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John Stanton. Silicea seems to be aggravating my indented scars

I've been taking for more than 2 weeks now, silicea 6x (thrice a day) and arnica 30c wet dose (twice a day) for acne indented scars.
However I see that my face skin looks dry, scars are a lil bit more evident than before hence pores have widened...its discouraging so far.. now they tell me to take hepar sulf, fluoric acid, or graphites ointment..very very confusing.
Should I stick with silicea & arnica in the hopes that this is how these medicines work in the first stages, or shift to another remedy?. I wait for your suggestions. Thank you!

  Almasty on 2006-05-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
John Stanton isn't responding on this forum at the moment.

Almasty - 2 weeks is nothing when you are dealing with scars. You need PATIENCE , my friend. And LOTS of it. If I were you I would go lower with the potency of silicea . I used 3x. If you are using arnica also , and many homeopaths would advise one or the other , take the silicea in am and arnica before bed, leaving good gap in between. Personally, if you now longer have acne, i'd just stick to silicea and nothing else. In my experience the silicea does work in the 3x wet dose method (dissolve 3 pillules in 400ml of spring water and shake vigorously. Then before each dose shake and give yourself half teaspoon under the tongue 3 times daily).

Think in terms of months and not weeks, and remember that the silicea may well throw up some pimples or such like in the process . Such activity means the rememdy is working , although this has put MANY people off this method (there are loads of threads on silicea and acne so do a search).

Above all you need commitment and ,~(again) patience. If you really feel you're not getting anywhere after a month, look into flouric acid, although had no experience of this myself.

All the best
carlotta last decade

Thank you very much for your input, indeed. I will follow your suggestions and have the confidence that it will work in the long term.

As I told you, what really backed me off from silicea was the fact that my acne indentations were MORE EVIDENT than before, so it was a real shock (fairly speaking), ...but now bearing in mind that its the beggining i will carry on.

Almasty last decade
Yep, they are more evident cos there is activity happening deep in the dermis. Silicea is a deep acting remedy and it pushes to the surface , 'throws up' what needs to be expelled from within to restore skin architecture to normal. Kuldeep has written loads on this. You could try his home-made method 'rock juice'. I think I was one of the few to find it effective.
Don't be suprised if you're skin changes and gets oily, or drier - mine went through many stages . Also I dont care what anyone says about suppression, you need to exfoliate the surface of the skin to remove dead skin cells so new ones can come through, so use a mild salycilic acid treatment at night or a good quality scrub with small particules.

What you're doing is encouraging the cell turn-over which is really important when you deal with scars. Eat good diet too with lots of fresh fruit and veg and take an Omega 3 oil to hydrate skin from inside. A mineral supplement with zinc is also v. helpful.

Attack from all sides... you'll get there in the end !!

Hugs too !
carlotta last decade

I am buying silicea 3x, and giving up with silicea 6x. I will report you later of the outcome. Thank you again for your time and disposition.

Almasty last decade
Good plan.

And use 'wet dose' method.

Take 500ml bottle spring water (not mineral etc but SPRING) and pour a bit out.

Put 3 pills in.

Shake v. well 30+ times.

Before each dose , shake 10 times and take teaspoon of remedy under tongue . No strong flavours in mouth 15mins before or after.

Do this morn, afternoon, night.

Let me know how you get on .

Take care!
carlotta last decade
Hello Carlotta,

When you say 3 pillules of silicea, you mean the little whitish balls contained in the plastic plastic bottle?. I purchased one today, and seems like there's some 100 of the lil orbs inthere. I ask you this because I wanna make sure that I am doing the correct wet dose combo.

Thank you very much again

Almasty last decade
seems all is in control here.
John Stanton last decade
Yes those ones - pills/tablets/pillules - all same.
Don't worry too much over the number - 3 or 4 is fine . It's the shaking that's the important bit.
carlotta last decade
Thank you Carlotta, and take care

Hello John Stanton

Almasty last decade
Carlotta one last question, what do you mean by SPRING WATER, not mineral, like...what brands? ...literally speaking i couldnt go up to the woods where i live and collect some spring water myself, heheh :(, so I was
seeing the possibility of buying any 'natural water' (with no gas) they sell in the mall. would that be ok?

Thank you

Almasty last decade
I am not sure of the science bit, but all the homeopaths here - Joe, Kuldeep ... who use this method stress that spring water must be used , i guess cos it's a different molecular make up from mineral (which is loaded with trace elements already i suppose). I think spring is the best carrier water for homeopathic purpose ... I dunno, other people here would know better ... but if you seriously live near a real spring then WOW that's a pretty cool thing, but to be on safe side ..buy it from a bottle. Try a wholefood store or a huge supermakets . I live in UK so I dunno the lowdown on water buying in US, but just study the labels on the bottles. Spring water will say spring water... : )
carlotta last decade
Carlotta I am so glad that you did your best to help me.
I am now reporting how things are going with me. First of all, I live in south america (chile) and they dont sell bottled spring water. At best they would offer me 'bottled natural water (with no gas)'.
So, in the making of the wet dose silicea, I resorted to this natural bottled water as a last resource...Do you think i will still work out?.
Separately I've noticed that my cheeks swells after taking my silicea dose. However this doesnt concern me too much. I've put all the faith in silicea.

Take care

Almasty last decade

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