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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Son's Eczema problem

Hi my Son who is 6 years old is suffering from severe Eczema.

He has Eczema on his neck, arms, wrists, legs. At times it is even on other parts of his body ! He has dark cirles under his eyes. At times they are dark & red because of the itching.

He has ellergies to (peanuts, tomatoes, wheat, eggs - the ones we know about)

His condition is worse in the winter. He mainly itches at night before he goes to sleep & during the night !

We had been to a homeopathy doctor several years ago when his eczema just started on his wrists & she had prescribed Sulphur ( not sure the dosage) At the time it did not seem like it was helping him.

We have tried Steroidal creams, they help, but dont seem to solve the problem.

He gets very frustrated, angry, & cries when the outbreak accurs.

Any help is very much appreciated !!!!
  Pls_hlp on 2005-02-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Suggest you read the other posts on this forum on Eczema.

I have used Arnica 30 to cure a chronic case of Eczema but others have used Graphites which is also effective.
Joe De Livera last decade
I suggest you read

silverman last decade
Any body knows what is the best dosage to use when giving Graphites to a 6 year old ?

6c 30c 200c ?


6c 30c 200c ?

Arnica ?
Pls_hlp last decade
Also how many times a day ?
Pls_hlp last decade
For Eczema

Try 6C of Graphites. Or licking a pencil's end will also do the job.
kuldeep last decade

Thanks for your reply, how many times a day ?

Also, will giving a mix of Silica 6c, Graphites 6c & Sulphur 6c be just as affective ?
Pls_hlp last decade
I have been reading previous threads about eczema. It seems that the primary madicines for eczema are

1) Graphites
2) Sulphur
3) Arnica

Has anyone else had any luck with any other products ?

thanks for your reply ! Any positive results with using Juglans Cinerea ?

Also, has anyone used the "Meridian Stress Assessment" to diagnose ellergy or eczema culprit ?
Pls_hlp last decade
Also Elisa testing ?
Pls_hlp last decade

Arnica 30c comes in a tiny pill format. How many did you take at one time ? How many times a day ?

Did you have any side affects ?
Pls_hlp last decade
Arnica 30c is usually dispensed in little lactose sugar balls of 3mm ¯. You have not indicated the size of your 'tiny pills' and I cannot therefore advice you.

I recommend 2 balls of 30mm ¯ for each dose and you can adjust the pills you have on this basis. You can take 2 doses per day as your son is 6 years old but in the case of an adult I have used 3 doses per day.

The balls should be placed under the tongue when they will dissolve in about 2 minutes and will be absorbed into the blood supply under the tongue immediately.

If you do not observe any significant improvement within a week, Arnica is not the remedy for your son and you should change over to Graphites 30.

Please post response on this forum weekly.
Joe De Livera last decade
I noticed that the sign commonly used for Diameter (¯) did not appear on the post above after the 3mm. Please read this sign as diameter.

I also note that I had inadvertently marked 30mm ¯ in para 2. This should of course read as 3mm.

A pity that posts canot be corrected on this Forum.

Mr Moderater please note.
Joe De Livera last decade
We have two types of Graphite bottles. Can someone help determine which one is better to administer to a 6 year old ?

1)The first one is strictly Graphite 3mm pills (30C)
2)The second is in a mix of Graphite 6c, Silica 6c, & Sulphur 6c.

We have been giving him #2 the mix for several weeks with not much result !

We thinking about going to a 30c (2 pills, 2 times a day) does anyone have any thoughts on this ?
Pls_hlp last decade
Since you have tried Arnica 30c and the mix of Graphites, Silica and Sulphur all of which have not worked, the obvious alternative left to you is to use the Graphites 30c and observe after a week how it helps.

Eczema is a difficult problem to cure and even in the case I used it successfully about 6 months ago the patient has to take Arnica 6 every night as otherwise it recurs. I used the 30c at the start which cleared the chronic problem in just 3 days and after the lesions disappeared, I lowered the potency down to 6c nightly. He reported to me that he sleeps very soundly and feels very well and that his slightly elevated blood sugar level which he also had for some time is not bothering him any more.

Do not lose hope to help your son and feel free to post your observations from time to time on this Forum to enable all of us to suggest alternate remedies to help him.
Joe De Livera last decade
Leo & Maria. Did you ever begin the Juglans Cinerea 30C?

Please give only 3 doses and then wait and watch. Old symptoms may occur or new ones.

Watch for these things and report. Sometimes H. goes back to the cause, and we may or may not know the cause in a young child. But if an older symptom shows itself, it must then be treated...possibly with another remedy.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade

We are still waiting for Juglans Cinerea 30C to arrive. We had ordered it last week.

Leo & Maria
Pls_hlp last decade
For those who are still using protopic or elidel. FDA came out with new disturbing data on 03/10/2005 that links these drugs to cancer. Here is a link:

Pls_hlp last decade

We received Juglans Cinerea 30c today. It came in a tube with tiny pills.

How many pills should we give him at one time ?
Pls_hlp last decade
If they look like a BB shot, 3 is a dose.

The tiny ones look much like grains of sand. 5 or 6 is one dose. No need to actually "count," this is to caution the "least given" for those that think "more is better"...NOT.

"roll" the bottle to get them out. Shaking the bottle may cause too many to bounce out.

Do not put back into the bottle, it contaminates the remedy. Better to use it as it is no different, just a waste when less will work.

Years ago we gave much more amount as a dose and found it unnecessary.

Keep us posted. If there is an increase of symptoms, wait longer before the next dose.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Nothing should EVER be apllied to skin complaints. Doing so merely supresses the disease and drives it deeper inside the body, where it causes more severe problems. This is one of the most important rules of Homoeopathy.
JCS2006 last decade
My son had eczema from head to toe since he was 2 months. I was using aquaphor, eucerin, you name it. Nothing Helped!!! I took him to a homeopath doctor when he turned 5 months ( I wished I knew about homeopathy earlier). My son is 15 months now and his eczema is 90% gone. It is getting better every month. His face was so red and dry, people were asking me what was wrong with him. His face is 100% clean. First, like every one else, I doubted my son could be cured of this chronic disease. I am a believer now and I am posting on every site so that mothers seek homeopathic remedy. I know what you are going through, but believe me, homeopathy helps!! if one treatment did not work for him, there are hundreds other (as well as homeopathic doctors). Look for Classical Homeopaths. If you are in Bay Area ( California), I will refer you to the one my son went:)
No worries!! Your son will be cured in no time. And pleaseee , stop using steroids.
mandala last decade

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