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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

13 month old with eczema

I had a response from someone in the past couple of months to use dulcamara 6c for my baby's eczema, but I hadn't gotten his allergy test back and was waiting before treating with this. The allergy results are as follows:

No reaction

no reaction

spinach, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, beats, asparagus

kidney beans, buckwheat, corn, lentils, green peas, pecans, sunflowers and walnuts


everything else no reaction

honey no reaction

beef chicken lamb pork turkey
no reaction

Low reaction

low for grapefruit and orange

goat milk and whey low reaction

egg yolk
low reaction

grains legumes and nuts
rye, peanut, oat, filbert nut, coconut, string beans, barley
Low reaction

avacado, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cucumber, garlic, black olives, onions, pumpkin,
low reaction

Moderate reaction

yogurt mozzarella cheddar casein
upper end of moderate

almonds, wheat, gliadin,
moderate reaction

carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, bell peppers, zuccini, squash, tomatoes,

High reaction

Milk and cottage cheese
low end of high

egg white
high reaction

lima beans, wheat with gluten, white rice, whole wheat

high reaction

What should I do now? Will the Dulcamara counteract this? Or what should I do?
  kristle on 2007-12-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
no it will not--
John Stanton last decade
ur looking at envolved case --expect nothing less---how much antibiotic use u have in (mother's) health history?:
John Stanton last decade
Antibiotic use in mother's health history in her life or for how long a period of time? If in her life, probably less than 15
kristle last decade
need to detail that info--strat with latest dates and reason for using..
John Stanton last decade
I haven't had an antibiotic in probably 3 years or more. Do I need to get the records to find out what they were then?
kristle last decade
no need records--how about pregnancy with this infant? what ills u experience (if any)? how treated? during labor?any meds used for that ?

tell this infants health history from birth--meds used--symptoms exhibited
John Stanton last decade
I had no ills when pregnant except for a cold which I treated with clove, ginger and corriander tea, garlic and chicken broth. No drugs during labor except Pitocin. Infant only got erythromycin ointment in the eyes a vitamin k shot and hepatitis in the first few days. He's had every vaccination that they wanted him to since then and the only antibiotic he has had was a month ago for a staph infection, and his skin condition started at around 6 months.
kristle last decade
explain staph infection tie period---

no colds?no showing discomforts? what infants sleep characteristics?
John Stanton last decade
The staph infection was 1st when he was 3 months on hie back. Then he had another one that was cultured as MRSA at his 12+ month visit, on his leg. The legs are where his skin is the dryest. He has had 2 colds, one when he was about 2 months old, and the other one after he turned one year. The only treatment was saline in the nose. He has never slept well. No discomfort, just restlessness and itching or restlessness that woke him up and scratching afterward. Sometimes he looks like he is itching and sometimes he looks like he is just restless and irritable and scratches. (At these times he sometimes scratches us). He sleeps good about 2-3 hours during the day. At night he sleeps fairly well until about 11, then it's a toss up as to how he'll sleep the rest of the night.

I can't remember, but I think I was given the antibiotic during delivery for strep B. I went into labor before my test results could come back and they said they would have to administer the antibiotic in case, but I can't remember if they actually gave it to me or not.
kristle last decade
infant breastfed? or other? what diet infant exactly take daily?
John Stanton last decade
Sorry it took me so long to reply.
Infant breastfed. Since starting solid foods, on a daily basis he eats blueberries, apple, banana, beef, chicken or fish, sweet potatoes, field peas, green peas, corn, okra, cabbage, about whatever. He was getting yogurt every day and whole milk after he turned 1, and nursing about 1-2 times a day. When I was giving dairy I would sometimes give cheese and when he was getting wheat, I would give cheerios. He has been getting ground flax seed 1 tablespoon a day, evening primrose oil, about 1 capsule a day, infants probiotic and since eliminating dairy, I have been giving a calcium supplement (liquid).
kristle last decade
so far no clear choice of remedy---if antibiotic useis true--then would explain skin ill of child---but uncertainty-cant base as valid info prescribe on
John Stanton last decade
So what do I do now? He had a virus last week, he now has a rash that the dr. said was from the virus, but it won't go away. I can't get his skin moisturized enough even from the inside out and then sometimes when it is moisturized it is red and irritated looking.
kristle last decade
explain virus last week
John Stanton last decade
No symptoms at all except fever that went up to 103.7. four days after the fever started the rash came and it hasn't gone away.
He had a little loss of appetite, and once the fever was down a little he would eat and drink better.
kristle last decade
what family ills in child's background?maternal?FRATERNAL?...etc?
John Stanton last decade
maternal strep carrier, otherwise relatively healthy. Paternal ear infections. Maternal brother with asthmatic bronchitis as child, diabetes at 14.
That's all. I have been doing no dairy and no wheat for almost 3 weeks and I can't tell any difference. When should I know if eliminating these is going to help?
kristle last decade
food is not causation--certain possible are aggitants--these u need discover for certain which r actually aggitants and which not affcet in any way---process of eliination---but cause is inner ill--modifyied by circumstance--envireent -diet---curability determined by addressing the inner ill directly--and noting resaponse --syptoms r the key--the ore characteristic the sytpoms --the more guideing ---to choice of treatment..
John Stanton last decade
at loss for good symptoms--then dose with sulphur--it important to manage case properly once sulphur is given---no other meds -skin ointmenst--herbs--nothing remotly medicinal in any way is to be used---single dose--and keeping close informed of symptos as they occur with child after dose of sulphur--as said managment of properness is andatory---no foods kown to cause aggitation r to be used---no sweets in any form-no acid foods at all---also will need ready available remedies at ur disposal---so as dose as need when need is shown--no wait--if able to compply and keep me close informed then we proceed with single dose of sulphur--1 pellet of 30c in 4 oz water-- stir-- 1 teaspon dose---now-----------IF NOT ABLE TO COMPLY --THEN DONT BOTHER WITH SULPHUR__FOR I WILL NOT BE ABLE HELP __OUTSIDE OF ENTIONED GUIDELINES__U DECIDE-
John Stanton last decade
I can do the sulphur. I only have 6 c though, should I use 5 of them?
Also, we have used the sulphur before and then tried to determine reactive foods. At that time it got worse and then cleared but the only food that he ever had an obvious reaction to was plums. Everything else has been so gradual that I didn't know if foods were the cause or not. Thus the reason we did the allergy test and what it showed.
kristle last decade
no use 6c --not the same ---need obtain 30c also sulphur 200c---get nux vomica 200c also--as well as belladonna 30c--not certain of others at this time
John Stanton last decade

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