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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Doctor Sammer - A help for my mum

Hi! My mum has hair loss since she was 30 (or less), now she is 56 and she almost bald!

The main problem is on the top of her head.

She can't stand any kind of hair band on it because it aches. And if she goes to the hair styler she always complain that her head hurts because it is too much time of someone touching her hair.

She also has open glaucoma: she doesn't have any pain, “only” 20% of vison loss. She is thin, brunet, have a good sense of humor; she is always making jokes, she is impatient and a bit anxious. She is the kind of person that asks you to do something and if you don’t do it right away she stands up and does it. She just can’t wait for anything!

When she was 3 years old her mum died and she had to live with a friend of her father in an other state far away, so her father could work(they were very poor).
When she completed 9 her father disappeared and she had to live with that woman who never treated her well. she doesn't have sisters or brothers but she never got to know any other person of her family.

She has lots stories of suffering and sadness, that I only heard after 30. Now she is a happy woman, but I think her glaucoma comes from that trauma.

I would love you to help her with homeopathy but I am scared because of that first week (when the homeopathic medicines seem to make all the symptoms worse). If the glaucoma gets worse she loses more percentage of her vision, so I would like to ask you to be very, very careful.

Also she has lots of vertebral column problems. Pain caused by a not straight column.
Upper, middle and lower back hurts a lot.

She can’t drink milk because she doesn’t feel well.
She doesn’t like fat and meat.
Low tolerance to alcohol, although she likes it (wine, bear, whiskye, vodka).

She likes hot food, coffee, fruits, vegetables, bread, cheese, pasta, cereal, eggs.
she likes to cook.
She is very sensitive (she get scared with children terror movies)

She is a very worried and caring mother.
Her sleep is very light (she says it become light after she became a mother).

She loves to sleep
She likes to eat

Please help specially the glaucoma and hair loss.
Thanks a lot.

  danda on 2008-12-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi danda,

I will analyze this soon.
sameervermani last decade
i think your mom can take Magnesium carb 200 one or two doses and taht should help her

Dr Samir Chaukkar MD(Hom)
drsamirac last decade
I apologize if it seems impolite, but I really would like Doctor Sammer Vermani to prescribe the medicine for my mum. Please, don’t take it personal, but Doctor Sammer has been prescribing for many people I know and with great success and that’s why I’ve put his name at the topic of this message.

danda last decade
Doctor Sammer,
I also apologize to you because I know it is a situation very delicate! I have no intention to create any problems to both of you doctors and I do believe Doctor Samir Chaukkar is a good Doctor as well, but I would like you to prescribe a medicine to my mum. Would you?
danda last decade
Please wait for a day or 2.
sameervermani last decade
danda last decade
Hi Danda,

Please start with 3 doses of Calcarea Carb 6c for 1 day only, where each dose = 1 teaspoon.

The restrictions are same as with you.
sameervermani last decade
Ok. Thank you!
danda last decade
Doctor Sammer,
My mum hasn't taken the medicine yet, but I would like to tell you today she woke up with an eye vain broken! (the right eye. We are going to the doctor to see what has happened. Any suggestions? Thanks!

danda last decade
Should she take calcare anyway? Can she take arnica 30ch just so the blood in her eye can be absorbed?
danda last decade
Today she is going to the doctor in order to verify if she has some problem in her pressure, because people are saying it can be variation on her blood pressure.
Her dad has died from stroke and he also had glaucoma.
It seems she doesn't have a proper circulation on the head area. Is it correct?
After all this your opinion has been changed? Or should she take calcarea carbonica 6ch?
danda last decade
My opinion remains the same. However, the condition is looks a bit too serious to be treated online. I would recommend , that you see a good homeopath in person.
sameervermani last decade
Ok. Thank you anyway.
danda last decade
Do you know good homeopathic doctors around the world to indicate to my mum? She lives in South America.
danda last decade
I am sorry, I am not aware of good homeopaths in south america.
sameervermani last decade
Just a curiosity: where do you live?
danda last decade
North America
sameervermani last decade
If she accept it, I'll give her calcarea 6ch, because it's difficult to find such a good homeopath. Would you accept to treat her through internet?
Before giving her calcarea, I would like to say that she has been waking up almost every night. She doesn't know if she wakes up because she wants to pea or as she is awake she goes to pea. The she goes back to bed and take a long time to sleep again.
So, can I give her calcarea carbonica 6ch?
Thank you!
danda last decade
Also, should I follow the same process as in my case?
3 doses of Calc. Carb 6ch equally spaced for one single day only.
Dissolve 2 pellets in a 250 ml spring water bottle. Leave the pellets in water for 30 mins, they will melt. Turn the bottle upside down a few times for the pellets to spread after dissolving.
1 teaspoon from here using a disposable spoon is 1 dose.
Is that correct?
danda last decade
She went to the doctor and apparently, there is nothing wrong with her heart, but she has lots of exams to do.

As her case is too serious to be treated through internet, if she has any complication from your treatment and needs an emergency appointment with a doctor (which it's not gonna happen), we could run to see another doctor for emergencies. What do you think?
danda last decade
Please go ahead with Calcarea 6ch doses.

Your understanding about the doses is correct.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you a lot! She is also very thankfull!
danda last decade
She slept very well after taking calcarea carbônica 6ch, but only for 2 or 3 nights. Now her sleep is all right.

The two changes bellow are really, really small. She realizes it in a very subtle way:
- More vigor to do everything.
- More moderation to eat, less voracity.

What is the next step?
danda last decade
she took it on 01/26/09.
danda last decade
Excellent !

This was a very good response but subtle because we started with only a 6ch.

Please give her three doses of Calcarea Carb 30ch tomorrow, spaced by 30 mins, where each dose is 1 teaspoon.
sameervermani last decade

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