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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

8 month old with fever

My son suddenly developed a fever last night.
Temp is currently 101.4
He also has a lot of ear wax that is dark yellow/orange with no odor, normally he does not have excessive wax.
No other symptoms.
He is breastfed and nursing well, wants to be held and nurse and sleep...normally a very happy smiley baby, but now just wants to rest and is lethargic.
Never had any shots.
He is not eating baby food well today, normally he eats pretty good (kosher diet--no unclean meats).
Tylenol does not seem to be lowering his temperature.
I would like to know something that is plant-based to give to help lower the fever more quickly.
  mayfloweracademy on 2006-05-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please give baptisia 30 daily three dose for 3 days and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
two doses of CHAMOMILLA 30C at 8 to 10 hours interval during the day time and one dose of NUX VOM 30C at night.
rishimba last decade
Nevermind, he got over it last night. I just nursed him 'round the clock and held him A LOT. The fever broke last night and he is back to his old happy self today. But next time I will try to have something on hand--if I can find it around here, may have to order online.
mayfloweracademy last decade

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