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about my 6 1/2 -year old son: Page 3 of 4

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Dr. Sameer,

I have stopped the steroids. I have given him only 1 dose (2 puffs) so far.

Can you please help with your much needed advise?

Should I go ahead with the Lycopodium 30C now?

Also he is on ProAir (bronchial dilator). Should I take him off that too, or can I give it in case the coughing gets worse?

PLease Advise.

Thank You.
God Bless!
mimo28 last decade
Dr. Sameer,

I have the Lycopodium 30C.
I have also stopped the steroids and the albuterol.

My son was coughing tonight, and yet I did not give him the above.

Sometimes it is hard to know what to do when we see out children suffering. I just wanted to temporarily alleviate my son's coughing as it was quite severe.

I am quite sure I don't want to go the allopathic way of dealing with wheezing.

So should I go ahead with the
Lycopodium 30C? And if so the wet dose in 240ml spring water , with 2 teaspoons, right?

Appreciate your kind help.

Thank You.
mimo28 last decade
More update: My son woke up with a ear pain tonight at 1:00AM. The pain is in his left ear, and he was crying.

My son went to sleep after his father gave him steaming.

I will update in the morning again.
mimo28 last decade
Just give a single dose of Lyc 30c, your understanding about the dose is correct.
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Sameer,

I gave him the lycopodium 30C, single dosage of two teaspoons yesterday afternoon.

Last night he was upset I gave him a 'star' on his behavior chart to say he was obedient as he cleaned up the drawing room upon my request, but he simply didn't feel he deserved it. He felt like he was not obedient and was on the verge of crying while saying - 'But I was not obedient. I don't want the stars'. Just wanted to put that in to help you understand the uniqueness of his personality type.

Last night he did not want to finish his dinner, and when I told his father to help him, he felt angry that I did so, and finally ate his food. Then his mood changed back to playful mood as he took my house slippers forcefully from my feet while smiling naughtily.

This morning, he has been coughing a lot. The nature of the cough has slightly changed.

He said he felt like vomiting in the morning.

He did not eat his breakfast, and only thing he had was a cup of milk in the morning. (Is ok to give milk to him?)

He says he is not hungry yet and it is lunchtime here. so he has had only a cup of milk so far.

Right now I can say the coughing is at a 'moderate' level. Dr. Sameer, what should I do if the cough gets worse than this?

His mood is playful, and happy .

Thank You.
mimo28 last decade
Dr. Sameer,
My son ate an egg sandwich for lunch.

And after that:
main complaints from my son...

- Feeling cold, needed extra blanket, feverish feeling
- Eyes burning and hurting (first the right, then both)
- jaw right-side hurting, just above jaw-line on cheek.
- Headache front of forehead.

He began to cry about the pain in his eyes. He said he could not open eyes.

He said his jaw pain started last night.

He was coughing until he went to bed.

mimo28 last decade

After he woke-up at 5:00PST

- Fever (did not measure yet)
- Headache is worse - front forehead
- Flaring of nostril while he was sleeping

Should I wait? Or Should I bring his fever down..with ferrous phos or Tylenol?

Please advise.

mimo28 last decade
Wait it out, report in 3 days from the dose.
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Sameer,

The fever came down the same night as we took a walk to the nearest library. The fresh air cooled his body.

The severity of my son's coughing has greatly reduced in intensity and duration, gradually over these 3 days.

There is still some coughing, and sometimes after couple of hours after having none. Before going to sleep, and sometimes after he wakes up.

Last evening my son had eye pain, left eye, and he said there was a pressure. I gave him warm wet compress for his eye. Before going to bed he said his both eyes hurt. This morning he does not seem to have any.

He had a headache last night, again that is gone this morning.

He was still sniffing though in the morning. And he was sneezing many times when he woke up but not anymore.

I think he still the the mild cold and is sniffing once in a while.

His mood is generally happy and is says he does not have any problem today, and is playing with his sisters.

Please advise on the next step!

Thank YOU!

Truly You are amazing!
God Bless You!

mimo28 last decade
Please wait for 1 more week.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Dr. Sameer,

My son's coughing has come down considerably. Although exertion or laughter can bring about a muffled cough.

The other thing I had forgotten to mention to you, before giving him the lycopodium, is that he has this curious way of raising his eyebrows all the way up, and then scrunching his eyes, then opening his eyes wide etc, and not particularly in that order while watching TV. When I asked him why he did that he would say that his eyes feel dry and he feels better when he is doing all the above. My son did not do this all the time, only sometime. I am not really sure what triggered it.

I did notice that after lycopodium he has stopped all the eye widening and scrunching for a while.

Then last week sometime he started to do a quick sucking in of his stomach every once in a while. He said he felt a dryness the 'same way' as with the eyes that made him do so.

And just yesterday I was observing without him noticing me while he was talking to his teacher at school, he was doing the same sucking in of his tummy every once in a while. When I asked him about it at home, he said he feels like doing it, and sometimes while he does that he feels like having a bowel movement (He had not had a bowel movement that morning), and he said he thought it would feel good if the area above the diaphragm - where the ribcage meets in a 'v' in the middle - were to be 'punched'.

After I have him food, in the evening he stopped doing the fast sucking of his stomach, but after a while he started to kind of twist his neck towards the sides as though he had a neck pain.

I am kind of really boggled by this.

He still does not look all the way completely healthy. His eyes look kind of streaked with a little red, kind of tired, and especially with his 'neck-twisting', his 'stomach-sucking', and the cough which still makes it presence known, I am still worried about my son. It is that motherly instinct that 'something' is not quite right.

Yet, he does NOT verbally complain about being tired, etc. and he does kind of have these energy bursts where he breaks into a fighting stance after a quick run, puctuated with a few 'hII-Yaah's :)). Just to give you a complete picture!

Please kindly advise, Dr. Sameer.

Appreciate all that you do!
God Bless!
mimo28 last decade
In the mornings after waking up he does not seems to have any afflictions as mentioned in previous posting.
When he came back from school, his eyes were slightly red from the outer corner of eyes. He also said he was doing the stomach-sucking at school. Also in the evening, I noticed him jerking/twisting his neck. He told me that it all started in 2009 when I had not cut his hair for quite sometime and his hair was curling on his neck and he had to kinda jerk his neck to get rid of the ticklish feeling.

His haircut currently is quite short but he is asking me to shave his hair real close at back. But then he said there is something he feels at back of neck that makes him twist/jerk his neck so.

Dr. Sameer, plz help!

mimo28 last decade
I am not able to prescribe on these symptoms alone. Let us wait for a while, and maybe a clearer totality will emerge.

Update in 2 weeks please.
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Sameer,

My son complained about chest pain yesterday. The first after a long time.

- His eyes were red yesterday before going to sleep.

- comaplained of neck pain.

- Today he had a mild cough(seemed dry) and a runny nose when he came back from school .

- He was also sucking the abdomen muscles in sharp pulls.

Please advise next step.

Thank You!

mimo28 last decade
So overall, what have been the changes from the Lyc 30c doses. List both positives, and negatives if any.
sameervermani last decade
From the Lyc 30C doses.
My observations:

- My son's coughing had gradually decreased over a period of 3 days.

- Neck jerking/twisting sharp abdomen sucking. The neck jerking/twisting is not as severe now.

- My son's face looks much more smaller, kinda grayish at times, without glow of growth.

Mental plane:
Emotionally I do not see a change.

mimo28 last decade
Today's update:

- He did not have any chest paim.

- He was not coughing.

- No runny nose, but he still has a cold..Mucus in the nose.

- he is not doing the neck twisting.

- The stomach sucking in - he says he feels like doing it(he doesn't know why) but he is able to control it.

mimo28 last decade
He used to do well in maths earlier on.

But these days he make careless mistakes in maths. He seems to undersstand the problem, gets it correct, then the next one he makes a mistake.

I got a note from his teacher that he is doing below grade level in timed math tests.

Maybe he needs practice. We are working on this.

I am mentioning this as maybe this might be some clue on the mental plane.

mimo28 last decade
I dont think any further doses are needed as of now.
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Sameer,

My son got a viral infection and a cold with runny nose four days back. And since the last 3 days he has had a cough that sounds very much like the wheesing cough. His nose in not running bow, but he still has mucous and he keeps sniffing. He coughs more when he wakes up and it is not a productive cough.

COughing is mild to moderate level.

He still has a very bad cold and when he speaks it sounds like he is stuffy.

I am worried if his coughing will worsen again.

He does not seem to have any other symptoms.

He goes swimming M-F in an open pool(heated water), and I usually take him home for a shower and changing. So he is wrapped up in a towel when we get out of the pool. My son insists he wants to go swimming inspite of his cold, but he does not seem to have his earlier strength in his arms and legs, and he says his limbs feel weak.

Mentally he seems well, with a cheery attitude. And he insists that he feels well.

I am only worried when I hear his cough, and I cannot make out if it is a wheezing cough or not, but is sounds very similar. Also I could hear him breathing faster than usual, while asleep, and a sound like like when it air travels through a plastic pipe.

Please advise, Dr. Sameer.

mimo28 last decade
Is there any history of cancer in your family ?
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Sameer,

MY husband had a benign brain tumor removed when he was in middle school as a result of which he was left with a detached retina. My husband loved playing cricket and frequently got hit by the cricket ball, due to which he would have fainting spells, which led to the discovery of the BT.

To update you on my son:

He coughs mostly in the morning right after he wakes up. It is mild. The cough no longer has the wheezing sound associated with it. My son still has a cold, and he still is sniffing. He does not cough the rest of the day though.

Please advise next step,Dr. Sameer.

Thank You for taking the time to look into this!

mimo28 last decade
You can give him a single dose of CARCINOSIN 30c.
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Sameer,

Just to update you on his symptoms/personality once more before I go ahead with the dose...

- My son coughs only once in a while now. He definitely is getting better.

- I noticed last night he was sleeping hucnched over on his hands and knees.

- His mood is as usual happy.
He gets along well with both his sisters, and rarely fights. If ever he is frustrated he usually walks away.

- The only times he does not want to interact with anyone/ or be playful is when he is very sleepy or tired. He then crawls into his bed, and if I try to talk to him his response then would be to talk angrily or cry.

- When he feels tired/weak, he prefers to be by himself, and not play with even his closest friends.

- He can cry easily when he is frustrated/feel/weak/tired.

- He is mostly caring, and thoughtful person.

- He mostly does not apply himself fully to things, and avoids work or play of strenous kind.

- He is good in language arts and struggles with maths. He seems to forget the techniques in math.

- He gets attached to things(like a broken tennis ball on which he drew eyes and which named 'Ball-y', and was really upset when he lost the ball for a few days) and people.

Dr. Sameer, is the carsinosin 30C to help my son with the wheezing cough? What kinda of changes on a mental plane should I expect?

Any info which you would like to share about this remedy for my son would be greatly appeciated.

Also does 1 drop of Carsinosin 30C from 5ml bottle mixed in 250ml water and 1 teaspoon of that water be considered as 1 dose?

Thank you so much for taking the time to help my son!

mimo28 last decade
bumping up....
mimo28 last decade
Dear Dr. Sameer,

My son right now seems to be doing okay without any cold or cough. LOoks like your recommendations has been very well received and he got better by himself this time without any need of a remedy. On a mental plane as well he is doing well.

I just wanted to thank you for all the time and effort you have taken for my son.

I think you are awesome! :>

Thank You!
God Bless!

With warm regards,
mimo28 last decade

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