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Dr. Sammer, please help me. Page 3 of 4

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Wait 1 more week.
sameervermani last decade
danda last decade
Only a week after my period was done, my ovaries started with alternate mild pains. It seems like little squeezes (it doesn't bother me, but is it a sign that thinks are not ok?) and then I started to bleed. I don't even think it is blood because it's brown not red, so maybe it's endometrium, right? Also, I would like to know if there is any harm for the treatmente to take vitamins for my hair. It's a formula with vitamin B, zinc, serenoa repens and exynutriment. What do you think about it?
danda last decade
I'm sorry! I have miscalcuted it! It's been two weeks since my period has ended. I've noticed that I am ovulating, but why does it hurt and why does it have color?
danda last decade
Well I do not know why the pains are there, but it is nothing to worry about.

You can take the vitamins.
sameervermani last decade
I would like you to know that it's been eleven years since I've last felt as happy as do now. I have forgotten how my sense of humour used to be good in the past. I didn't even remember how was to be so happy! All the sections of my life has been improved because I feel much happier. Your not only an excelent doctor, but also an wonderfull human being. You should be very proud of yourself! The world needs more people like you.
danda last decade
That is good to know.

I am happy for you :)

And, thanks for the kind words.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sammer, I think phosphorus is not my medicine, since I was really happy and entusiastic for 15 days ot the month. And now I am really tired, a bit depressed because the pms is beggining.

For years observing how my body works I am 100% sure that when I have this little blood when ovulating I will have a horrible pms. When I don't have blood in the middle of the month, it doesn't mean I will not gonna have pms, but may be I will not have it.

So my hair loss has gotten worse and I can't persue with this, if not I will become bald.

Phosphorus seems to had made me improve when not in pms, but to get worse when in pms.
I am also 100% sure that my pms, and my hair loss have simmilar causes.
The hair loss gets worse when the pms beggins.
How to explain all of that?
When I asked for help my 3 main complains were: knee and column; hair loss and pms. Knee and column are better but hair and pms are horrible. What should we do? I really can't continue to lose hair like that.
danda last decade
I also never told you phosphorus has increased my libido (which I think it's good, but I though you should know.)
danda last decade
'I would like you to know that it's been eleven years since I've last felt as happy as do now. I have forgotten how my sense of humour used to be good in the past. I didn't even remember how was to be so happy! All the sections of my life has been improved because I feel much happier.'

This would tell me that Phosphorus is indeed the correct medicine regardless of what happens with the physical ailments.

When were the Phos 30c doses taken ?
sameervermani last decade
decembet 20th, 2008.
danda last decade
i mean, 12/20/2008.
danda last decade
On 1st Feb you can take a single dose of Phosphorus 200c.

Dissolve 2 pellets in 120 ml water, and take a teaspoon from there.
sameervermani last decade
You've told me to get it liquid not pellets. So I guess you mean to dissolve 2 drops on 120 ml water, right?
danda last decade

Report in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
Also, I would like to know if multiple dentist anesthesia can antidote homeopathy.
danda last decade
It might interfere with the remedy.
sameervermani last decade
So, I took it on 02/01/09.
On 02/01 - I got really irritated and bad tempered.
On 02/02 - I got really enthusiastic, couldn’t stop working. Desire to do everything, even things that were waiting for long time because it wasn’t so important. I have tied my drawers and wardrobes.
On 02/03 - I got really fed up with my parents, everything they do irritated me. Desire to be by myself; Desire to be free; Desire to live with my boyfriend. This day my anguish was so bad I have to take an Bach essence in order to get some sleep.
On 02/04 - Nose, ears, arms, legs, feet, and half bottom of my scalp very itchy. I realized there are some bumps on my scalp.
On 02/05 - Unbearable depression, no desire to do anything except exercises. After exercising, the depression has decreased the intensity.
On 02/06 - All symptoms has gotten less intense, but still sad.
On 02/07 - I went to a religious establishment and I got really happy. I felt as a heavy weight was taken from me, so I got better.

02/08 - Not happy, not depressed. Making an effort to get better. Desire to work and exercise.

My hair is still unbelievably dry. No sign of pms (!!!!)

I would like to know if I can take Bach essences. I've heard we can take it with homeopathy. The only bad side is that we are not going to be able to realize, so clear, what comes from the essence and what comes from homeopathy. What do you think?
danda last decade
Do not take the Bach essence.

Please wait for 10 more days, as the response is still ongoing.
sameervermani last decade
Finally, I understand what is going on: before period I get really constipated. It's been three days since I started to bloat.(like last month.)

I've feeling really tired and sleepy(like last month)and yesterday I had a fever.
I didn't have a cold.
But I was constipated and with lots of flatulence wich smell like rotten cooked eggs. Lots of abdominal discomfort. In the past, I used to have a fever every month before period. I went to several doctors and they told me that I should have something else that get worse on pre menstrual period, because mestruation can't cause fever.

- Today I don't have a fever anymore but I feel dizzy.

- I also have a mental condition (wich I've never mentioned)wich consist in a mania, for example: I open the wardrobe and I take a cup, then I 'feel' that is not the right cup to take so I change for another one, and another one... I feel if I get the wrong cup something really awful is going to happen!
Well, I always have that condition. Sometimes it goes away, and sometimes it gets a little difficult, but in the past few weeks it got really disturbing as I never had experience before.

- I graduate as a designer, but I never work in this area. I do art, but another type of art. After taking phosphorus 200ch I am really into design again! I feel I must create new objects! I am even drawing again, and researching new types of material to built those objects! I have one more interest in life now!

- I also compose a spiritual group in a spiritual institution to help people. We work through mediumship, but my mediumship was never too good. (I am on the process of developing it yet.)
After taking phosphorus 200 I feel my mind had 'opened' I feel clearer the spiritual influence then ever (don't think it is a bad thing, because I work for this, I persue this, this is a goal for me. And this happens only when I am working, not in the middle of the street.)

- I asked for my boyfriend opinion on how phosphorus has affected me mentally and he says he thinks I am calmer.

Seriously, I am still not sure.
danda last decade
Today, I woke up with a cold sore on my upper right lip.
It is also a condition that, in the past, I used to have it a lot, a lot. Maybe every three months. I used to take a low potency of natrum muriaticum. Can I take it? Can I apply a non homeopatic cream on it? What do you think?
danda last decade
My hair is really bad. Why? Why do you think phosphorus has made the hair loss get worse? I am also more sensitive during pms. I am crying too much, and getting disturbing easily.
danda last decade
ABSOLUTELY nothing is to be applied on skin.

Hairloss is just a sign of disease coming to circumference, which points in the curative direction.

Please keep waiting, as Phosphorus is the right remedy.

Update me on 22nd Feb.
sameervermani last decade
what do you mean by a disease coming to circumference?
And what about that fever happening before pms?
And why everything is worse in pms?
is that a sign of sepia?
I've read an collegue of yours, in this site, telling that the sepia person has all the problems related to hormonal disturbances – which I think is correct for me, since my constipation and hair loss seems to get bad in pms. Also the fever.

I had a wide horizontal yellow band on my nose that appear sometimes.
- The skin of my back and belie is all blurred.

- leg pain during menses. And also feet in my case.

- cramps during menses.

- very dry lips.

- dry skin.

- oppression in chest as well during menses. – (in this case I feel breathless sometimes, but I thought it was due to flatulence, so I don’t know if this can be described as oppression in chest.

- I don’t have a ball sensation in the stomach.

- I do have constipation.

- Well I don't hate my boyfriend sometimes, but I do hate any person who talks to me with hate. I can't not hate back. It is really difficult.
danda last decade
I've already applied a cream on my lip.
Sorry, but I feel hopeless. My mental is really fragile and I fell strange and not strong mentally.
danda last decade
Acne is also worse.
danda last decade

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