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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Att. Dr Sameer - insomnia Page 2 of 4

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Hi Maria,

That is good news. Let us not do anything right now, and keep waiting.

Please update me in another week from now.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I am confused with my husband. Now he is renovating the attick and is so numb at nights that he keeps waking up every two hours to shake his hands. (What does that tell about him: he knows he cannot do that kind of work unless he looses his sleep. He does that anyway. The renovation is not necessary at all, it is just something extra).

The renovation will be going on till autumn. So I guess we cannot observe the sleep anyone - or can we?

He said yesterday that he has not been anxious any longer (except the attick nerves him because it is so difficult).
From my point of view he has been calm and relaxed and in a good mood.

I would continue the constitional treatment - the swine flu is coming...

By the way, what do you comment about the threads about swine flu? What should we have in hands?

Maria&boys last decade
Swine flu is an overhyped media created epidemic. A few 100 infected people spread over the world is not something to worry about.

Nearly 36,000 Americans die of normal flu every year, and not a single one has died from this Swine Flu.

There is no reason to panic here.

The purpose of this news is to do short term upside trades on pharmaceutical company stocks :)
sameervermani last decade

I am not the type who panic easily, but the way WHO reacts bothers me.

How do you comment my husband's case?

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

If he is causing over exertion by this renovation and that is resulting in some problems, we cannot observe the effect of medicine properly.

So, I do not know how to proceed here.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Yes, this is difficult. He will be renovating until autumn. In the meanwhile we are on holiday and I cannot get in touch with you.

Can't we proceed as a constitutional treatment as a vital force?

I have tried to get help for him in this forum before, because he is often 'almost-catching-cold'. Tens of times of the year he says I am catching the cold, but then he does not. He is having headache, a bit sore throat etc. It does not get worse though.

Maria&boys last decade
Constitutional or layer, every treatment will be based on symptoms.

You can get in touch if he develops the cold symptoms. Maybe the Kali-c will help him avoid it.
sameervermani last decade
Actually now I think - he has not had these cold symptoms for a while... maybe thanks to Kali carb.

So do you mean you don't know any remedy for the totality that includes numb hands?

Maria&boys last decade
Kali-c covers it well.

It is based on totality.

So, keep 1M Kali-c at hand.
sameervermani last decade
Ok, I will order kali c one of these days when I make a bigger order.

Can you give me any advise yet - when we take off for a holiday (in 6 weeks) and I cannot ask you, so can I then give Kali carb 1M - or when is it to be given?

Maria&boys last decade
Yes, you can give it ONCE, in about 3-4 weeks from now.

The procedure is same as with 200c dose.

But I repeat, JUST ONCE.
sameervermani last decade
Ok, Thanks.
Maria&boys last decade
Hi Sameer,

I have not ordered Kali Carb 1M yet, I will do one of these days.

My husband has bee sleeping quite well - because he has not been renovating for two weeks so his hands are not numb either.

He has not been renovatig, because he has another problem: he had an accident, fell down from our small boat to the sea, and hurt his leg. He got a huge cut, 10 cm long, you could see the bone when the would was 2 cm open. (I almost fainted...The day after I gave him Arnica 200 c once).
He got 10 stiches, one week sick leave, painkillers and antibiotics.

He went to the hospital yesterday to remove the stiches, but instead he got new set of antibiotics. Because the wound is little bit infected, the cut is red, the leg is swollen, the bone is sore (not broken though), the cut has no feeling, and there was a little bit of blood coming out even after 12 days.

Is there a remedy to help out the curing process?

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

You can give a single dose of Calendula 200c.
sameervermani last decade
oh shoot, I don't have Calendula. I guess (and hope) the would will cure itself before I am able to order it.

anyway, thanks for advise once again.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Sameer,

I have ordered Kali Carb 1M in a liquid form. The shipment from Helios should be arriving in a few days.
What kind of dose I will give him?

My husband said two days ago that he has started sleeping bad again.

Maria&boys last decade
1 drop in 120 ml spring water, and a teaspoon from there.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Helios messed up with my order and I don't know if the remedy arrives before we'll take off for holiday.

My husband got this pas Monday very odd kind of eczema, like insect bites. He went to the doctor and they suspect it is lichen ruber planus. (He has also been tested for skin keliakia, but I doubt that, because these spots are not filled with water like in skin keliakia).
This is so funny - he has never ever had any problems with the skin!

Does this information change the remedy or make any changes when the remedy is to be given? (Anyway, if it will arrive too late, I am able to give it after 3 weeks).

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

My choice remains the same.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I gave my husband the remedy 4 weeks ago. The first two weeks he slept well. But now he has not slept well for the next two weeks. He is very tired.
He is not right awake at nights, but the sleep is not deep.

Also his breath is smelling again more. The remedy has always helped to the smell. It did so four weeks ago, too.

He is in a good mood. Who wouldn't be on a holiday.

His hands are not numb at nights, because he has not been renovating.

No problems with the skin anymore.

At the moment he has the cold-symptoms like I had before.

Maria&boys last decade
Please wait for 2 more weeks if possible.
sameervermani last decade

I have waited two more weeks. Last night he was awake from 3.30 am till 6 am.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi again,

My husband told me something yesterday. He said that he gets very full feeling sometimes. In an upper stomach, or in the chest. Like he has eaten too much. He thought he has to stop eating rye, because when we were travelling in Italy he did not have that feeling. Right after we returned home he got that again.

I asked how long he has had that feeling. 'For a while'.

I gave the remedy just before leaving for Italy. Maybe it helped? Or is this feeling due to the remedy - because he has not told about this never before.

He is very difficult patient...
Maria&boys last decade
Questions for him:

Do you have any feelings of jealousy or envy ?

Are you able to wear tight clothing or high neck clothes?

Do you ever have exceptional loquacity marked by a rapid change of subject; i.e. jumping abruptly from one idea to another ?

Do you use your tongue in a very refined but cynical and critical way ? As if you have an intuition about the weakness of others and hence an ability to hurt them with precise sarcastic words ?

Are you intense and passionate ?
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Here are the answers:

- He has no feelings of jealously. He has feelings of envy more, but they are not disturbing to anyone.

- He cannot really answer this question. He has no high neck clothes.

- He does not have rapid changes of subject. He thinks and does one thing a a time. He does that so that he keeps organized in that way.
When we talk, I do notice rapid changes, but they are not excpetional.

- He has an ability to use his tongue in a critical way. He has the intutition about weaknesses. Defenately.

- No, he is not passionate and intense - In our culture we are not like that.
He does get irritated easily and when he does, he shows it to everyone. He has strong athmosphere of authority around him.

I have never thought he would be Lachesis.

Maria&boys last decade
Maria&boys last decade

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