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Dr. Maheeru please suggest medicine for normal delivery Page 2 of 4

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Hello Doctor,

she has taken four doses in fourteen days and below are update.

1. sleep is good.
2. appetite is good.
3. mood is good.
4. no pins and burning on wound site.
5. feeling low energy she has started house chore but after doing little chore she is feeling tired.
6. back pain also increase feeling better when lying down and increasing when seating and bending and doing house chores, back pain starting from bottom of spine and going up to middle of back and also both side of spine. when she is doing house chores she feel feels stand up because of pain.
7. she is also feeling like cram when she is getting up after lying, started from bottom of back and going up to front of upper leg.
8. She is getting hurt on small thing and crying.

please advice.
[Edited by mariz on 2018-05-06 17:52:09]
mariz 6 years ago
Please ask her to take Sulph. 30c one pill/drop as a dose, one dose per week for four weeks.

Report the changes periodically.
maheeru 6 years ago
Thank you for reply.

ok, will update you.
mariz 6 years ago
Hello sir,

she has been taking Sulph. 30c and till today she has taken three doses and below are update about her health.

1. Back pain reduced up to 75% she is feeling only 25% pain while doing house chores other than no pain and pain also not going up side only feeling in lower back.

2. Still mood is not happy she does not want to talk want to be silent, not feeling happy as before pregnancy, feeling hurt and angry on small thing.

3. During a day energy is good but at the end of day she feels tired and weak.

4. Sleep is good.

5. Appetite is ok but not good.

Her hemoglobin level is 12 and 5th month started on 19/5/18.

Please advice further.
mariz 6 years ago
Let her complete the fourth dose also.
maheeru 6 years ago
Hello sir,

she has completed four doses of Sulph.30c and below are update about her health.

1. Back pain reduced up to 75% she is feeling only 25% pain while doing house chores other than no pain and pain also not going up side only feeling in lower back, she feels pain when sear for long time.

2. Still mood is not happy she does not want to talk want to be silent, not feeling happy as before pregnancy, feeling hurt and angry on small thing.

3. During a day energy is good but at the end of day she feels tired and weak.

4. Sleep is good.

5. Appetite is ok but not good.

6. she is feeling burning sensation in lower abdominal during a day and also feeling tightness but not in Cesarean site.

7. she wants to know that why she feels bone pain while press on bone of leg, hand and spine?

Her hemoglobin level is 12 and 5th month started on 19/5/18.

Please advice further.
mariz 6 years ago
Please reply..
mariz 6 years ago
today we have done ultrasonograpyh i have attached report please see.

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mariz 6 years ago
Let her take one dose of sulph. 200c. Wait for 10 days and then report unless there is something that needs to be reported soon.

Report is fine.
maheeru 6 years ago
Thank you for reply.

since last 2 to 3 days she has been feeling shortness of breath, headache, tightness in both legs and weakness so we visited to gynecologist yesterday and she checked her B.P and it was 60/100 she told to take electrolyte water.

one more thing can we start medicine for anemia?

looking for your valuable advice.
mariz 6 years ago
Did the Gyn. say anything about anemia or taking medicines for anemia? According to the report she is well inside the normal range of haemoglobin.

What happened in the last few days to have these symptoms?
maheeru 6 years ago
Thank you for reply.

when we had to meet Gyn. and told her about symptoms then she replied that this can happen due to anemia but when she checked B.P. then she told that this is due to low BP and advice to take electrolyte water since then she has been taking electrolyte water and now her symptoms slowly disappearing.

Currently she is taking medicines of calcium, iron and folic acid prescribed by Gyn.

since last few days temperature was very high.
mariz 6 years ago
Dry or humid climate? In other words does your place have a sea nearby?

Since when is she taking iron, folic acid and calcium medicines?
maheeru 6 years ago
our place has not a sea nearby.

she has been taking medicines for almost two months.
mariz 6 years ago
Let her go ahead with sulph. 200c dose.

Let her also take Ferr. phos 6x and Calc. phos. 6x two pills twice a day for a week on alternate weeks. If she starts on monday the first week, she shall take this till sunday. Leave the second week without tissue salts---from monday to sunday. Then in the third week again from monday she can take tissue salts. This way she can take on alternate weeks.
maheeru 6 years ago
are these tissue salts for normal delivery?

can she continue medicines prescribed by Gyn.?
[Edited by mariz on 2018-06-14 04:25:08]
mariz 6 years ago
Tissue salts would help towards normal delivery, but that is a long term goal, for now they are to work as supplements and a general tonic.

Whether she will have to continue gyn. prescribed medicines that i will leave it to you to decide after talking to your doctor---if they are essential medicines then they should be continued.
maheeru 6 years ago
She has taken sulph. 200 and here are updates.

1. She does not have desire to eat enything, not feeling hungry.

2. Feeling tired and weak.

3. Not feeling happy,feeling irritated and anger.
mariz 6 years ago
please reply.
mariz 6 years ago
Wait for a few days more and see if things improve. Keep Nux vom 30c handy.

Has she started taking tissue salts?
maheeru 6 years ago
Thank you for reply!


yes she has started tissue salts.
mariz 6 years ago
Please add Nat. mur 6x to F.phos 6x and Calc. phos. 6x. N. Mur 6x for four weeks only. The other two can be continued till further instructions.
maheeru 6 years ago
you had already prescribed Ferrum Phos 6x and Calc. Phos 6x.

your have wrote Nat. Mur 6x two times.

i am totally confused.

yesterday again she was feeling shortness of breath and headache and feeling like paralyses in both leg then she started taking electrolyte water and now feeling better dont know why her B.P. going down.
[Edited by mariz on 2018-06-21 05:09:36]
mariz 6 years ago
Why should there be confusion? She is going to take F.P+C.P+N.M for a few weeks. Instead of two tissue salts it's going to be three. Tissue salts number can go up or down depending on symptoms. It's not a thing to worry. Based on evolving symptoms tissue salts or remedies can change.
maheeru 6 years ago
ok, i have understood.

Thank you.
mariz 6 years ago
Hello sir,

Here are update after taking Sulph.200.

1. Appetite improved little bit but not fully.
2. some improvement in mood but still not normal.
3. no improvement in energy, she wakes up energetic in the morning and at the end of day she gets tired and exhausted.

Please advice.
mariz 6 years ago

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