by...' and 'why do you say...'

I'd like to know more about how you came to advocate self-prescribing, in order to inform an understanding of what you mean by this.

To me, a belief in self-prescribing would imply that you trust some of a patient's own intuitions about what he needs. In this case are you certain you should dismiss my intuition that the quantitative aspects of homeopathy are important in my case? If not... would you please try to teach me, via Socratic method?

Meanwhile, I am not confident that my mental state is changing for such mysterious reasons that the first prescription must be a polychrest for changeability. For one thing, my addiction to chocolate causes mood swings, and I understand that this addiction might be cured by dynamized chocolate a low potency, yet we haven't discussed this. For another thing, a deeper theme of poor relations with family, and escapism, will always drive me to palliate and suppress my sadness with something: if not an addictive substance like chocolate or sugar, then excesses in food, sex, reading, theorizing, etc.

Meanwhile I have numerous serious physical symptoms that are unchanging; I omitted them not because they change but because they are so numerous. But they are objective, and some are known to cause mental problems. For example, periodontal disease with rheumatic involvement serious enough that whenever I go to bed one night without brushing my teeth, I wake up the next morning with heart pain. This is rheumatism at a dangerous level. This is an acute situation; I'd like either to remedy it before I take a deep-acting remedy that could aggravate it, or to include this in the symptom picture.

Another threatening physical symptom is gall bladder disease. It runs the risk of infection.

These elements of my physical situation induce fatigue, which creates a temptation to chocolate, which by changing my mood interferes with formation of, and access to, memories (since memory is contextual).

If you think that I should think less and experience more, what if I, for example, order a 100-remedy polychrest kit from Bengal Allen Remedies (because it would be inexpensive relative to my overall cost of living) and simply hold each against my second chakra? I may be able to sense that way whether it is good for me.

These are some broad outlines hinting at the nature of my questions. Hope you understand my respect for you and my sincerity.

Finally: If you tell me that you believe Belladonna in will 6C work well enough to win me over to it, I will try that. Anything higher, I expect it could harm me if it's not the simillimum.
madscientist37 last decade
Recent conflict with my sister, and my mom who uses 'defense' of her as justification for meanness toward me, stimulates some insights:

Since dreams mostly stopped by age 10 or 12, there was little opportunity to recognize any themes. But the last dream theme I remember was of being chased. The identify of the assailant, and the reason for being chased, did not enter into the dream. But the setting seems significant: The chase took place across the rooftops of buildings near the slag dumps.

The slag dumps are on the trail I usually rode my mountain bike while at university.

I always rode fast, because only riding fast gave me release from, or acted out physically, whatever angst I was carrying. The feeling has always been 'if I don't ride fast, to the point where I am on the brink of disaster, there is no point.'

The unknown assailant was probably my mother, who was, up 'til then, the only significant enemy I had ever had.

The identity and the reason were not revealed in the dream because, by the time of this dream, the chase had been going on for many years; and because I was being chased for no fault of my own.

Maybe these observations shed light on why I stopped dreaming.

There are much deeper problems, including:
1. My mother claims that her mother did not nurture her. (And now my mother has breast cancer.)

2. Firstborn males in my father's family have tended to be sickly, or mentally unstable, or at least very anxious, for five generations.

3. When I was about a year old and had just begun solid foods, a portion of my intestine doubled back on itself or swallowed itself (an 'intussusception'); I received surgery to correct this and to remove my appendix prophyactically. (The latter must hinder my ability to 'digest' something about adult life.)

To me these suggest, most of all, a 'lac.' Perhaps even 'sac lac' helps me, and perhaps this is a reason I constantly fight an urge to sample /every/ homeopathic remedy in pill form. (I have no similar urge to sample remedies in aqueous form; in fact, even when they are prescribed I resist taking them.)
madscientist37 last decade
But why they all influence you so much or excessively?
girilal last decade
Girilal, what are you asking?

Are you asking why all remedies with milk sugar influence me so much?

I suspect milk sugar is my simillimum or very near it. In 'mother tincture' it would act on a shallow level, but at higher potencies it would act more deeply.

But even if sac lac is 'the root' or 'a root' of my problems, I am not sure that a 'root' is always the best place to begin. After all, my intestine in infancy already learned the folly of trying to turn oneself inside out!
madscientist37 last decade
I was asking about your relatives and people, why they influence your mind excessively.
girilal last decade

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