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Inflammation neck

Hello, my daughter (20years) suffers since a few days from nausea and vomiting at night, caused by cramped muscle with inflammation in her neck. It may be because of stress from her examens What can help her?
  Dunia on 2024-05-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
How is thirst for cold water and cold substances?
is she weak and exhausted after vomiting; burning pains red tongue and frequent pulse; sour, acrid vomiting, black vomit?
Does vomits at night what she has taken during day?
HealthyWorld 3 weeks ago
She doesnt have thirst for cold water. After vomiting she is exhausted, feals weak all day. Vomiting is not sour, just water. No burning pains, no red tongue
Dunia 3 weeks ago
I would recommend the following
homeopathic prescription:
Nux vomica 30C, 3 doses daily
- Covers symptoms: Nausea,
vomiting, cramps, inflammation,
exhaustion, weakness
- Note: Nux vomica is a common
remedy for exam-related stress and
anxiety, which may be contributing to
her symptoms

Bryonia 30C, 2 doses daily
Covers symptoms: Neck stiffness,
muscle cramps, inflammation, fatigue
Note: Bryonia is a remedy often
used for neck and muscle complaints,
and may help alleviate her neck cramps
and inflammation

Gelsemium 30C, 1 dose daily
· Covers symptoms: Weakness,
exhaustion, fatigue
- Note: Gelsemium is a remedy often
used for exhaustion and weakness,
and may help her regain energy
drsajid 3 weeks ago
She took these things but now her blood shows she has Pfeiffer disease. She sleeps a lot. What can i give her? Shes in the middle of her exams...
Dunia 3 weeks ago
Ok we should proceed for the treatment of Pfeiffer disease,
So the prescription is,

1. Calcarea Carbonica (30C, 3 times a
day) -
2. Silicea (30C, 3 times a day)
3. Cell Salt: Calcarea Phosphorica
(6X, 3 times a day) .
drsajid 3 weeks ago
You can only follow one person prescription at a time. Anuj also prescribed- Decide who to follow and post only on that thread. If you want to change prescribers later you can simply thank the person and do a new thread.
simone717 3 weeks ago
Thx, I followed your advice. I posted a new topic because at first I didnt find my previous message.
Dunia 3 weeks ago
you can click your user name and see your threads to make it easier to post on the one you want.
And clicking any user name will show their bio and forum thread history.
simone717 3 weeks ago
I forgot to ask how long she has to take this. She also has An infection : Her blood shows that she has a very bad functioning liver as well and very low white bloodcells.
Dunia 3 weeks ago

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