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Dr. Tahira-Returning Patient 9


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Dr. Tahira, Returning patient, Thank you Page 7 of 29

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Noticing small skin lesion/skinny warts on neck
Hair Loss last decade
Dr Tahira, Please advise re: above.
Thank you.
Hair Loss last decade
Please advise Dr Tahira.
We have been out of communication for a while.

My scalp started itching again / like burning. Also, my right eye lid (lower lid) has small whitish wart which burst and has left a red bump. Since I have missed your guidance....didn;t know what to do.

I met a person who has practised homeopathy at work, and she suggested I take Thuja very small dose.

So I took Thuja 6 c few pills spread over a week, vet few pills. My scalp is itching - may also be because I had to color my hair with dye.

My mind had become improved in concentration and I produced very good results at work on one day, but now again feel like mind is slowing down. I hope you read this and i hope you advise ....Please help.
Hair Loss last decade
A few months later...
Started getting warts - small on abdomen/stomach area, there was a reddish patch about hald inch wide itching on left side just under c-section stictches - very itchy, and another small patch also itchy a few inches away.
Hair Loss last decade
Warts turned black by Novemver. Still itchy.

Now in November, warts stopped itching, had taken some thuja, but very little. Fell sick with what seemed like a viral cold. Felt some temperature, but doctor said no fever, said was just a virus. After 2 days of that, suddenly felt breathing had slowed and was making effort to breathe. Throat felt dry and hurting slightly. Had to go to work in cold weather, came home very tired, feeling very dry and somewhat paining throat, felt terrible overall. Tried to sleep. Mind was over-thinking. Kept sipping warm water to keep humid. Took Thuja 30 3 pills three times over 1 day as one last try (wish you were here to guide me). Thought it felt a bit better. Had a lot of work, so continued working. Felt exhausted.

Slept in afternoon.
Then at night realized throat was very painful/hurting. Small boil-like two lump -flattish in throat, painful to swallow. Was getting cough /liquidy cough which seemed to burn throat. Realized I might be acidic. So desperately, took Nux Vomica 6X - 3 pills. Immediately 1 lump dissappeared. Felt better suddenly. Ate food to get acidity down. Started feeling better. Have taked Nux vom 30 3 pills a days since for last 2 days. feeling much better. Have gone to work and been better. Am feeling sleepy/drowsy during day, but working as well.

But now itching has slowly started again in abdomen area where the 2 warts are. The stitches in c-section areas now have reddish itchy spots that I get urges to scratch, some spots are bleeding slightly.
Hair Loss last decade
the carpet of white powder has returned to scalp and is a little itchy
Hair Loss last decade
white powder returned aboyt 2 weeks ago soon after I had to treat hair with little henna (hair only / did not apply on scalp) to take care of grey hair
Hair Loss last decade
white powder returned aboyt 2 weeks ago soon after I had to treat hair with little henna (hair only / did not apply on scalp) to take care of gray hair
Hair Loss last decade
Feeling much better for a few past days, however, slight itch in scalp. The blackened patches and scratches on abdomen seem to be flattening - blackened patch looks like its flattening and still there yet itching has stopped. Still slight itching at c section stiches, but slight.

Hair loss - still there. The skin scratch marks on chest are still there but not as itchy as before. Still have sound in right ear at night.

Feeling much more positive than before. Had been very negative when I was sick with the virus...now much more positive/happy.
Hair Loss last decade
Had ear sound sharp again at night in right ear. Mind keeps thinking at night. Dont get sleep soon. Wake up unrefreshed.

Yesterday ate fried fish / spicy. Within seconds felt sick as if I had got a virus again. And then got exact same symptoms as few weeks ago: Lumps in back of throat, feeling feverish (no fever yet though), throat hurt. Tried to sleep, mind very active.
Worked from home, but due to stress (made some mistakes in report draft), got stressed but worked till late. Then ate and tried to sleep - still mind very active and keeps thinking about what already happened, replays words and things people said. Have completely stopped drinking tea. Wine almost stopped. Cant eat even a little spicy food. Tongue is white coated and now has very white spots - 5 spots. Irregular shape. Fully congested. Felt better in warm room. Have taken nux vomica 30 since feeling sick. Getting a bit better but still very congested as if whole virus effects are back, sinus / nose blocked / have to sleep side ways to breathe, cant get sleep at night. Ear whooshing sound (as if fast waves of sea) is rhythmic, especially when trying to sleep. Throat still has lumps in back. The story repeats itself.
Hair Loss last decade
Is this all proving of Thuja?
Hair Loss last decade
Whits patches / spots on tongue continue. And heat flash / sweat early morning/night. Back of neck (where neck meets scalp) gets sweaty at night. Is this all proving of Thuja?
Hair Loss last decade
Hi while i need time to go through your thread, can you answer the following questionnaire?

Please give as much information as you can. Never feel that you're
'talking too much'.

Sex: Age: Marital status: Children: Occupation: Habits(like
smoking/ alcohol/ tobacco, partying etc):

1) Family Medical History:


Grandparents(Maternal and paternal):

Brothers and sisters:

Spouse and children:

2) Patient's Medical History: (Include vaccination history and the
reactions to them if any)

Major illnesses(Chronologically):

Operations(if any chronologically):

Present medication:

Previous medication:

3) a) Present your Complaints in order of priority:(Give as much information as you can in your own words without much reference to medical and technical terms.)

b) Can you connect these complaints to any other events? What was going on in your life personally, physically, emotionally, socially, environmentally when the complaints came on?

c) What are the things, which aggravate your suffering and which are those, which make you feel better? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing, movement, climate, music, consolation, thunderstorm, exam or other important events, smell, noise,light etc. Are you worse on any particular side of the body ?

4) Physical Profile:

Colour of hair: Colour of eyes: Skin: Complexion: Build: Posture:
Height: Weight: Nails: Other

5) Mental Profile:

a) Describe yourself in your own words:

b) Any grief, broken relationship, any anger/resentment against anybody, any fears, any phobias?

c) Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?

6) a) If Female:(Describe in detail where ever necessary)

Age of Puberty: Cycle of periods:

Please describe the irregularities in periods, like pains, moods, flow
type, clots, sensations etc if there are any?

Pregnancy problems—before/during/after delivery: Number of pregnancies:

If Menopause—headaches/flushes/sweats/dryness/mood swings/memory?

Any problem with intercourse?

b) If Male:

Any problem with intercourse or sexual organs?

7) Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

8) What do you crave for in food items and in general and what are your aversions in food items and in general?

9) Describe your thirst and hunger? (Examples: Average or Excessive or
thirstless or loss of appetite or any other associated details)?

10) Describe your sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Are there any Recurring or significant dreams?

11) Describe about discharges (colour/odour/consistency)? [ Nasal, from ear or sweat (where do you sweat more? head/trunk/limbs etc), stool and urine.]

12) what is your preference—in climate, weather? (Examples: sun/shade/cold
dry/cold damp/hot humid/not extreme/well ventilated)

13) Other details you want to say or if there are any peculiar things going on in your physical or emotional plane.
maheeru last decade
Thank you so much. will reply with answers.
Hair Loss last decade
Please see answers. Thank you so much.

Sex:Female, Age: 44 yrs Marital status: Married Children: 1 Occupation: Business Research Analysis. Habits(like
smoking/ alcohol/ tobacco, partying etc): Used to take alcohol once in every few days, since age 23. Only recently have reduced significantly - to one-two glass oer week or 10 days.

1) Family Medical History:
Father/Mother: Father had diabetes, prostate cancer (he passed away).
Mother - diabetes

Grandparents(Maternal and paternal): Grandmother diabetes

Brothers and sisters: 2 brothers +1sis.

Spouse and children: 1 husband, 1 child

2) Patient's Medical History: (Include vaccination history and the
reactions to them if any)

Major illnesses(Chronologically): had jaundice at very young age (probably 5 yrs), diphtheria at age 10 yrs./4th standard-grade was vaccinated then (dont know with what). At around the same age or maybe a bit later - I remember also getting itching/boils on scalp, which went away after a few months. They have left 2 small bald spots in scalp. Have had regular tuberculosis / typhoid/small pox as a child.
Operations(if any chronologically): In 1st grade/around 7 years old Fell down after climbing, hurt lips. Lips were stitched properly at hospital, under general anesthesia.
Had c-section during delivery at age 29 since I was not dilating beyond 2 cm.

Present medication: Stopped taking all homeopathy - has been about 1 month now.

Previous medication: All detailed in 'Hairloss' thread / history. I think there's something going in with Thuja in my body, since my toe-nails have started peeling again (the whole nail comes off, leaving a red dry raw skin underneath)

3) a) Present your Complaints in order of priority:(Give as much information as you can in your own words without much reference to medical and technical terms.)
HAIR LOSS: Hair has become thin again, and is falling a lot. Looks unhealthy and coarse-looking head. Not soft. Scalp feels hard. (this is now, after feeling better with Dr. Tahira's medication (mentioned in the thread), felt scalp itch and hairloss returned.)
BLACK PATCHES ON SKIN: Most on abdomen(seemed to starte after I took Thuja - as mentioned in history/thread), now patches have reduced. The thick patches have flatted and blending in skin/soft again, but color has stayed. Maybe slowing going away. Had some sctrach like patches on chest, even those are going away but very slowly.
ITCHING IN ANAL AREA: Itching in a specific spot, just above anal area. Happens only some times, but feels very severe when it happens. Am forced to scratch severely.

ABDOMEN/STOMACH area feels larger now than before. Have started exercising, but dont feel like going to exercise. Feel sluggish. Lethargic - I sit in 1 place and study all the time. Or sit to watch TV evenings.

THROAT INFECTION/VIRUS/BOILS IN THROAT - Used to be there - now not a problem anymore. Am careful about diet to minimize acidity which seemed ot get worse when I fell sick (as mentioned in thread).

EAR SOUND- continuous shrill pitch in right ear - mentioned in other art of this form.
b) Can you connect these complaints to any other events? What was going on in your life personally, physically, emotionally, socially, environmentally when the complaints came on?: Had been quite cheerful during leadership course - but after that Never been the same - this was about 2 years go - After family member had severe upset and I felt fear / shiver for that night.

(Also last year I started working again outside, had long drive to work. Stress went up. Also was studying for exam. )
A POSITIVE: Only recently - I feel that my reading ability has improved. I used to resist reading during exam, but not sure why - I'm now more attentive to reading, have joined a class and also feel that my memory is slightly improving, but not sure about it.

c) What are the things, which aggravate your suffering and which are those, which make you feel better? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing, movement, climate, music, consolation, thunderstorm, exam or other important events, smell, noise,light etc. Are you worse on any particular side of the body ?
If someone is angry or thinks I have done something wrong, I feel terrible and over-analyse and get into a strange way. I think my itching scalp may be also aggravated from it (not sure). Confidence has gone down with people.
If boss sends any email saying something was not right - I get all upset - but by myself - he doesn;t know I'm upset. I work extra hard to please. But now I'm at apoint - especially with family members - that I'm tired of pleasing people. Totally tired of it. (Totally. if I could say that a 100 times.)

Am forced to use henna on hair to color the grey - my hair started graying at age 23 and now almost all is gray - especially since had to use hair dye. Now minimizing hair dye - but I have to use henna - because there is no other way. I cant go around with gray hair. My face looks quite young.

I like warm weather. Hot drinks. Used to like hot tea. Stopped drinking tea because thought it is not good for me. Now I take Dabur Chyawan Junior in water and milk. Hot.

Love spicy food, but after the episode of throat problems, have reduced spicy food intake. Have started eating more vegetables. Started liking raw vegetables.Don't like the thought of eating non-veg anymore (feel that it is dead animals), and yet, sometimes crave for fried non veg. Used to have thoughts of old age and death, reduced now.
Have been loosening my clothes / underwear /pant area. Feel my stomach is larger now (not sure why).
4) Physical Profile:

Colour of hair: black, but now with henna/brownish thin / unhealthy.
Colour of eyes: dark brown. Skin: dry: back of palm has again become dry and cracks, with small 1-2 bleed/dry spots.
Complexion: face nice complexion. not ever had pimples. But last week and now - have a black smalldry wart like patch on left edge of lip, which keeps cracking when I open mouth, looks like a warty patch which has cracked.
Build: used to be thin when young, now medium. Was 165 pounds, now 159 pounds. Posture: when sitting for long time..(minor) Can feel back slightly slouching, have to straighten up.

Height: 5 ft 4 in.
Weight: 159 lbs. Nails: toe cracking nails as explained above. Other: In the right Ear sound when sleeping is more noticeable. Shrill high pitch sound continuous, especially at night. Also at day.
Am studying a lot for exam. Have been working very hard at work as well. Have been doing more from home because office is very far away. Have started preferring not being with people. Used to be very people- person. Now I feel that people are a hassle, and I feel I get into hassles very fast. I tend to over-analyze and feel guilty (this is also typical from past), and feel I said or did something wrong. Never feeling really freed up to say or do. About 2 years ago - when all problems started I just had completed / ended a leadership course which used to make me feel happy. I was so people oriented then. Now, since exams annual, have become a home-bird. Also, at that exact time, a family member got so angry with me, my body shuddered at night. I have never felt that way before. Complete fear and felt the tremor in my body when I tried to sleep that night. And despair. Have never been able to make that person happy. Everytime I think of that person, I feel deep loss and guilt and I also blame myself for not giving that person a better life or a chance that I could have (by helping). I think that night when that person was upset, it was somewhat life-altering for me. I dont know, but never felt the same about life (or that person) since that day. Everything I had learnt in the leadership program felt ineffective after that one night.

5) Mental Profile: I tend to look calm, but sometimes say strange things without really thinking, the words just come out of my mouth. This is happening more recently, and in family. With outside people, I control myself, thining I maight say something incorrect or humiliating, although I have rarely actually done that.

a) Describe yourself in your own words: Very smart and educated, brilliant in finance, but has not applied enough of my knowledge, not yet as succeful as I could be. Am afraid of how to deal with people, don't think I really know where to start. Feel it may be better to just continue my current work and get paid the relatively low amount regularly. Used to be very pretty, but now with age, am not as attractive.

b) Any grief, broken relationship, any anger/resentment against anybody, any fears, any phobias?: Deep grief+fear about the person I mentioned above.

There is also another person who stays with us quite regularly. Creates family politics and then it's another story - I feel as though life is not enjoyable and that I have keep being like an air-hostess, smile and perform kitchen tasks all the time. My work goes up + exam studies + this person's complaints (person complains to my husband)

c) Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?: I get a funny sensastion in my chest when I think of that person. When people are singing national anthem, I get tears in my eyes. If I see pictures of people poor/poor in barren lands, I feel like crying.

6) a) If Female:(Describe in detail where ever necessary)

Age of Puberty: 15 yrs.
Cycle of periods: Now 5 weeks

Please describe the irregularities in periods, like pains, moods, flow
type, clots, sensations etc if there are any? : brown spots initially, then blackish looking, this time flow was only 2 days, that too not much. Many clots, everyting I sit in bathroom, flow increased.

Pregnancy problems— slight morning sickness at 3 months.
before/during/after - none others.
delivery: 1 (was not dilating, was kept induced labor for 32 hours, because baby was 4 days late, then c section at end).
Number of pregnancies: 2 (1 abortion)

If Menopause—headaches/flushes/sweats/dryness/mood swings/memory?: sweat early morning and sometimes at night. a bit moody - dont feel like going to meet people, have practically 0 meetings, also given this new job.

Any problem with intercourse?: Has been normal, but recently just one problem - 3 days ago - felt was very dry vagina - it was the day after the short period. Never happened like that before. Used to be very normal.

b) If Male: Not applicable.

Any problem with intercourse or sexual organs?

7) Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?: Would have answered No a few months ago. Now it's sometimes yes and sometimes no, feel desires have declined.

8) What do you crave for in food items and in general and what are your aversions in food items and in general? : spicy-sweet, hot. Not sweet. Like soups, liquid in daytime. Evenings like hot and spicy, have cut donw though due to throat problems. Also used to have throat bumps ususally after drinking wine. I do enjoy alcohol, have cut down. Do feel like having alcohol, but stop myself.

9) Describe your thirst and hunger? (Examples: Average or Excessive or
thirstless or loss of appetite or any other associated details)? Get thirsty a lot.

10) Describe your sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Are there any Recurring or significant dreams? : Like to keep my feet outside blanket as they feel hot when sleeping. Rest of body feels cold. Have been seeing my father (already passed away) and mother in law (also passed away) in dreams, but only recently. Good news is have slept well through the entire night, but that was only last few days. Before that ming used to keep thinking at night before going to sleep. Now - I guess it's because I study all day - eyes get sleepy and I fall asleep right away.

11) Describe about discharges (colour/odour/consistency)? [ Nasal, from ear or sweat (where do you sweat more? head/trunk/limbs etc), stool and urine.] : Hard scabs at top of inner nose skin - get one per year - almost every night. This had stopped with Dr Tahira's medication but has returned.

12) what is your preference—in climate, weather? (Examples: sun/shade/cold
dry/cold damp/hot humid/not extreme/well ventilated) : like sun, not too much sun. Like warm weather. Hate cold weather. Would like humid, but dont have.

13) Other details you want to say or if there are any peculiar things going on in your physical or emotional plane.: I feel I've taken quite a bit of homepathic medicines over time. Am I under Thuja's negative effects? With nails breaking + hairloss and thin hair problem (used to have very thick hair when younger), I need a solution. Please help. God bless you.
Hair Loss last decade
Also at night in bed after brushing teeth, feel bitter taste in mouth (even after properly gargling out the toothpaste).
Hair Loss last decade
Also tongue has 4 white spots/patches not perfectly circular - hopefully this willhelp in diagnozing. Thank you.
Hair Loss last decade
I talk to myself sometimes when alone.
Hair Loss last decade
Ok will analyse and will get back to you.
maheeru last decade
Thank you.
Yesterday and today as well: right ear has had 3 had wave like sounds like a fan or 'swoosh' sound as if something is moving in the ear. This happened twoce yesterday and once today. Not sure if water went into ear. Have been swimming once or twice a week. On the right side, also still have two small lumps under skin that I've had since childhood. They swell up when I have a cold etc. Dr. said they are lymph glands.(2 weeks ago )above the glands I had a swelling under skin, just below ear (size of a small pea) only feel when I touch, not visible. That hurt slightly when touched. Now that has reduced but it is still there although does not hurt when touched. Thought I should let you know.

Hair Loss last decade
there is an update to my answer on vag'l dryness. Had the vag'l dry one occasion, but as of yesterday back to normal. Thanks.
Hair Loss last decade

Please answer the following questions:

what are the remedies you have taken till now? and what's the reaction to each? which was the most beneficial remedy till now?

Can you throw more light what happened 2 years ago with that family member that made you feel fear and shivering?

what was the last homeopathic remedy taken? when?

How do you feel about your spouse and your child?

Since when are you having these skin issues(burning+scabs etc). Can you connect this to any incident or any reason?
maheeru last decade
what are the remedies you have taken till now? and what's the reaction to each? which was the most beneficial remedy till now?

childhood -
1. jaundice - was vaccinated/injections several
2. Diphtheria - vaccinated after diagnosis
3. Taken benadryl as a child when flu/congestion
4. Around age 17 - Taken skin lotion for scalp perscribed by dermatologist at age 16 - that was to treat dandruff ---but started getting scabs after lotion was applied (patchy peeel of scalp with pores visible showing where the hair used to reside).
5. Mezereum - took to treat the scabs explained above. Also took it in small quantities for a few years later till age 24- might have overdosed on it
6. then the thread for hairloss shows all other homeopathic medicine taken since.
7. Recently / last had taken Nux vomica when I fell sick - this is also explained in the thread for 'Hair Loss' postings.
Can't recall taking anything else homeopathic. A hoemo doc had once given me pills for clots in period / painful periods when I was 16 years old, but he didnt tell me the name of it.
8. An Ayurvedic doctor had once treated me with herbal oral mdeication that worked very well against worms (in stool)...again no name.
9. During c-section surgery I was given some cephaloxin, based antibiotic and I developed body rash. The gynaec got upset to find out I was allergic.
10. have used coconut oil on scalp as a kid , but stopped using it after the dandruff issue developed at age 17

Can you throw more light what happened 2 years ago with that family member that made you feel fear and shivering?: the family member (sister) got angry and loud at night regarding some misunderstanding. She thought I had said something inappropriate and she blamed me for something I had done -(which I had done without realizing). Then she went into a long loud explanation of how I was bad...etc. I used to be very attached to her. That night my body curled up in bed (as if a baby) and I felt fear and a shivering through my body. Had been so happy before that day. Haven't been able to talk to her since then.
In fact even as I type this note and recall that night, my breathing is getting a bot shortened and I'm breathing deliberately - the fear comes back briefly until I tell myself that it is all imagined and I stop my fear.

Its been 2 years since we stopped talking. But did get a phone call last year - again angry blaming me for many things that I didn't do. Loud and angry. I feel sad and a sense of loss.

what was the last homeopathic remedy taken? when? Nux vomica taken December 2nd week when I felt acidic and had burning like boils in throat (after taking Thuja) after I felt sick with throat infeaction/virus after walking in the cold / rain

How do you feel about your spouse and your child?: I love my husband, but I feel that lately he has been irritable and impatient with me. (he has herniated dis under control now and is taking lycopodium). I feel I can't have much say, that he doesn't really love me that much and that he is quite bit selfish. Regarding my exam study, my husband has invited the other angry relative (his father) to come and stay with us exactly 2 months before my exam, and he will be here till my exam. So am scared again, not of failing the exam but of being with the house atmosphere. A bit afraid that again they will say that I did something wrong. I try to cook properly etc, but am tired of pleasing all. My husband also gets loud and angry at times, and more so when his father is here. Again the thought of it (as I type this) gives me fear and is getting me breathing deep.

My daughter is very pleasant and great person. I am trying to (making time) enjoy with her.

Since when are you having these skin issues(burning+scabs etc). Can you connect this to any incident or any reason?: scalp issues itching etc started soon after the dermatologist lotions explained above.

I had only 1 small abdominal scab (left side at the level of waist, but at the back) last year which went away with Dr Tahira's Thuja does. Then most recent scabs on front adbdomen (around my c section stictches) started after I had scalp itching again and I had lost contact with Dr Tahira ...my colleague (who said she was a homeopath) told me to take... I took a low does Thuja 6X in water (as my colleague had indicated, when I lost contact with Dr Tahira). That triggered the abdominal reddish scabs/itchy which turnned black. Also developed scratch-marks on chest. Fortunately all this is reducing now.

My mind has become happ lately and also quite alert with studies. Although a bit sleepy during the day.

Basically my hair loss has not reduced with all of this. Hair had stopped thinning/itch but that lasted very short time (as I took wine) after Dr Tahira's medication.

Regarding fan like sound in ear, happens sometimes and more when I move, eg getting up from bed or walking.

Have been feeling hungry, weight has gone up slightly.

Getting white vaginal discharge slight.

Hope these are useful notes.
Hair Loss last decade
I think condition gets worse if I take any alcohol.
So have minimized, but did take a glass yesterday.
Hair Loss last decade
have to note that scalp itching used to be very severe last year, now it is not as spread on scalp, and only occasional itching on scalp.

Another thing is that I used to drink a lot of tea (3-4 cups) since 9th grade and through and since college days. and only during Dr Tahira's guidance did I stop tea. Now completely stopped tea....the last tea I had was a a few days sgo - and I didnt get sleep at night.

when I dont drink tea, getting better sleep.

promised not to drink tea ever again.
Hair Loss last decade
mind does feel a lot calmer and focused recently. Not full of continuous mixed thoughts as I used ot have last year. I guess feeling generally better than last year - but wishing that hair would strengthen again.
Hair Loss last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.