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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

4 month son has eczema

my 4 month old son has eczema and itching.he itches all over his and stamoch.also he straches his penis when left without a diaper.his eczema has spread from his head to his a face,neck,chest,back,diaper area and below the knees.he also has food allergies mostly to milk,egg and nutts.he still has sebhorric dermatitis,which has become infected.his rashes are dry and do not ooze.his boady always very hot to touch.he also has a slight cough.and from time to time his stomach gets lose.

he cannot sleep at night due to the itching.
hes beeter in cool atmospere but after bathing feels too cold.
i have tried sulphur but due to it he got even more rashes.now i am giving graphites 6 and pulstilla 30.but the effect only lasts for a day or two.his itiching does not improve.
  girl 123 on 2009-10-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Toxin in blood (hot body, digestion, skin eruption).

Mildly promote toxin elimination thru other system so that skin is relieved. Never apply any ointment as it causes the toxins to affect vital organs and could result in chronic diseases to suffer all life.

Calc Sulph 6x (Bio Chemic) - 1 pill, twice daily for 1 month or till better. In addition also give:

Merc Cor 30 - once daily for 4 days, then once every 2 days (next 3 doses)

Report after this.

Apply Neem in any form mild form. Taking bath in water, where 1 pinch of turmeric added is another option.

After the above doses (roughly 1 or 2 weeks), give

Dulcamara 1 dose only. Then next day, 1 dose of Lycopodium 30 - 1 dose.

Please report after this.

Reva V
Reva V last decade

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