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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr. Sammer. Please help! Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nothing needs to be done.
sameervermani last decade
Yesterday, I realized something that might change your opinion about the right medicine to my brother.
He has a strong need to fix everything that isn’t aligned. Like a picture hanging in the wall. Yesterday, there was a little adhesive on the dash-board of my car, (that comes from fabric), and he insisted a lot on getting it off. The impression I have is that it has bothered him mentally. He simply couldn’t let it there. He thinks it is ugly.
Then I asked him if he does it frequently and he told me he does it a lot! I guess I never realized it as a strong condition because he does it in silence. He is also very vain. He loses lots of time in front of the mirror tiding him up, mostly his hair.
Aren’t all of that signs of Arsenicum Album?
He also keeps eating little pieces of skin around of his fingers until it bleeds and gets a bruise. He told me he does it because he don’t want little pieces of skin standing there, so he thinks he has to take it off.
I know he is loving and caring, but can’t an arsenicum album person be loving?
danda last decade
Too soon to judge. Please wait.
sameervermani last decade
danda last decade

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